Looking at the man in black behind him, he squinted at Fengzhi and said, "Fengzhi, I really like you. Well, I'll give you another chance. As long as you can change your mind now, I'll let you go. Otherwise You should know that it is impossible for you to escape from Xianjun's hands alone. At that time, not only yourself, but also Long Yan, as well as your little companions, will not be able to escape... "

At the same time, the smile on the face of the ancient style is also a bit more malicious.

Obviously, he wanted to force Feng Zhi to give up Long Yan.

Then he went on You have to think clearly, as long as you say "give up", you and all other people will be able to get away safely. As long as you say only one word, even if you say this word, you can continue to make love with Long Yan. If you have to ignore my good intentions, I will not be merciful this time... "

The sound and tone of Ming Ming's ancient style are the same as those familiar to Fengzhi and others. However, when his words are heard in people's ears, it always makes people feel more bewitching, which makes people subconsciously want to follow his meaning.

But Fengzhi was not bewitched at all.

Her eyes are firm, not confused at all, even because of the ancient style of these words, she is more firm.

As a matter of fact, the words of ancient style are just good to listen to.

It seems that Fengzhi only needs to say "give up" to solve their immediate crisis, but once she really says this "give up", even if they do not have a crisis, there must be a crack between her and Long Yan.

At that time, they are only afraid that they will also walk on the road like Xiao Xu.

With a sneer at the ancient wind, Feng Zhi said: "although I don't know why you insist on Separating me and Longyan, I have a quirk. The more you want me to do, I'm not happy. So you don't have to talk to me. I won't be cheated. Moreover, I and Long Yan will walk together. If you can live to that time Wait, then watch

A cold look in the eyes of the ancient wind.

"In that case, let's see."

And then a wave.

Almost at the same time, the man in black, who was standing behind him with a cold face, climbed rapidly and then waved his hands to both sides.


At the next moment, the waves visible to the naked eye are like ripples in the water, and they swing straight towards Fengzhi and his party.

Although they had been prepared for a long time, in the end, the boundary between the two sides was a little far away. Before Feng and several people could resist, the ripples brought by the air had already attacked them.


Several people spit out a mouthful of blood.

This can see the difference between Fengzhi and the powerful Xianjun. The man in black just hit him casually, and he had no strength to fight back. What Gufeng said before was really not a threat.

Of course, even in this case, Fengzhi didn't mean to bow down.

As long as her last bone is not broken, as long as she has the last breath, then, no one can let her do something against her heart!

And Feng to have the same idea, and Long Yan.

In such a situation, the two even have the time to look at each other and smile, and see firmness and affection for each other from each other's eyes.

It seems that Fenglai is a little impatient.

These two people, really let people do not know what to say about them, are already burning eyebrows, they actually have leisure time to laugh!

In such a short time, the second attack of the man in black has arrived.

For the man in black, fengzhiji is no doubt just a grasshopper who can't jump up and can only be kneaded by him at will. Therefore, when he attacks Fengzhi, he does not have any moves at all. He directly waves his fist at Fengzhi.

Although there is no move, it is only a simple blow, which is enough to threaten Feng Zhi.

In Feng Zhi's eyes, this fist is like a mountain falling towards them, which makes people feel panic.

Under such an attack, Feng Zhi's men did not even have the chance to fight back. They only had time to fold their hands in front of their chest to resist the imaginable heavy blow.


It was the sound of several heavy objects landing.

In this fist, Feng to several people even a blink of an eye did not insist on, then fell to the ground.

Looking at the expressionless man in black, Feng to the heart is also a burst of weakness.

For herself, Fengzhi has always been absolutely confident. She believes that as long as she is given enough time, she can definitely surpass the powerful one in front of her, and will surely reach a height beyond the reach of the Immortal King.

ButThat will take time.

The problem is, what she lacks is time.

Her enemies will not stop here waiting for her to catch up. Even if she has any talent, if she dies halfway before she grows up, what is the use of it?

Looking at the next second fist of the man in black, Feng tightly pursed her lips.

Under the pressure of such a level, she even went into the space with Long Yan, or returned to the cave.

Is it difficult to

She will be inexplicably planted in the hands of this ancient snake spirit disease?

When Feng Zhi thought about it like this, a very dazzling light flashed from her eyebrows. When all the people including the ancient style and the Immortal King had no time to respond, the light quickly formed a boundary within 10 meters around Fengzhi, protecting Fengzhi and other people.

Almost at the moment of the formation of the border, the man in black hit the border heavily.

Compared with the casual one just now, the man in black in the second punch did his best. If Feng Zhi was really hit, he would not die. He was afraid that he would lose half his life.

Such a heavy blow, however, was completely blocked by the sudden appearance of the seemingly fragile border. Moreover, it was not forced to block at all.

Obviously, the maker of the border is higher than the man in black.

Higher than the realm of Xianjun, no doubt, it must be the emperor.

As for the Emperor

Hehe, there are only a few emperors in the fairyland. How can such a top-notch person care about these small matters, let alone personally.


Feng to suddenly think that he did not long ago really contact a emperor.

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