The boundary appeared suddenly. Even if Fengzhi was the one protected by the border, she was really surprised. She didn't know what was going on.

But now, looking at the ancient style and the obvious surprise on the black man's face, Feng Zhi suddenly remembered Xiao Xu, who had just seen before.

She vaguely remembered that at the moment when she left, she seemed to hear Xiao Xu say that she wanted to give her a farewell gift, and she did have a little star light that was flicked to her eyebrows.

However, after Feng Zhi left from Xiao Xu, she only cared about the ancient style here, but she didn't have time to see what changes had taken place in her eyebrows.

Now it seems that

Xiao Xu's farewell gift seems to be the border?

In other words, Xiao Xu had predicted what would happen at that time, so he gave Fengzhi a security guarantee in advance?

If so, the Phoenix to really do not know how to thank Xiao Xu.

After all, she and Xiao Xu only met by chance. It's natural for Xiao Xu to help her at this time.

Of course, this is not the time to think about it.

Across the border, Feng to see the outside of the ancient style and black man.

Previously, he was beaten by a man in black, but now that he has free time, where can Feng Zhi keep silent?

"Today's two punches, I have recorded them!" Feng Zhi Dao.

She didn't continue to speak hard.

No matter how much hard words, when she is not strong enough, they are just jokes. When she has the strength in the future, she can ask Gu Feng and the man in black to come back.

The face of the ancient style is very gloomy.

Behind him, the man in black slightly bowed his head, slightly with some inquiry: "master?"

With the respect of Xianjun, you can bow to the ancient style and say the word "master" naturally. If you are seen by other Xianjun, you will be ashamed to be associated with the man in black.

Hearing his voice, Gu Feng first raised his head, then closed his face in a gloomy way. He laughed unexpectedly, and then shook his head slightly.

Although the man in black did not understand, he did not question the decision of the ancient style, and then stood back behind the ancient style.

The ancient style just looked at the Phoenix in the border.

"Fengzhi..." The old wind gave a deep smile, "I am more and more interested in you..."

Feng turned her eyes.

She is not interested in antiquity at all.

In the situation that the strength is obviously inferior to that of the people, now that there is already a border protection, Feng Zhi doesn't want to waste any more time to make use of his words. The most important thing is to leave here quickly.

She then took her eyes from the ancient style and the man in black, and whispered, "let's go."

This boundary is a gift from Xiao Xu, but no one knows how long it can last. If you delay time and let yourself and others fall into danger again, it's really a joke.

Long Yan, as well as the Phoenix to several people were injured, listen to the Phoenix to this, everyone began to nod.

Then, Fengzhi didn't look at the ancient style any more. First, they called out their own immortal utensils. The black soft sword appeared at the foot of Fengzhi like a streamer of light. Then they took Fengzhi and ran away to the distance, and Longyan followed them.

In the Phoenix to several people's full strength, but in a flash of Kung Fu, the ancient style and the man in black can no longer see their figure.

Seeing the ancient style, he didn't catch up with him. Fortunately, he was still standing in the same place. The reverence of the man in black was not reduced, but his eyes also had some doubts. He said: "master, although those people are not bad at talent, their strength is really very ordinary. Let alone the master, you are your subordinates. It's easy to catch up with them In my opinion, a border can last for several hours at most. As long as you spend a little more time and wait, the master can knead them as much as he wants. Why... "

Gu Feng laughed, "Xiao Hei, you have to know, if I really want them to die, they would have died for such a long time. I don't know how many times, how can I wait until now?"

How can the man in black say that he is also a strong man of Xianjun level, but he is called "Xiaohei" in the ancient fashion. However, he does not think that there is anything wrong with this.

Listening to Gu Feng's remark, he was even more puzzled.

"Well, you don't understand it anyway. You just have to do what I say." There are also ancient customs.

The man in black heard the words and said "yes", and then he really did not ask.

And Gu Feng, looking at the direction that Feng Zhi and his party left, gently picked his eyebrows and laughed again.

"In this world, is there really such a love that never gives up?" After a long time, Gu Fengdi sighed, "but how can I not believe it?"

From the previous performance of Fengzhi in those illusions and the willpower of Fengzhi as seen in the ancient style, Gu Feng was sure that he couldn't find any useful way to force Fengzhi to say what he wanted to hear.But

It's impossible for Feng to go there, but what about Longyan?

Thinking of this, the ancient wind raised his hand to wipe the void in front of him, and then he saw the air in front of him fluctuated, and then there was a mirror made of air condensation.

In this strange mirror, there is a young woman with bright appearance and enchanting figure.

The woman was wearing a white dress. Her thin clothes showed her beautiful figure. There was a strange charm of pure and delicate. She was leaning on a white jade bed. She saw the ancient style, and her expression was comfortable.

"Eh?" The woman raised her eyebrows, fingertips across the mirror toward the ancient wind a little bit, "you are not busy people, how can you have leisure time to contact me?"

Although it is only a simple action, but by this woman to do, can out of thin air more endless charm.

If a change of heart is not firm enough to look at this scene, I am afraid it has been captivated.

At this time, it's the first time for you to see the old woman, but it's not the first time you want to see her

Speaking of the word "play", I think of Feng Zhi and his party who have just escaped from their own hands. The smile on the ancient style is deeper.

"Oh?" The woman got interested and sat up from the white jade bed. "It's interesting to be called by you. It's really very interesting to think about it. Why don't you say it first?"

He knew that as long as he knew something interesting, women would not let it go easily.

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