It seems that the guests who live in the sky are looking up at me? Where am I? What is going on?

Although Mingruo admits that she is a madman, she is not a complete loser.

Like now.

It's not that Mingruo is going to use this precious imperial blood on Fengzhi and Longyan. She just takes this to force Fengzhi and Longyan to go according to their own scripts.

After Mingruo's advice, Fengzhi and Longyan are under more pressure than before. I don't know how much. In the past, they could barely stand still by their own will, but now

Click, click

Fengzhi and Longyan all clearly heard the bone breaking sound on their two bodies.

Then, their bodies sank together, like a nail. They were knocked into the ground more than half a meter by the strong pressure.

Well, it seems to have been planted in the field.

If she usually saw others in such a situation, Fengzhi would certainly not forget to laugh at them. But now it is she and Long Yan who have been planted in the ground, which is not something to laugh at.

Seeing such a scene, Mingruo is very proud.

With a light touch of her hand, she held the golden blood in her palm. A light golden light fell on her bright face, which made people feel that her excellent appearance seemed to add some luster.

"You see..." Mingruo laughed twice, "now, what do I want to do, can you stop it? I said, I must see what I want to see! "

After saying that, if Mingruo stretched out a delicate index finger and went down toward the knee, Longyan, who was all in the ground, hooked his finger.

"Long Yan? Come on... " She said.

Her expression has incomparably charming, no matter how it seems, there is the ultimate temptation.

The previous Long Yan has proved that he has a firm mind and deep love for Fengzhi. But now, with Mingruo's fingers, even if he doesn't want to follow her words, Long Yan suddenly finds that his body is not under his control at all. With such a hook of fingers, he starts to go to her side Yes.

Pulling out his legs from the ground, Longyan's face is stiff, like a zombie, he takes a step to Mingruo, two steps

He wanted to stop, but every time he had such an idea, there would be a force on the golden emperor's blood that Long Yan could not resist, forcing him to move towards Mingruo step by step. Even if Long Yan had exhausted all his strength to resist that force, it would be futile at the end.

This feeling, let alone how frustrated Long Yan.

So, in the fairyland, lack of strength, even their own body are difficult to control?

For a while, Long Yan reproached himself and looked at xiangmingruo's eyes as if he wanted to eat people.

Of course, Mingruo saw Long Yan's performance, but because of this, she was more proud.

First of all, she had a good appreciation of Long Yan, who had been struggling desperately, but still could only passively walk towards her. Then she set her eyes on Feng Zhi.

"Fengzhi little sister..." Mingruo chuckled, "look, even if your little lover is loyal to you no matter how loyal, now it is not the same, can only follow my meaning? Don't care whether he is willing or not. In short, as long as I think about it now, you can only watch him make love with me. Think about it, it seems that it's really good for such a beautiful little golden dragon to be a wolf dog or a milk dog by his side? "

Feng Zhi looks cold.

Will Long Yan be kept around as a little wolf dog or a little milk dog?

Just having such an idea is an intolerable insult to Feng Zhi.

But she still has no way.

After coming to the fairyland, Fengzhi met a lot of opportunities, and her treasures were indeed quite a lot. However, what kind of chance she was facing now was the blood of the supreme emperor in the fairyland!

Even if it is just a drop of blood, it is impossible to really play the emperor's power, but for the present Fengzhi, it is absolutely no solution.

In the past 1000 years, Fengzhi has always been strong. Even though it was oppressed by the powerful Xianjun under Gufeng, Fengzhi was just a little embarrassed at that time.


Feng Zhi is not arrogant enough to think that he can achieve this in a short time.

Not in a short time, not even now.

Can't we just look at it like this?

Feng Zhi has no doubt that Yi Mingruo's crazy obstinacy, as long as he can hit her and Long Yan, may actually be able to force Long Yan to play a live spring palace with her in his own face.

If so

Fengzhi didn't know what she would do.

Even if she is so, let alone Long Yan, who is insulted by Mingruo in this way.In short, that is definitely not what Feng Zhi wants to see.

So, now, what else can she and Long Yan think of?

Feng Zhi's brain never turned so fast.

When Feng Zhi was thinking about these things, Long Yan had already taken action one step ahead of her.

Although he was under great pressure and even his body was not controlled by himself, he walked towards Mingruo step by step, but Long Yan never gave up his resistance, even though his resistance was weak at this time.

Long Yan's face is somewhat ferocious because of his desperate resistance. As he gets closer and closer to Mingruo, he sees the pride and malice in Mingruo's eyes, and now he has only one idea.

That is, he can't let Mingruo succeed, he can't let Feng to be sad.

Xu Shi's obsession was so powerful that even under the pressure of the emperor's blood, Long Yan still broke free. For a moment, his blue veins on his forehead were bulging high, his head was slightly up, and his face was ferocious and gave out a roar.

There was no clear Yue in the past, and only the angry dragon chant rang through the whole colorful city.

Later, Long Yan's foot, which had been passively moving forward, stamped heavily on the ground.


After a loud noise, the ground at the foot of Long Yan was stamped out by him.

At the same time, Feng Zhi's face changed dramatically.

Under the pressure of the emperor's blood, Feng couldn't speak, but her eyes became red and congested.

Long Yan!

After stamping out the foot, although Long Yan's legs didn't have any scars, they suddenly became soft and prone like noodles. Naturally, these legs could not support his body, and he fell to the ground.

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