After that, no matter how Ren Mingruo used his whole body to solve the problem, Long Yan always took root and stood in the same place. He didn't mean to take a step forward there.

Looking at Long Yan's eyes, although there is still that kind of passively affected by Mingruo's charm, he has always been clear and bright in the deep of his eyes.

This is obviously beyond Mingruo's expectation.

Once upon a time, it was no matter how dignified the male immortals were. At this stage, they did not all become her ministers under her skirt?

She has seen so many people like this. How could she have expected that Long Yan, who had not been seen by her at all before, actually resisted her charm?

This fact makes Mingruo feel frustrated from the bottom of his heart.

She now understood why the ancient custom failed in front of Fengzhi and Longyan.

This couple, no matter Fengzhi or Longyan, are not only too determined, but also their trust and love for each other. No matter what kind of temptation they are facing, they feel helpless.


Is this true love?

Mingruo even has such an idea in mind.

Looking at Long Yan not far away, she even suspected that even if she had been naked and stood in front of Long Yan, Long Yan would not be moved at last.

This is no doubt very angry with Miro.

But Feng Zhi, she holds Long Yan's hand, slender fingers on the back of Longyan's hand is painfully caressed.

If it wasn't for Mingruo, how could Long Yan have been passively experiencing this?

And such an action, no doubt to stimulate Mingruo.

When she was cold, she snorted, and then there was a sharp look in her voice. "You are really impressive, but you probably haven't asked me who I am before, but whatever I want to do, no matter who, can't stop it! You Of course, so it is! "

"Long Yan?"

"Come here, darling."

Hearing these words of Ming Ruo, Feng to the beginning was quite disapproval.

If Long Yan doesn't want to go back, can't he use the strong one?

But the next moment, Feng Zhi didn't think so.

Because, if you really want to use strong.

I saw a drop of golden liquid suddenly appeared in Mingruo's hand, and a small drop floated quietly in front of Mingruo's hand, which seemed to be unimportant at all.

However, as soon as the drop of golden liquid appeared, Fengzhi and Longyan felt the sense of oppression from the depths of their souls at the same time.

Their bodies, even immortal spirits and divine consciousness, felt a totally irresistible pressure at the moment when the liquid appeared. Fengzhi and Longyan even felt that their bodies had shrunk a lot at that moment. Even though they could barely keep their standing posture, they could hear from their own bodies, and they had passed through many times The bone that melts, creaks when it vibrates.

They have no doubt that if their willpower is not the most powerful among the same ranks, they will have to kneel for just a moment.

It's real kneeling.

What is this?

Feng Zhi and Long Yan's eyes flashed in horror.

Before that, the strongest people they met were xianhelai, Chu Xuanji, and Caixia Xianzi, the leader of the colorful city.

They have not never felt the pressure of the powerful emperor, but now the pressure they feel from the drop of golden liquid taken out by Mingruo is obviously more terrible than the pressure brought by the powerful Emperor they have experienced before.

But the oppression from this drop of golden liquid is even more terrible than that of the emperor?

Fengzhi and Longyan are both somewhat unbelievable.

But that's the truth.

The shock in the heart slowly subsides, Phoenix to two eyes a blink does not blink to look at that drop of golden liquid.

Just looking at it like this, the huge pressure was faintly pressing on her, and she could hardly help moving her eyes.

If she had guessed correctly, the golden liquid should be a drop of blood from some great power.

The power of a drop of blood can be stronger than that of the emperor. It is conceivable that the owner of this drop of blood has a terrible strength.

The heavenly king is already in the second layer of the pyramid in the fairyland. Then, the master of this drop of blood


Feng Zhi and Long Yan's heart emerged such two words.

Before that, Fengzhi and Longyan's impressions of the emperor came from hearing.

The emperor is the most powerful existence in the fairyland. There are only a few people who can reach that height. Every emperor has the power to control the fairyland, and even has something to do with the fate of the fairyland.

However, because the emperor rarely appears in front of people, even if they have heard a lot, they have never had the opportunity to contact everything related to the emperor.And now, from this drop of golden blood, they touch it.

But at the same time, Fengzhi and Longyan both look at Mingruo.

They all think that minruo is crazy.

Is that crazy?

A drop of the emperor's blood, even if it is only ordinary blood, but not the heart blood with all kinds of supernatural powers, is far more precious than the ordinary immortal can get.

With such things in hand, no matter what you encounter, I'm afraid it can be easily solved.

If other people, holding such a drop of blood from the emperor, afraid not to be careful to keep it, waiting for when to meet the real life and death will be heartbreaking.

But look at minruo. What is she doing now?

In order to let Fengzhi and Longyan bow their heads, so that they just have the strength of the big Luo Jinxian, she will take out such a big killing device?

Rao is Fengzhi has never been a miser. At this time, if Ming is so wasteful, he can't help but bow down.

It's really

"Madman!" Feng to bite teeth spit out these two words.

"Madman?" Mingruo repeated these two words, and then even a smile appeared on his face, "Fengzhi little sister, you are right. I am really a madman. Anyway, today I must see what I want to see. Now, do you understand my determination?"

At the same time, Mingruo points gently on the drop of golden blood.

In a flash, the pressure that Feng Zhi and Long Yan felt increased exponentially.

The house they lived in was the bud of the sun flower. How could they bear such pressure? Feng Zhi and Long Yan heard a sharp cry in their ears. At the next moment, all the people in the whole Inn suddenly found that their room had withered in an instant.

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