Not only xianbao'er, but other people also think so.

In the following period of time, Feng Zhi and others did not rush out, but stayed in the cave to recuperate.

Although there are Fengzhi's pills, their injuries come from the strong ones of Xianjun. They can't be completely cured by the pills alone.

After the injury was cured, out of the urgent desire for strength, the people chose to close down in the cave together. No matter what, it is always right to improve the semi strength and go out again.

It will be another five years.

On a hill in the cave, Feng Zhi sits cross legged in the border, her eyes closed and her face serious.

Now is the critical moment for her breakthrough.

Speaking of it, it was not long before she was promoted to the later stage of Tianxian. According to her training speed, she is unlikely to make a breakthrough in such a short time.

After all, the level she is facing now is to break through the celestial immortality period to Daluo Jinxian.

However, after breaking through to the later stage of Tianxian, Fengzhi also experienced a lot of things. The ancient style and the man in black with Xianjun's strength made her feel the crisis of life and death. Under the superposition of these times, Fengzhi also slightly touched the threshold of Daluo Jinxian.

It's just that Dara Jinxian can be regarded as a middle-level power in the fairyland. Naturally, it's not so easy to break through. Therefore, even though the five-year closure has restored the harvest of these years, Fengzhi still thinks that it is always a bad thing to face the door.

The immortal Qi in her body is surging in her muscles and veins. She wants to break through the barrier that blocks her access to Da Luojin immortal. However, each attempt ends in failure. Although the diaphragm seems to be crumbling, it always firmly guards this important threshold.

That's it!

Feng Zhi sighed in her heart.

Even if she wants to improve her own strength, the most urgent thing is to improve her own strength.

Since the time for this breakthrough has not yet come, let's wait for the next time.

Thinking like this, Feng Zhizheng is about to stop her hand, and suddenly she feels cool in her eyebrows.

This is

A farewell gift from Xiao Xu?

The reason why Fengzhi and her party escaped from the ancient style and the black fairy King last time depended on Xiao Xu's gift. Later, Fengzhi also studied her eyebrow heart, but she could not see any difference in her view.

It was thought that Xiao Xu's farewell gift was the border to protect the people at that time, but now it seems that it is more than that?

When Feng came to her heart, the coolness in her eyebrows was already swimming along her muscles. Wherever she swam, there was a kind of cool and comfortable feeling.

That feeling is like eating an ice stick in dog days, not to mention how refreshing.

For a moment, Feng almost couldn't help humming out.

I don't know if I was aware of the coolness, and suddenly another force came out of the veins and flesh of Fengzhi.

It was

The inheritance of fengmiao from Fengzu.

At the beginning, Fengzhi became the inheritor of fengmiao, and got the inheritance of fengmiao, and the strength was improved by one level. However, the inheritance power of fengmiao was too strong for Fengzhi at that time. If she was forced to absorb it, she could only be burst. Therefore, those remaining forces were quietly hidden in the flesh and bones of Fengzhi Waiting for when the time comes, will be absorbed by Phoenix again.

Now, that's probably the time.

Compared with the cool feeling in the body before, the power from Feng nationality is undoubtedly extremely hot.

When these two forces appeared in Feng Zhi's body, she only felt as if she was in the midst of ice and fire. The feeling of alternation of heat and cold, not to mention how tormenting it was.

However, Feng Zhi also knows that this situation is her chance, so even if it is no matter how hard she is, she only sticks to her teeth.

But in this ice and fire nine heavy days of suffering, Feng to the heart is suddenly a joy.

Only because she noticed that the barrier to the darokin fairy that had blocked her earlier began to loosen. Maybe she could break through it after a while and a half.

As long as the breakthrough to the big Luo Jinxian, Fengzhi in the fairyland is also considered to have the strength of self-protection.

Therefore, even if the Phoenix to peacetime no matter how calm, this time also unavoidably will give birth to joy.

At the same time, there is a burst of purple light in Fengzhi's body, which is the endless purple light obtained when fighting for the empty old man's cave.

Infinity purple light can not only improve the quality of immortal Qi, let people's realm remain unchanged, but also have qualitative changes in strength. It can also help immortals break through the existing bottleneck. Isn't this what Fengzhi needs most?

From the power of Feng Miao and Xiao Xu, as well as the infinite purple light, under the interaction of the three, Feng Zhi only felt a huge force coming out of her body.Boom!

Her spirit seemed to hear something breaking from her body.

At the next moment, the immortal spirit in her body surged forward, and the Phoenix officially entered the realm of daruo immortal.

Compared with the age of Feng Zhi and the time when she flew to the fairyland, she can have such strength, which is like riding a rocket. If it spreads out, I don't know how many people will be shocked and envied.

Of course, now the Phoenix to can not think of these some not, she is full of joy.

After becoming an immortal, every breakthrough is not easy. The more you get to the back, the more difficult it is to continue to move forward. If Fengzhi had not had many adventures, she would not have had her strength in such a short time.

In any case, in this long fairyland, she took a very important step.

The joy of heart down, Feng to no waste of time, but continue to consolidate their own realm.

I don't know how long after that, Feng Zhi finally adapted to her new strength, opened her eyes and stood up.

After leaving the closed mountain, Fengzhi appeared in the hall of the cave and found that she was the last one to come out. The others had gathered together and were exchanging what they had gained from their five years of seclusion.

It has to be said that only when the real danger is met, can people have the urgency of continuous progress.

Not only the Longyan people, but also the Hongyu practitioners who were not interested in their strength and only devoted themselves to refining weapons, realized the importance of their own strength after experiencing the crisis of life and death. This time, they also had a great harvest.

Seeing the Phoenix, they all stood up together.

When they reunited again after the close door, the joy of meeting again after a long separation surged in the hearts of all the people.

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