Just as in recent years, every time he sees other men showing interest in Fengzhi, Long Yan will knock over the vinegar jar. In the same way, Fengzhi can't tolerate other women coveting Longyan.

They have been with each other for more than a thousand years, and they will continue to support each other, and are sure that each other is the only one for each other.

In this case, how can we allow others to get involved?

It's absolutely impossible for him to be looked at by others. Feng Zhicai turns back to look at the woman in purple.

So their eyes collided.

Feng to micro squint, that woman is also the same action.

Obviously, both of them are picturesque, which is rare to see. When they look at each other like this, they should be a beautiful picture in their imagination. But at this moment, some people who saw this scene in the background of their eyes felt that there was a distinct smell of gunpowder between them.

If we change the occasion, maybe the two people will fight in minutes.

This makes Feng Lai several people can't help but the black line.

Over the years, what they saw was that Long Yan was jealous because of other men's interest in Fengzhi. They had never seen Feng Zhi jealous for Longyan. Over time, they all thought that Fengzhi believed in Longyan and that Fengzhi was open-minded.

But now it seems

They're just wrong, OK?

In the past, Fengzhi was not jealous, which had nothing to do with trusting Long Yan, nor was she open-minded. In the past, Long Yan had a cold face to any woman, and no other woman could get close to Longyan, so Fengzhi didn't have a chance to exert her jealousy!

Now there is such a woman in purple who is obviously interested in Long Yan. Isn't the vinegar jar in Feng Zhi's heart suddenly overturned?

Fenglai several people all silently back a few steps.

As far as Feng is concerned, they think it's better to keep a safe distance.

Phoenix to and that purple dress woman's look at did not last long, because the Caixia fairy opened.

"Thank you all for coming to the Centennial ceremony of colorful city..."

The voice is soft and beautiful, only such a short sentence, but it seems that in the ears of the people who hear the sound, a piece of music can not be heard again.

Just look at the enchantment on the face of many male immortals, you can see how beautiful the voice of Caixia fairy is.

The main purpose of the Centennial ceremony of Qicai city is to recruit students. Although there are more people coming this year because of the appearance of Caixia fairies, this can not change the real purpose.

Caixia fairy knew her influence on the many immortals below, but she didn't say anything more. She handed over the ceremony to a purple disciple in Qicai City, and she stepped back to the background.

At the moment when the figure of Caixia fairy disappeared, there was a uniform sigh in the colorful city.

It can be seen that the immortals are reluctant to give up.

However, after the Caixia fairy left, the immortals who had been intoxicated in her charm gradually came back to their senses, and those fairies who wanted to join the colorful city also stepped out of the crowd and started a round of wonderful competition.

Of course, Feng Zhi's attention is not on these fairies.

She was still looking at the woman in purple who had previously defied her.

Previously, because she realized that the woman in purple had a bad idea for the Dragon Yan, Feng Zhi only took care of her anger and didn't have time to think about anything else. After such a while, her reason gradually came back to her mind and realized more things.

The woman in purple clearly knew them, and even knew them quite well.

This can be seen only from the fact that she accurately found the location of Fengzhi and Longyan in the colorful city full of people.

Even, after finding out that Feng Zhi noticed her, the woman in purple not only did not restrain, but continued to provoke her, with a faint meaning of deliberately provoking Feng Zhi's anger.

Yes, although the purple dress woman's attention seems to be put on Long Yan's body, but she is so, clear or to stimulate Fengzhi.

Feng Zhi confirmed that he and others had never seen this woman in purple before, and naturally there would be no knot between them. So, where did the woman in purple know them was a question.

It's true that many enemies have been made after she came to the fairyland. However, the way the woman in purple is doing now always makes Feng Zhi feel vaguely familiar.

It's like

Ancient style!

But is that right? Gu Feng used to follow Feng Zhi's team at the beginning, intentionally or unintentionally, always created some ambiguity to stimulate Long Yan. Later, he tried his best to let Long Yan see that Fengzhi gave up on him for his own interests.

Now, the woman in purple is interested in Longyan in order to stimulate Fengzhi. Maybe, she is also interested in Longyan.

These two people, in any way, have something in common.So

Is it possible that although Gu Feng let them go last time, he didn't stop here. Instead, he changed another way to achieve his own goal?

It's true that

If the ancient style is in front of Feng Zhi, Feng Zhi has only one word to give him.

I have orange, flax and wheat bran. I don't know if I should be an oar?

Feng Zhi thinks that the environment in the fairyland is not cruel enough, or it is too comfortable. Therefore, whether it is the ancient style or the woman in purple, they will put their mind on these inexplicable things.

If we have to face the crisis of survival all the time, let's see if they can calculate this or that!

In the dark curse of Fengzhi, the Centennial ceremony of the colorful city, which has been long expected by many immortals, has come to an end with cheers.

During the Centennial ceremony, the immortals saw the fairies they adored. Qicai city not only received disciples with outstanding qualifications and looks, but also took this opportunity to improve their influence. It can be said that everyone is happy.

Of course, Fengzhi is not one of the happy people.

After the Centennial ceremony, Fengzhi and his party did not leave the colorful city in a hurry.

The reason why the colorful city is so famous in the fairyland is not only because of the beauty of Caixia fairies and their female disciples, but also because of its own characteristics.

The name of the colorful city is Qicai, which is exactly the same as the name. The city is divided into seven districts, each of which has its own color. If you look down from the sky, the whole colorful city will bloom like a huge flower.

Each district of the colorful city has its own attractions. Fengzhi and his party have not visited the city well after they came to the city. It is also good to stay for a few more days to have a good walk.

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