See Phoenix to stare at oneself, purple dress woman red lips light open, smile slightly, "little sister, you see, even you such beauty son all look at me to be stunned, do you think your little lover, can resist such temptation?"

Feng to smell speech sneer, "nonsense said so much useless, otherwise, we and try?"


The woman in purple is indeed a beauty and has great charm. But Fengzhi is not only no less than her, but also better?

The relationship between her and Long Yan is so deep that it would be ridiculous if Long Yan really fell in love with her pomegranate skirt because of the charm of the woman in purple.

The woman in purple suddenly turned cold.

Previously, when she was smiling, her whole body was full of temptation that people couldn't turn their eyes off. Now, the charm of this cold face is not only unchanged, but also the appearance of coldness, which makes people want to take off the flower of kaolin.

It can only be said that beauty is beautiful at all times.

However, people are beautiful, but the words of the woman in purple are not so beautiful.

"Fengzhi, you are really confident..." The woman in purple raises her lips coldly, and the words behind her are almost squeezed out from between her teeth. "This kind of confidence makes people feel uncomfortable. I really want to break your confidence completely..."

What a serpentine disease!

Is this kind of snake spirit disease popular in fairyland recently?

The ancient custom is like this, now this inexplicable purple dress woman is also like this.

Feng couldn't help but turn a white eye, "since it's an enemy but not a friend, there's no need to say so much nonsense, or that sentence, why don't you try it?"

At this time, the woman in purple was also excited by the Phoenix.

She is not an unknown person in the fairyland. No matter her identity or her beauty, she has a great reputation in the fairyland. I don't know how many talented male immortals have racked their brains to offer everything just to fight her and smile. She would not believe that the little golden dragon in front of him could not be attracted by himself?

This thought, purple dress woman's face again showed a smile.

"Do you want to try?" She was full of provocation and hooked her lips. "That sister will help you. If your little lover abandons you then, don't cry too hard..."

"By the way, I don't seem to introduce myself, little sister. Remember, my sister's name is Mingruo."

Go to your little sister, to your sister!

Feng to make complaints about himself.


Minruo, where did you hear the name?

At this time, the purple sleeves of the girl in purple, namely Mingruo, were lifted up one by one, and the purple sleeves crossed a beautiful arc in the air. The look of Long Yan, who was originally struggling, suddenly calmed down, and his eyes became clear again.

The first time when he was awake, Long Yan turned his head and looked at Feng Zhi and comforted him: "Feng Zhi, I'm ok."

Feng Zhi nods to the Dragon Yan.

The deep feeling and tacit understanding between the two people can be seen clearly and clearly with only such an action and a word.

See two people so, Mingruo's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Sister, I don't have the time to see you two disgusted. Since we want to try, let's start!" She said coldly.

Then, it is not clear that if there is any other action, the surrounding air is suddenly hot.

No, it's not that the air gets hot, but in the senses of Fengzhi and Longyan, there is a sudden burst of heat from their bodies, which makes everything they see seem to bring with them some heat.

Especially Mingruo, who is standing near.

In the eyes of Fengzhi and Longyan, Mingruo, who was already bright and moving, seemed to have a kind of charm that they could not refuse. They couldn't help but want to be closer to her

Mingming, before this, Fengzhi and Longyan have no affection for Mingruo.

This is obviously not normal.

Phoenix to slightly a Lin.

Because of her gender, she is naturally immune to the charm of Mingruo, who is also a woman. But now, even she feels that she is totally out of her control. Long Yan, who wants to be a man, feels even more.

But even so, Feng Zhi didn't turn to see Long Yan.

She believes that no matter what kind of charm, as long as it is Long Yan, it will be able to resist.

Mingruo will not succeed.

Feng to heart again firm.

And it's true.

Although Mingruo's charm is hard to control even if it is seen by a woman. In Long Yan's eyes, he has an uncontrollable desire in his heart. However, Long Yan has always kept his original intention firmly, and there is still a line of clear brightness in his eyes. His feet are like rooting, standing firmly in the same place and not going to Mingruo.

Of course, if Ming is so confident, even if Long Yan can resist her charm, it is not easy.This can be seen only by looking at Long Yan's tightly clenched hands and the green veins on his forehead.

Seeing that Longyan was not moved at this time, Mingruo wrinkled a pair of moth eyebrows, and then quickly expanded. One of her feet slightly stepped forward, her slender waist and limbs slightly shook, and her purple gauze clothes also moved.

Although it was only a tiny movement, but between the slight twists of her waist and limbs, the temptation of her body was ten times as much as that of the previous one. It seemed that every hair on her body was quietly inviting something to the people in front of her.

Come on

Come here

Come on me

At this moment, the back of his two hands held by Long Yan was only slightly protruding blue veins, and suddenly it was a little more ferocious. It seemed that they would jump out at any time. The big beads of sweat on his forehead flowed down his cheek like raindrops, but in a short time, they merged into a small beach under his feet.

Faintly, Long Yan's right foot moves slightly.

It seems to be stepping forward at any time.

Mingruo's eyes flashed with pride.

She said, no matter how serious a man looks, she can't hold on to her charm.

It's the same with Long Yan.

Thinking like this, her eyes fall on Feng Zhi who is still standing beside Long Yan. Mingruo feels quite ironic in her heart.

Feng Zhi, she has such a strong confidence in Long Yan, also do not know in front of the facts, she will be sad to cry out?

This pair of love in the mouth of Gufeng than Jin Jian's little couple, in the end or she was broken up?

Mingruo's red lips gently lift out an arc.

But the next moment, the smile on her lips, which had not yet fully bloomed, froze completely.

I saw that at the last moment, it seemed that she was going to walk towards Long Yan at any time. Suddenly, he calmed down again.

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