"Not only are there interesting things, but also a couple of interesting people." Gu Feng picked his eyebrows and said, "this time, I met a couple of immortal lovers who love each other more than Jin Jian..."

Hearing this, the woman's face suddenly sank.

"Jian Jin?" With a sneer, the woman squinted and looked at the ancient wind, "how can a love be stronger than gold?"

Seeing that the woman's reaction was what he expected, the smile on the ancient style became deeper. Then he told the story of Fengzhi and Longyan again Why, is such a deep friendship enough to be stronger than Jin Jian? "

The woman snorted again.

Seeing her like this, the ancient wind raises her hand and coagulates a water ball. The water ball changes into the appearance of Long Yan. Even in the fairyland where there are no beautiful women and beautiful men walking everywhere, people can still see her bright face, and the indifference that does not seem to see anyone in the eyes. After being combined together, it has a different charm.

"Look at this man But still to your taste? " It's a bit old-fashioned.

The answer to this question can be found only by looking at the suddenly bright eyes of women.

She licked her lips gently, as if she saw something delicious It's so appetizing

"I knew it would be like this, so when I met this interesting person and thing, I would specially come to inform you. Otherwise, would you tell me if you would miss such a beautiful man?" Ancient wind road.

Listening to him say so, the woman said with a noncommittal smile, "OK, we are not the first time to deal with each other. In addition to acting furtively, you will never suffer losses. This time, I will think of me. I'm afraid it is not out of friendship, but you can't make up your own way?"

The ancient wind smiles, is tacit.

At this time, the woman was really interested. "I didn't expect you to be such a playwright. Let me have a look at what kind of fairy is so insightful?"

The old style is black.

However, he did not delay, immediately another water ball, this time the water ball turned out to be Fengzhi's appearance.

"Ah..." Across the light screen, the woman stretched out her slender fingers and gently touched on the bodies of Feng Zhi and Long Yan, who were transformed into water balls. "They are really made in heaven. They make people envy each other after seeing it, but..."

Speaking of the end, the woman's flaming red lips gently lifted up, eyes without any emotional color, the voice is cold enough to seem to fall out of ice debris.

“…… Why do I want to tear these two apart

"What's more, that little Lang Jun really has my appetite. If you can stay with me, you'll have a good taste, right?"

The smile in the eyes of the ancient style is deeper.

That's why he found this woman.

"In a word, I've found the fun for you. I don't have to do it for you by your means. Then, I'll wait and see." Ancient wind road.

The woman did not reply, only extremely charming gently "ha ha" two times.

Then, the light curtain in front of the ancient wind flashed violently, and there was no woman and son in it.

Lifting his hand to remove the light curtain, Gu Feng thought of Feng Zhi and his party who had left before. He said leisurely, "Fengzhi, don't let me down..."


Feng Zhi, who had left for a long time, of course did not know what happened to the ancient wind after they left.

With the fastest speed to run out of the hundred and eight thousand li, to determine the ancient style and the strength of the black man did not catch up, Feng to several talent is finally relieved.

Knowing that safety has come down, there will be more people's words.

The previous situation was really too urgent. Although the injury was not light, she didn't even have the ability to take pills. At this time, Fengming put pills into her mouth and said: "is that ancient custom, is he a snake spirit disease?"

Everyone else agrees.

Is it not serpentine disease that people do things that harm others and do not benefit themselves?

Who is willing to lay down such a heavy book just to hear that Fengzhi wants to abandon Longyan?

If the ancient style is Fengzhi's admirer, then there is always a reason for him to do such a thing. However, he said that he was interested in Fengzhi, but anyone who actually took office could see that he didn't really have that idea about Fengzhi, so why did he put so much effort into it?

Fenglai first put a pill into xianbao'er's mouth for healing, and then gave herself one. When the pill played its role and her face looked better, she looked at Fengzhi and said, "Fengzhi, they won't catch up again?"

Feng to shake his head, "the man in black is a strong immortal, if they really want to chase, we are afraid that we can't escape."

There will be only two people chasing the ancient style, so there will be no one at all.

Although I don't know why the ancient custom did not let the man in black catch up, but this is a good thing after all, isn't it?Confirm that there is no pursuit, Feng to a wave, then take all the people into the cave.

When I fought with the man in black, I didn't have time to let Feng Zhi take the people into the cave. Erlai Fengzhi didn't dare to enter the cave at that time.

The cave followed her. Where she entered the cave, she was still there when she came out.

Even if the ancient style and the black man's understanding of the laws of space are not as strong as empty old men, it is impossible to find the real location of the cave, but as long as they stay outside, it is equivalent to catching turtles in a jar.

After all, Fengzhi and others can't hide in the cave all their lives, can they?

Now that they have not caught up with Gufeng, it doesn't matter if they enter the cave again at this time.

Until they really entered the cave, all the people were relieved.

For a long time, after all the people looked at each other, Fengming said to everyone: "Alas, it's still not enough strength..."

The crowd nodded in silence.

Not to mention the emperor and the emperor, if one of them can have the strength of the Immortal King, they will definitely smash them with ease if one of them can have the strength of the Immortal King. How can they be beaten up like before?

This is still the old style, did not want to kill them at all, if the old wind is to want to put a cruel hand on it?

People have never been more urgent.

It was xianbao'er, who was protected by xianhelai and Chu Xuanji before. All the people they met didn't dare to provoke her because of her identity, so she hardly encountered any danger. After walking in front of the ghost gate this time, she also suffered a lot of injuries. She could not help but take a breath and said, "I will try my best to practice in the future."

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