For Fengzhi and Longyan from time to time the fancy dog abuse, Fenglai several people have been used to, naturally will not feel any accident.


Feng Ming couldn't help but murmured: "Long Yan, you've got a good sense of concentration. I've just looked at that colorful fairy, but you haven't been affected at all..."

The Phoenix is white and the Phoenix is singing.

And Long Yan, he first shook the hand to hold Feng, and then said: "as long as the heart is full of one person, no matter how beautiful other people are, they will not enter my eyes."

This is to seize the opportunity to confess to Feng.

Fengming shakes off goose bumps all over again.

Now both Fengzhi and Fenglai have their own other half. Only he, who is interested in each other, is still in the Xuanwu continent. I don't know how long it will take to fly to the fairyland.

I don't know why, Fengming suddenly thought of Fengyue.

Feng Zhi didn't pay attention to Feng Ming's teasing. She looked up again at the Caixia fairy who was being watched by the public, shook her head and said, "Tut, the charm of this Caixia fairy is really extraordinary. How can it be like a fox spirit..."

That kind of charm is really not common people can have.

Hearing Feng Zhi say so, xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu are both face accidents.

After a pause, xianbao'er said innocently: "sister Fengzhi, didn't I tell you that this Caixia fairy was cultivated into an immortal by the Nine Tailed Fox clan?"

Feng to see to Xian Baoer, "you really haven't said."

Xianbao'er was embarrassed to spit out his tongue. "The body of Caixia fairy is the Nine Tailed Fox, which is well known in the fairyland. The reputation of the Nine Tailed Fox family in the fairyland was not very good at the beginning, but because of a charming fairyland, the status of the Nine Tailed Fox clan has been improved a lot over the past tens of thousands of years

Feng Zhifeng nodded.

The fairyland is also full of different ethnic groups. In addition to the dragon and Phoenix people who have been to Fengzhi, there are many other races, among which the Jiuwei fox is one.

The Nine Tailed foxes are born with the ultimate charm. Even if they do not deliberately display their charm, they will always make people fascinated. These Fengzhi are also heard of.

But I didn't expect that this much sought after Caixia fairy is actually from the Jiuwei fox clan.

In this way, the charm of her body can be explained clearly.

Fengzhi several people speak, Caixia fairy has stepped on the ribbon to fall among the disciples of colorful city, although she did not stand in the front, but her body seems to bring light, even in the crowd, it is always easy to find her in the crowd at the first sight.


Feng Zhi's eyes flashed.

Her previous attention has been focused on the Caixia fairy, but just now, she suddenly noticed that the female disciple standing behind the Caixia fairy, who should not be low in status, seems to have a look at her?

Feng Zhi's divine sense was extremely keen, and the other party's eyes fell directly on her body, so there was no possibility of feeling wrong.

The disciple of colorful city is really paying attention to her.

Aware of this, Feng couldn't help but squint slightly.

The female disciple of the colorful city wore a purple dress. Her appearance was also very outstanding, and her body was covered by the dreamlike glow. If she was not standing on the right back side of the Caixia fairy, most of her elegant demeanor was suppressed by the Caixia fairy. If she was not there, this woman would be very bright.

Dressed in purple, this means that this woman is the core elite disciple of the colorful city, and in the city, the number of purple disciples is extremely rare, and its status is second only to Caixia fairy.

Feng Zhi is sure that no matter she or several other people, they have never seen this woman before. If they have, she can't have no impression.

So why does this woman notice herself in this crowd?

I don't know if Feng Zhi found her gaze, and the woman in purple quickly took back her sight, and even slightly pulled her lips.

It seems to be laughing, but also with some inexplicable irony.

This makes Feng Zhi a little uncomfortable.

At such a glance, she knew that she and the woman in purple were not in the same boat.

After patting xianbao'er on the shoulder, Feng Zhiyao points to the woman in purple and asks, "dear, do you know that man?"

Xianbao'er squinted his eyes and looked over there. After a while, he shook his head: "I don't know. However, this man in purple must not be a nobody. There are only a few purple disciples in the colorful city. Sister Fengzhi, if you want to know..."

Hearing this, Feng Zhi shook her head.

"No, I don't know. Even if I don't know, I'm not an important person anyway." Feng Zhi Dao.

Although there was some rejection of this woman in my heart, it was the first time they met, and there was no conflict between them. It was hard to say how to feel the details of others.Well, most importantly, it's home.

In other people's eyes, I also want to check the details of the purple clothes disciples in Qicai city. Feng Zhi didn't overestimate her ability.

While Feng Zhi shakes her head, she sees that the woman in purple takes her eyes back from Feng Zhi's body and doesn't pay attention to the Caixia fairy in front of her, but

Looking at Long Yan?

Phoenix to follow the purple dress woman's line of sight to look at the past, can't just see the Dragon Yan?

The woman in purple may not be afraid of Feng Zhi's awareness of her sight. At this time, she even grinned at Longyan from afar. Even if she didn't do anything else, she could know that she didn't just see Longyan in the crowd.

Feng to immediately gas not hit a place.

That woman

Is this a provocation?

Zifeng wants to cut off the sight of the woman, and then she doesn't want to see her.

However, it seems to be a little unsuccessful, because Long Yan is higher than Fengzhi. Even if his body is blocked by Fengzhi, his head still falls in the sight of the woman in purple.

Feng to an angry, glared at the Dragon Yan: "squat down some!"

Long Yan is very innocent. He still doesn't know what happened, OK?

However, since Fengzhi has already made a speech, Long Yan will only do so. He bends his legs slightly, and the whole person is short, which makes Fengzhi block him completely behind him.

Of course, it seems funny that Long Yan keeps doing this.

In this way, Feng Zhi was relieved.

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