Aware of the impending danger, Feng Zhi not only did not panic, but also smile at the man.

"Master..." Seeing the man's palm getting closer and closer to himself, in order not to let himself really get the slap, Feng sped up his speech without trace, "are you jealous of Long Yan?"

Having experienced so many illusions before, Feng can't remember the details, but she doesn't believe that this great power doesn't know who Long Yan is.

And listen to Feng to this, that is about to take a palm of her body is also a little stiff, and then completely stopped.

At the next moment, Feng Zhi heard this man's angry voice.

"Shut up!" Obviously, the great energy was so angry that even his immortal soul was constantly on the blink, just like an oil lamp which could be extinguished at any time by the wind.

"You are such a small generation that you dare to talk nonsense. Do you believe that I will pat you into meat paste with one hand?"

Feng Zhi really believed it.

This is indeed a great power. Even if it is the state of only immortal soul, it is very easy to deal with Fengzhi, which is only in the immortal period.


Feng Zhi smiles.

Only from the previous angry situation of this great power, she knew that she had held the gate of his life.

In that case, what else is she afraid of?

Two eyes smile into two beautiful crescent, Feng Zhi's eyes seem to have a bright light, she put down all the uneasiness, quite calm and said: "master, it's better to be honest, you are obviously jealous of your eyes are green, why do you have to deny it?"

Listen to Feng to such a say, previously also exposed that power suddenly fell into silence.

Feng Zhike has never been in the habit of not poking people's pain. Instead, he continued: "master, although I don't remember the specific situation in those illusions, I know that no matter what kind of choices I face, I have never left Long Yan behind for my own sake. The elder has made me face such a choice again and again Is it possible that Is it because you have been abandoned by your lover, so you want to see others have the same experience as you? "

After hearing Fengzhi's words, the great ability was obviously a little angry.

The expression on his face changed several times, trying to get angry, but finally returned to calm.

Seeing him so, Feng Zhi also quietly relieved.

Although she has certain assurance in her heart, if she really makes this great power angry and gives her a slap, where will she go to reason?

After a long time, Fengzhi heard a faint sigh.

This sigh seems to have countless bleakness, so that the people who hear are tainted with emotions such as pain, unwilling, despair and so on.

Also the Phoenix to the loss of a firm mind, but in the blink of an eye, they recovered from these emotions.

Approval flashed in the eyes of the great power.

Although he had known for a long time that the younger generation in front of him was outstanding among his peers, he was still quite surprised to see her recover so quickly under his influence.

But it's not surprising to think about it.

If Fengzhi is not excellent, it is impossible to have such a firm mind. In the face of so many temptations, he can always adhere to his original intention.

Long Yan

Think about that one after another fantasy, has never been given up in any way, this great energy heart also has countless envy.

Silence for a while, he just nodded toward Feng Zhi: "you call Feng Zhi, right? That's right, you're jealous

With his seniority and age, he called Longyan a "little guy", which is not surprising at all.

Later, Feng Zhi heard the story of Da Neng.

His name is Xiao Xu.

If Fengzhi knew more about the celebrities in the fairyland, and even if xianbao'er said more about the cleft sky gorge, Fengzhi would not be unfamiliar with the name.

Only because one of the four heavenly kings who first entered the rift valley to explore the situation was called Xiao Xu.

After introducing myself, I saw that Feng didn't have any color on her face. Xiao Xu was a little strange, "little girl, have you never heard of my name before?"

Feng Zhi blinked and admitted: "master, I really haven't heard of your name taboo before. I didn't fly to the fairyland for a long time. I haven't had enough knowledge about the people and things in the fairyland."

There is something strange in Xiao Xu's eyes.

Not long after her ascension, she had not had time to inquire about the famous figures in the fairyland, but she had her later cultivation. Her real strength was far beyond her realm. This younger generation named Fengzhi was indeed the best Xiao Xu had seen in these years.

It is probably that he has been lonely for a long time in these years. Seeing such an outstanding younger generation, Xiao Xu has a rare chat.With a sigh of emotion, he went on to tell his own experience.

At that time, there was a sudden change in the wasteland. In the original wasteland, such a crack almost divided the wasteland into two, which was almost like a ferocious wound on the earth. Naturally, the fairyland immortals could not but explore it.

No one knows the details of such a place. If you want to open up wasteland, you can't be too weak.

As a result, Xiao Xu and the other three powerful monarchs were entrusted with heavy responsibilities under such circumstances, and entered the cracks that did not have the name of "splitting the sky".

And one of the other three Heavenly Kings is Xiao Xu's immortal companion, and Caixia fairy, the master of the colorful palace.

In the fairyland at that time, the love between Xiao Xu and Caixia fairy was admired by many people, just like the crane and Chu Xuanji.

When you enter a place like cleft sky gorge, there is such an immortal companion around. Even if Xiao Xu is such a powerful emperor, he has no consolation in his heart.

At that time, the Shatian gorge did not pass through the town seal of the southern emperor, and the danger inside was beyond the imagination of the present immortal. Soon after the four Xiaoxu entered the cleft sky gorge, they encountered many dangers.

Even though the four Xiao Xu people were all powerful, they all suffered some injuries under these dangers.

Xiao Xu, in particular, was seriously injured in order to protect the Caixia fairy under one of the crises.

Such a situation is obviously not thought of by several emperors before they came in.

After experiencing these dangers, several emperors explored the situation in the Chatian gorge. However, just as the four people were about to leave the valley, they suddenly encountered another unprecedented crisis.

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