Feng Zhi and the cute cat

Such association makes Long Yan can't help laughing, and his eyes seem to be flowing with bright golden light.

Feng to see the situation and then in the Long Yan lip heavy kiss, "Long Yan, you are really cute."

Longyan lip horn gently back, first kiss Phoenix to, and then a low smile: "Phoenix to, you are lovely."

Feng then "ha ha" laughed.

They two here you praise me lovely, I praise you lovely, if this is seen by other people, I'm afraid they will say that they are narcissistic, but also say that they have no humanity to scatter dog food.

Then, Feng Zhi released his hand and stood on his own and said to Long Yan, "OK, let's hurry over. Fenglai, they are probably in a hurry to look for us now."

It's not that the Fenglai people are afraid that they will lose their two places. But now there is not much time left for the Centennial ceremony of the colorful city. Without the owner of the cave, Fenglai can only stay in the cave.

If you really miss the Centennial ceremony

Maybe they came here for nothing.

In this way, Feng Zhi couldn't help laughing a few times, and then he held Long Yan's hand. After that, the two people appeared at the side of Fenglai who had gathered together.

Just as Fengzhi thought, Fenglai was worried because they couldn't find Fengzhi and Longyan.

God knows, when she came to the cave, Feng Zhi clearly said that she just took a rest and then went out. Who can know that she took a rest for two months?

The owner of the cave is Fengzhi. Although Fenglai has obtained the permission of Fengzhi to enter the cave, they have many restrictions in the cave. They can't walk around the cave at will. Naturally, they can't find the mountain where Fengzhi and Longyan are located.

Therefore, Fenglai spent the two months in the cave.

The sudden appearance of Fengzhi and Longyan, first of all, scared several people from Fenglai, and then let them down.

Fengming almost jumped up, "Fengzhi, Longyan, where have you been? If you don't show up, we'll call the police! "

Feng Ming still listened to Feng Zhi's statement of calling the police.

The Phoenix is white and the Phoenix is singing.

While xianbao'er covers his stomach and looks pitifully at Fengzhi, "sister Fengzhi, you don't know what kind of crime my stomach suffered when you left..."

This can make Feng Zhi Qi smile.

Dare you, she is Xianbao's cook?

It's strange to say that xianbao'er was born in xianshizong, and her father is still the leader of xianshizong. As the leader, xianhelai is also the most popular food. Even Fengzhi has to admire the delicious food made by xianbaoer. However, xianbao'er did not get the inheritance of xianhelai and was not influenced by the environment of xianshizong. His cooking skills are terrible 。

Waving at xianbao'er, Feng Zhi said, "go and go. Later you want to eat and find Feng."

Fenglai took advantage of the situation to protect xianbao'er and glanced at the Phoenix lightly.

Practicing ruby is the most calm of all.

In the past two months, she didn't waste anything. She spent all her time improving her refining skills. Of course, although she was a tool refining maniac, she was also curious about the Centennial ceremony of Qicai City, so she said to Feng Zhi: "Fengzhi, let's go out quickly and calculate the time. Tomorrow is the day when the Centennial ceremony of Qicai city will start. If we are later, we can No more excitement. "

Feng came to know that it took more than two months for her to go back to the past.

But it's normal to think about it.

It has been more than one hundred years since she rose to the fairyland. It will take a long time for her to "fast forward", even if she can "fast forward". Two months is not long at all.

Thinking like this, Feng Zhi nodded, "OK, let's go out."

She also wanted to see what kind of person the Caixia fairy, who was famous in fairyland.

Then also no longer delay, raised his hand and took the people out of the cave, appeared in the colorful city.

Compared with two months ago, there is no doubt that the colorful city is more and more lively. As the centennial celebration approaches, the colorful city is not only more and more crowded, but also the atmosphere is more and more warm. All the fairies coming and going, especially the male immortals, all have red faces and fanatical expectations in their eyes. This appearance is much more serious than the brain damage powder on earth.

Feng Zhi shakes her head secretly.

This colorful fairy really has such a great charm, so that these have not really seen her face fairy so fanatically pursue her?

It can only be said that in the world of cerebral palsy, Fengzhi really doesn't understand.

It is only one day away from the Centennial ceremony. Fengzhi and others stayed in the cave for more than two months before they came out. Therefore, they did not want to go back to the cave again. They only strolled around the colorful city, and the day's work was over.

The second day is the day of the centennial celebration of the colorful city.At the moment when the sun rises from the East, the whole colorful city seems to be lit up by something. All the immortals in the colorful city just feel that they are suddenly in a colorful dream world at this moment. Every change of light around them makes them feel dazzled.

At this moment, the colorful city really fits its name.

At the same time, a number of female immortals in colorful clothes come down from the sky with this colorful light, and the beautiful posture of flying sky makes many male immortals who have been admiring the colorful city and the female immortals of the colorful city fall in love with each other.

The whole colorful city was quiet for a moment, then suddenly there was a very eager cheering.

In such a frenzy, Feng to but not a little coagulation.

Her divine consciousness was very keen, and naturally she could see more clearly about many situations. Among the cheers and fanaticism of many people in the colorful city, there was something invisible that was rushing towards those girls in colorful clothes with their cheers, and most of them were in the same direction.

If Feng Zhi guessed right, that direction should be where the Caixia fairy is.


What do the colorful city people absorb from these fanatical fans?

After careful observation, Feng Zhi finally came to a conclusion.

It should be a spiritual force similar to belief.

This let Feng to some surprise.

She knows that Buddhism cultivates faith. For Buddhist disciples, the more people they learn from faith, the stronger their own strength will be. This is why we can often see Buddhist disciples manifesting their supernatural powers.

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