Come on!

Feng to the feet of such a crisp sound.

Without Feng's strength to hook up the hole on the ground, the big hand, which was made of clouds and fog, no longer has any resistance. It drags Longyan's foot to make it pull down.

Long Yan's body suddenly sank. At the same time, Feng Zhi, who was already exposed half of his body, also went down the cliff.

Waiting for them, we can imagine what the end will be.

At the moment when he is about to fall, the Dragon Yan smiles gently towards the Phoenix.

He asked, "Fengzhi, do you regret it?"

At the critical moment of life and death, Fengzhi not only has no fear, but also smiles at Longyan, "no regrets!"

They looked at each other with a smile.

Then, a strong sense of weightlessness came, and they fell into the endless sea of clouds below.

At this time, the void suddenly came a let Feng to listen to some familiar voice.

"Can you really stick to it?"

"No, I don't believe it!"

In the voice there is a very obvious reluctance and indignation.

Inexplicable, Feng to also heard from this voice some hidden envy.


What do you envy?

Then, realizing what she was thinking, Feng Zhi couldn't help but be funny.

She is also really, she is in the critical moment of life and death, maybe now is the last moment of her life, she did not think about her lover and relatives, but had the leisure time to care about what kind of emotion was contained in such a strange voice.

This idea just flashed through Feng Zhi's mind. At the next moment, Fengzhi found that his world suddenly began to collapse. First, the body of Longyan, who fell off the cliff one step at a time, disappeared completely. Then, the sea of clouds below and the whole sky were broken.

It seems that the whole world is broken in an instant.

What's going on?

Then, those things that had been forgotten before began to return to Feng Zhi's brain.

Recalling the previous experience in the world that should have been so lifelike that it could not be confused with the truth, Feng couldn't help wringing her eyebrows.

The power that has become a wisp of immortal soul, he said that the choice he wanted Fengzhi to make was to let Fengzhi leave Longyan when he was in danger?

And the last sentence that I heard in that dreamland before clearly indicated that after confirming Fengzhi's choice, the great power not only did not stop, but also continued the previous operation?

This is really

Feng Zhi's heart has a three character Scripture, I don't know when to speak it properly.

Since she set foot on the path of cultivation, she has never shown weakness or suffered any loss even when she encounters an enemy with higher strength than herself. But now, even if the other party is just a wisp of immortal soul, the gap in the realm makes Fengzhi have no way to take the other party. Even if she knows what the other party has done, all her means seem to be of no use to the other party, Can only passively wait for the other party to perform the same skill again?

Feng to don't mention how much hate the feeling at the moment.

But at the same time, the phoenix also made a fierce.

She now understood that the great power of the immortal soul was obviously out of balance. From his voice, he must have experienced the betrayal of his lover. Therefore, after seeing the inseparability between himself and Long Yan, she was envious and envious. She had to try her best to make her decision to leave Longyan behind.

For Fengzhi, no matter it is real or fantasy, as long as it is Long Yan, she will never give up.

Therefore, even if it was not for the purpose of not letting the great power fulfill her wish, she would not release her hand under such circumstances.

Of course, now that he knew the purpose of the evil taste of the great power, Feng Zhi became more firm in his mind.

Ha ha

She gave the void a sneer.

If you want me to do it, I'll be a counsellor!

Feng to in the heart vicious way.

The next moment, Feng to the front is a burst of change.

Having had the experience before, Feng Zhi of course knows that this is what the great power is doing again.

As expected, the figure of dragon and Phoenix appeared again.

However, different from the last time, they did not appear on the edge of the cliff, but appeared in front of a magnificent temple where a grand ceremony was being held.

If you defeat your opponent, you will get the chance to enter the most famous sect.

And Feng Zhi's opponent is no doubt Long Yan.

Feng to the heart is a three character Sutra.

It seems that this time the great power has changed his strategy

Such a thought just flashed in Feng Zhi's heart, and her brain was confused again. Then, Feng Zhi forgot something again.……

The next time, Fengzhi seems to have had one dream after another.

In the dream, she and Long Yan have to face the extremely difficult choices that others think of again and again, including the crisis of life and death, the temptation of interests, the struggle of organic fate

All the things that are most difficult to give up in the eyes of the immortal people are in the middle of Fengzhi and Longyan again and again.

Although the immortal has a word of "immortal", in the final analysis, it is still human, and people will have their own selfishness. In the face of so many temptations, no matter how determined a person is, he can never say that he will always be able to maintain his original intention and not be seduced by those foreign objects.


Fengzhi did it.

In fact, when waiting for Feng Zhi to break away from these dreams, she has only a very vague impression of the situation in the dream. She has long been unable to remember what she has experienced.

Under such circumstances, she knew that she had kept her original intention every time, of course, because of her performance now.

Back to the previous space, not far from the Phoenix to the front, the immortal soul of great power was flashing rapidly, and its frequency was so fast that people doubted whether the immortal soul would suddenly disperse.

In the white light, the great energy was staring at Feng Zhi with a pair of eyes open. However, there was no elegance and beauty when Feng Zhi first saw him.

"You The light of envy and jealousy in the eyes of the great power almost came out of his body, "you dare to disappoint me, young man..."

As he spoke, he raised his hand.

Obviously, this is because Feng Zhi let him down and give him some color to see.

Although he was just a fairy soul, Fengzhi had seen the power of this man before. Even if he was in such a state now, Fengzhi was sure that he could never get any benefits from him.

Feng Zhi is quite aware of the current affairs, so she never thought of meeting this person.

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