Gu Feng, who left earlier, just came back at this time. Seeing Feng Zhi laughing, he was puzzled and said, "Fengzhi, what are you talking about? So funny?"

Feng Zhilian's smile on the bottom shook her head: "nothing. I'm laughing with bao'er."

Gu Feng's eyes flashed slightly, and then he did not continue to ask.

The next few days, Feng to several people have a good rest, strive to adjust their own state to the best.

In such a dangerous place as Chatian gorge, if you are not in good condition, you are joking about your life.

Fengzhi and other people can't help but cherish their own lives. Naturally, they don't personally try to see if their carelessness in the rift valley will ruin their own lives. As a result, after a few days of Kung Fu, they all feel that their state is almost the best in history.

Seeing that all the people were full of energy, Feng Zhi nodded and said, "well, it seems that everyone has adjusted their state. Then, we should go into the Rift Valley..."

Everyone's face was one of Su.

Crack sky gorge, they're going in at last.

If we want to relax the atmosphere in the valley, then we will be able to relax the atmosphere even if we have a lot of luck But... "

Listen to Feng to say so, people pour also really relaxed down.

Listening to Feng Zhi's tone, it's like that the rare empty God dew is just waiting for her to reach out and take it. If it is heard by other immortals, how can you laugh at them!


In Fengzhi's words, the dream still has to have, in case it is realized?

Perhaps, they really have such good luck, can get a lot of empty God dew?

And all the people were excited.

Next, Feng Zhi didn't waste time. She nodded in the direction of the ancient style, indicating that the ancient style was leading the way in front of her.

The ancient wind will understand, and then walk in front of the first toward the rift valley.

Since the appearance of the Chatian gorge, there have been many immortals who have entered it in order to find treasures. In the words of a famous person on earth, there is no way in the world. If there are more people, there will be a way.

So, up to now, from the wilderness outside, there is a ladder that can reach the bottom of the rift valley. Through this almost vertical ladder, you can directly go down to the bottom of the valley.

The ancient wind led the people to the stairs, pointed to the bottomless, dark crack sky Canyon and said, "this is the only way to the bottom of the Chatian gorge for so many years. We will go down from here later. I stress again that it is very dangerous below. If you want to come out safely, you must be careful and careful!"

No need for him to emphasize, everyone knows that.

Seeing that everyone had no other words to say, Gu Feng nodded again and took the first step on the vertical ladder.

As he walked along, he also said: "stepping on this ladder means that we have lost the ability to fly. Therefore, from here to the bottom of the rift valley, we can only walk on our own hands and feet step by step. If one is not careful..."

With these words, he looked at the bottom of the Chatian gorge, and the meaning could not be understood.

People's heart is again a Lin, after stepping on that ladder, all are careful.

Whether it is a fairy, or the aborigines in the fairyland, since they are immortal, they can fly by themselves. Fengzhi and others have not experienced it for a long time.

And now, they've done it once.

Lost the ability to fly, from time to time in the canyon below came a throb of palpitating suction, everyone next step of the ladder, are careful to strive to be safe, do not dare to have any carelessness.

One step, two steps, three steps

The more you go down, the darker the light will be. When you get down to 30 steps, you will see that it is not far away from the ground, but it seems to be a forbidden area for sunshine. No matter how bright the sun is, it can't be passed down.

Dark, cold, horrible

This is all the impression of Fengzhi on the Chatian gorge.

These ideas are pressed to the bottom of my heart, Feng to a few people to get up and continue to go down.

In the dark, they don't know how many steps they have gone down. In their sense, there seems to be no end in front of them, and they don't know how long they have to go down

For a long time, Fengzhi and others were almost numb. The ancient wind at the front suddenly jumped down from the stairs, and then steadily fell to the ground in the dark.

"Here it is!" The ancient wind danced lightly on the ground.


The crowd was relieved.God knows, if they have to go on like this endlessly, they will not have reached the bottom of the Chatian Canyon, they will be impatient.

To be impetuous in such a dangerous place is undoubtedly to seek death.

Not long, Feng to several people will all stand on the ground at the bottom of the canyon.

Feng Zhi takes out a piece of Yingshi for lighting from the space, and the soft Yingguang immediately dispels the darkness around, so that people can see the surrounding situation clearly.

From the previous description of xianbao'er, Fengzhi four people know that the cleft sky gorge was formed suddenly because of the falling stones. In Fengzhi's mind, since this is the case, the bottom of the Chatian gorge should be extremely primitive.

But now

What appeared in front of Fengzhi and others was a very smooth side, just like a cliff cut by a very sharp blade. No plants could be seen on the cliff. If you looked up, you could see a light belt like Tianhe in the distance.

Well, it's probably the sky over the wasteland.

Back against this cliff, looking in other directions, except for the scope illuminated by the Yingshi, the other places are still dark.

Also don't know why, Feng to a few people always feel, this piece of darkness seems to have something to spy on them at any time, let them instantly even cold hair all follow erect.

Feng to immediately alert up.

Standing in front of the crowd, she made a gesture to stop. Then she looked cautiously at the ancient wind: "is there anything hidden in the darkness at the bottom of the Chatian gorge?"

Gu Feng nodded, "there is something really hidden, and it is extremely dangerous..."

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