There was another reason why Zifeng didn't want to leave the city.

The woman in purple clearly has a bad heart. When she looked at Feng Zhi before, they had some tacit understanding in their hearts. That is, the woman in purple is going to fight against Feng.

Since this is the case, if Fengzhi left like this, would it not be a sign of weakness?

Since the woman in purple has an intention to Fengzhi and Longyan, she will always come to her door soon. Instead of guarding against her from time to time, she might as well take advantage of the present opportunity to solve the problem once and for all.

But there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days. Feng Zhi likes it once and for all.

With such a mood, Fengzhi and his party did spend a few days leisurely in the colorful city.

Until that night.

At present, with the end of the Centennial ceremony, many immortals have left one after another. As a result, it is no longer as crowded as before, and there is no problem of not finding a place to live in. Therefore, Fengzhi did not take the people to the cave, but found an inn to live in.

Speaking of it, the inns in the colorful city are very distinctive.

For example, the inn in purple district where they live today is not a building in the ordinary sense, but a huge sunflower is planted. This kind of sunflower has many flower buds, and each bud opens to become a room for people to rest. It is very novel and interesting.

Fengzhi and Longyan naturally live in a room.

However, in the middle of the night, Feng Zhi and Long Yan both opened their eyes at the same time.

Feng Zhi's eyes are very clear, but Long Yan

"Long Yan, what's wrong with you?" Feng Zhi's hand fell on Long Yan's shoulder. He was surprised by the high temperature he touched.

Take a look at the open golden pupil of Long Yan. It seems that there is a burning flame inside, and there are still some struggles and perplexities flashing from time to time.

If he hears Fengzhi's voice, no matter what he is doing, he will definitely respond to Fengzhi. But this time, Long Yan just stares at the front with golden eyes and turns a deaf ear to Feng Zhi's concern.

This is

It's a trick!

Feng to the heart of a Lin.

She had thought that since the woman in purple had defied them so openly, she should not have used some vulgar means. In addition, the strength of the woman in purple was equal to that of Fengzhi and Longyan at most, so Fengzhi didn't worry that she would plot against them.

But now

He and Long Yan didn't even notice that they were being plotted!

Fortunately, looking at Longyan's present appearance, he should be similar to the situation he met in Xiaoxu at the beginning, but there is no need to worry about his injury.

Feng Zhi holds Long Yan's hand tightly. With a strong hand, Long Yan, who is obviously in a different situation, has been protected behind him.

Then, Feng to the eyes slightly squint, looking at the direction of the door, cold voice: "OK, you don't have to hide, come out!"

"Ha ha Little sister, you are quite sharp... "

Only heard the voice of people, but did not see the figure of the woman in purple.

"However, my sister can't come out to see you now. She has to greet your little lover, ha ha ha..."

Feng to twist eyebrows, heart gradually angry.

But the girl in purple obviously didn't mean to be restrained. She continued: "my sister's favorite is a good-looking young man. No matter how you look at it, you're totally in line with your sister's eye. If you let people see it, you want to turn him into your own. So, little sister, you can guess to see how deep the relationship between you and your little lover can be Will you refuse all temptations because of you? "

As expected, it is the same as the old style last time.

Serpentine disease!

Feng couldn't help but scold herself.

Whether it is the ancient style or this purple dress woman, these people are not idle to do nothing, see the sky know to do these inexplicable.

As for what the woman in purple said, whether Long Yan can withstand the temptation, Feng is not worried at all.

She and Long Yan have gone through so many ups and downs together, and they have gone from mortals to fairyland together. If she doesn't have this trust, she will be blind to accompany her for more than a thousand years.

She is just angry. Gu Feng and the woman in purple try to separate her and Longyan in such a way again and again!

Whether it's Fengzhi or Longyan, they can't stand it.

Feng then sneered, "you and the ancient style should be together? You people, as soon as you look at life is not satisfactory, doomed not to get the people you love, otherwise you will not be so. You have to watch others split up before you are reconciled. Such a so-called test, if it is in line with your will, will only be a few more poor people like you. If you can't comply with your wishes, oh, you don't think that you are actually compared Is it sad to be here

There was a silence in the room.When the woman in purple opens her mouth again, there is no previous banter and calmness in her voice.

It's like

Fengzhi was stabbed in the pain.

"Little sister, your mouth is very sharp..." The woman in purple sneered, "however, don't talk too hard. Your little lover is now in a dreamland with my elder sister. Do you think that my elder sister is happy or not?"

Feng to have a moment of rage.

However, she immediately suppressed the sudden violence.

For Long Yan, of course, she absolutely trusted her. She didn't believe what the woman in purple said at all. But the woman in purple said this, no doubt, in jiefengzhi's opposition.

Take a deep breath, Feng to sneer: "if you can say so to reduce the frustration in your heart, then I have no problem."

The woman in purple is silent again.

After a long time, she sighed: "your mouth is really, it makes people feel uncomfortable when you open your mouth. You are right, your little lover can really resist the temptation..."

Feng to do not feel proud, this is the expected thing.

However, the words of women in purple obviously have a turning point.

"But..." The next moment, the woman in purple will be proud again, "even in the dreamland, he can resist all the temptation, but in reality?"

Before Feng zhidu had time to reply, she saw the room where she and Longyan lived. The flower bud of the hot sun flower suddenly opened. The one standing outside was not the woman in purple who had met once at the Centennial ceremony of the colorful city.

The woman in purple last time was very serious because she was on the grand ceremony.

But now, she wears a purple gauze dress. With her walking, her snow-white skin looms, which seems to have a special charm.

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