
Fengzhi also had some simple understanding of the situation of the fairyland in these years. In today's fairyland, Buddhist disciples are not absent, but very few. Moreover, because they have no basis for believers, the power of Buddhism in the fairyland is extremely weak.

Although the Caixia fairy is not a Buddhist means of practicing, the skills she and her disciples have practiced clearly have the same effect as the Buddhist skills.

It's a little strange.

However, although the Buddhism in the fairyland has declined, it is not without it. Moreover, the skills practiced by the disciples of the colorful city are only similar to those of Buddhism, not the real Buddhist skills. Therefore, Fengzhi was only a little surprised for a while and then let it go.

Let's take a look at the female disciples of the colorful city.

Before Fengzhi, she met these female disciples in the colorful city. At that time, they were dressed in colorful clothes, and they were elegant when they walked. However, these female disciples now have more elegant demeanor than before.

They are still dressed in colorful clothes, but now the color clothes are like stained with colorful rays, which makes their faces more mysterious.

There is an ultimate temptation.

Most of the immortals who came to the colorful city were male immortals, and most of them admired the female immortals in the colorful city. Seeing this scene, they naturally became more fanatical.

Fengzhi also heard some male immortals call out the name of their favorite colorful city female disciples.

The whole city of seven colors has fallen into this kind of fanaticism.

Now it has been so, when the Caixia fairy appears, I don't know what will happen.

Feng Zhi soon knew the answer to this question.

A famous female disciple of Qicai City circled slowly from the air and fell about 100 meters above the ground, and then quickly lined up, as if to welcome the appearance of some important person.

At this time, apart from the Caixia fairy, who will be the important person welcomed by the female disciples of Qicai city?

For a moment, all the male immortals who looked up at the sky in the colorful city could not help holding their breath.

It seems that just for a moment, or as if waiting for tens of thousands of years, people will see a sudden stretch of ribbon in the sky, these ribbons spread in the air into a flat road, when this road takes shape and is expected by many male immortals for a long time, a woman in simple white dress and barefoot appears there.

The woman's appearance is shrouded by the surrounding glow, which makes people see it unreal. However, only such a hazy figure has already given birth to countless reveries in people's hearts.

"Caixia fairy!"

"Caixia fairy!"


But in such a moment, the colorful city has already sounded many male immortals, as if from the same person's cry.

Even the more fanatical fans were already in tears.

Feng Zhi also saw one of the middle-aged male immortals. He took his sleeve to wipe his tears, while choking with his companion, he said to his companion: -- It's not easy. It's really not easy. After waiting for tens of thousands of years, I finally have a chance to see the colorful fairy again... "

See Feng to feel cold in the heart.

Can call so many immortals so unforgettable, what kind of person is this Caixia fairy?

Even because of Xiao Xu's story, she was quite indifferent to Caixia fairy, but Fengzhi also felt curious at this time.

And in Feng Zhi's curiosity, Caixia fairy's barefoot slightly lifted, so lightly stepped on the ribbon.

The whole colorful city is quiet.

In such a quiet, Caixia fairy seems to step down from the clouds, giving people the illusion that the celestial banished immortal falls into the mortal world. As she gets closer and closer, her face is gradually seen by the public.

Even Fengzhi, when he saw the appearance of the fairy, he had to praise it secretly.

Fairyland to see are all beautiful women and men, but even if they are beautiful women, there are ordinary and special outstanding, Fengzhi himself belongs to the special outstanding.

The same is true of this colorful fairy.

Her facial features are all exquisite, combined with a different charm, coupled with her at this time that the appearance of bare feet, is more people at a glance for it.

Such a person

It is not impossible for people to remember for tens of thousands of years.

However, beauty is beauty, but she is a beautiful woman.

Feng to the eyes slightly flash, in the heart of a cold hum.

When Feng Zhi thought of it like this, Caixia fairy had fallen in front of those female disciples of colorful city in the roar of the whole city.

"See the Lord!"

Qi Qi, the female disciple of the colorful city, is short.

Caixia fairy red lips slightly open, hand gently up a lift, "all up."

The voice is soft, as if a feather gently scratched in the heart, people have a kind of whole heart itching up with the feeling.It's really


Feng to immediately alert up.

She was originally a person with a firm mind, and she was also a woman with the Caixia fairy. It is said that even if the Caixia fairy has any great charm, it is impossible for Fengzhi to be fascinated by her.

But just now, at the moment of hearing the voice of Caixia fairy, Fengzhi was clearly confused for a while.

This can not be achieved by the charm of Caixia fairy.

The only explanation is that the skill of Caixia fairy is strange.

It can be imagined that if the Caixia fairy makes any noise during the battle, even if the person fighting with her will not lose his mind, more or less, he will be affected.

In this way, in the battle, the Caixia fairy is obviously to take advantage of.

Feng Zhi suddenly turns to look at Long Yan.

She was confused for a moment because of the voice of the fairy. What about Longyan?

If Longyan is like this, Fengzhi will be jealous!

Fortunately, when Feng Zhi came to see her, Long Yan also looked at her. Her eyes were clear and bright, and he didn't see any obsession.

"That's about it." Feng Zhi murmured in a low voice.

The Dragon Yan smelled the speech toward the Phoenix to gently smile, smile all over the eye is doting, "you......"

Feng Zhi then spat out her tongue at Longyan. The elf looks like a naughty girl, just like the little girl when she first met with Longyan.

Also because of the appearance of Fengzhi, Longyan's thoughts instantly go back to more than 1000 years ago, recalling the little bit after meeting with Fengzhi.

The two people suddenly gush out the warmth.

Feng to a few people after looking over, they are looking at two people smiling at each other.

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