
In addition to the ancient style of Shatian gorge, Fengzhi and Longyan also unconsciously stepped back.

From this, we can see the terrible place of the Chatian gorge.

You know, Fengzhi and others are just looking out of the canyon, and they have never entered the Chatian gorge. It's hard to imagine what it would be like if they really entered the valley.

It was a long time before xianbao'er broke the silence.

"Hoo..." "She's not famous," she said

Before that, xianbao'er only knew something about the Shatian gorge from the mouths of xianhelai and Chu Xuanji. Until now she has seen it with her own eyes, she really has a clear impression of it.

Like xianbao'er, she also nodded repeatedly.

As for Fengzhi four people

I have never heard of the name of the Chatian gorge before. Now of course, I don't feel so much about it. I just think it's a wonderful place.

Feeling the faint sense of danger coming from the Chatian gorge, Fengming couldn't help but take a breath, "Fengzhi, do we really want to hone ourselves here?"

Feng Ming's voice is a little empty.

Even standing outside makes them feel so dangerous. If they really go inside, what will happen is really unimaginable. If it is really like those immortals before, they will finally stay in the Chatian gorge forever

It's a shame to think about it.

Feng didn't answer Fengming's question for the first time. She looked at the ancient style with the rest of her eyes, and noticed that the ancient style was also staring at herself, as if waiting for her answer.

She then took up the corner of her mouth, pulled out a smile, and stretched lazily: "we people have already appeared here, you still ask this kind of question, isn't that nonsense?"

"But, here..."

Feng didn't wait for Fengming to finish speaking, and said, "what are you so anxious about? Haven't you seen that some of us have entered the Chatian gorge and come out safely? There is an ancient custom, and we won't encounter any danger, will we? "

The last "yes" is, of course, about antiquity.

When the ancient wind heard the speech, he also had a smile on his face. He winked at Fengzhi: "Fengzhi, you are still brave indeed. I thought you would be scared by the Chatian gorge. Don't worry. Although it's really dangerous in here, it's not impossible to survive in it. When I went to the Shatian gorge, my strength was lower than now. Your strength was not lower than that of me at that time. Even if it is not safe, there is a great possibility that I can leave here safely... "

Listen to the ancient wind said, Feng Ming immediately relaxed, "so ah, that I'm at ease."

Feng couldn't help but turn a white eye in her heart.

This Fengming is really lack of heart and eye. It's easy to rest assured. If there is something wrong with the ancient style, it is estimated that he is the first one to be eaten and wiped clean.

If Fengming knew that Fengzhi thought of him like this, he would feel very wronged.

Isn't it just injustice?

As long as there is Fengzhi around, Fengming has always been used to everything without a brain, as long as listen to the decision of Fengzhi and then follow the steps of Fengzhi.

It's the same now.

In Fengming want to come, this is not a phoenix to it, in this case, he certainly does not need to use his brain.

Although she thought so in her heart, for some reason, Feng did not satirize Fengming any more. Instead, she decided to go to the Chatian gorge after a few days' rest.

If there were no accidents, they would have stayed in the rift valley for at least half a year.

Although it's only half a year, if you think about the danger in the rift valley, it's too long for ordinary people to bear.

However, in Feng Zhi's opinion, if you can't stay in it for a certain period of time, how can we achieve the purpose of tempering them?

Since the schedule has been set, Fengzhi and others naturally need to have a good rest before entering the cleft sky gorge.

How to recuperate?

With xianbao'er's words, of course, it is to make something delicious to reward yourself!

Of course, only Fengzhi has such skills, so the chef is naturally Fengzhi. As for others, they are all assigned by Fengzhi.

Seeing that the ancient style has gone far under the instruction of Fengzhi, xianbao'er comes to Fengzhi mysteriously. "Sister Fengzhi, I don't know if I should say something..."

Xianbao'er is a little embarrassed, and from time to time he looks at the direction of the ancient wind just left.

In this way, it is clear that what she wants to say is related to the ancient style, and it must not be a good one.

Feng to suddenly came to interest.

Xianbao'er is usually very careless, and his heart is very simple. There is something wrong with the ancient style. Except for xianbao'er, other people can see it more or less. I didn't expect that xianbao'er has discovered it now."Oh? If you have anything to say, you should say it first. " Feng Zhi Dao.

Xianbao'er hesitated for a while and then said, "Sister Feng Zhi, I always think something is wrong with Gu Feng. I can't tell you what's wrong with him..."

Xianbao'er said this, but he was embarrassed that he said right and wrong behind his back.

However, thinking of the strange feeling of Gu Feng in his heart, xianbao'er suppressed all his embarrassment and continued: "sister Fengzhi, there must be something wrong with this ancient style. We talked about Si Hao earlier. Although there is no obvious difference in the ancient style, he obviously knows Si Hao and is still on his side. We must be on guard against him !”

At the same time, because of the dislike of Si Hao, xianbao'er still can't help clenching his fist and waving vigorously.

Feng to see her like this, immediately happy.

After reaching out and patting xianbao'er's head, Feng Zhi said, "baby, this kind of thing that needs brain power is not suitable for you, so ah, you should follow us honestly. There is no need to think about anything else..."

Xianbao'er gave a slow "Oh" sound.

Feng Lai couldn't help but draw the corners of her mouth.

After noticing Feng Lai's reaction, xianbao'er realized that she had no brain?

"Sister Feng Zhi..." Xianbao'er took a sad look at Feng, and then went to Feng to lean there, obviously seeking comfort.

Feng Zhi "ha ha" laughs twice, the voice is full of joy.

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