However, if Ming Dynasty and Fengzhi Longyan were on the opposite side, they were just surprised, but they didn't mean to let Fengzhi and Longyan go together.

She raised her eyebrows. "You are really good. You can adapt to the pressure so quickly, but how about if you can get used to it a little bit? This is the blood of the emperor. You can only blink your eyes and move your fingers. What do I want to do to you? What can you do? "

Feng to grinding teeth.

Mingruo now like this, let her see, want to give her a good beating.

Of course, now Fengzhi is subject to the emperor's pressure and can't do this, but it doesn't mean that she knows if she can't.

She can't do it. She can move her mouth, can't she?

She suddenly smiles at Mingruo.

If you are stunned.

She didn't understand why Feng Zhi had fallen into such a situation and could still laugh.

Moreover, the irony in Feng Zhi's eyes makes Mingruo feel more dazzling.

"What are you laughing at?" she said

Feng to again smile two times, "I smile, of course, because you are very ridiculous."

If you are angry.

What's so funny about her?

Then listen to Feng to say again: "Why are you not funny? Although you used it to frighten you, it's not for you to use it as a treasure

Mingruo was silent.

Fengzhi is really right. Although it is only a drop of blood of the emperor, it contains not only powerful power, but also the emperor's prestige and some characteristics. Where can a big Luo Jinxian completely control it?

The reason is not that this is the most simple way to deal with the emperor's blood?

But now, being pointed out by Feng Zhi, she is not so happy.

"Oh, even if you are right?" If Mingruo sneered, "even if I can't give full play to the power of the emperor's blood, but as long as I can subdue you, won't it?"

When Feng Zhi heard this, she took a look at Longyan, and they quickly exchanged a look that only they understood.

At the next moment, Ming Ruo, who was originally satirizing Fengzhi, suddenly changed his face.

Fengzhi and Longyan did not know how. They broke away from the imperial blood and did not see any movement. They suddenly flew out of their back.

The Phoenix flies out of the back of the Phoenix, while the Dragon Yan flies out of the Golden Dragon.

As soon as the Golden Dragon and the fire phoenix appeared, they quickly circled around each other, and at the same time, they sent out the sound of the dragon and the song of the Phoenix that resounded through the whole colorful city. Before the sound of the dragon and the chant of the Phoenix and the Dragon did not dissipate, the speed of the Golden Dragon and the fire phoenix accelerated. Later, it seemed that they were integrated into each other.

If there were dragon or Phoenix people here, they would cry out in surprise.

Dragon and Phoenix bring prosperity!

Such a scene appeared once when Fengzhi and Longyan attended the sacrifice in the phoenix nest, but now it appears again.

Then, the integration of the dragon and Phoenix virtual shadow, so with the speed of thunder, toward the things happened too suddenly and did not have time to respond to Mingruo there.

All this is so fast that even if Mingruo holds such a big killer as emperor's blood in his hand, he has no time to make any response.

Although the emperor's blood is priceless, it is taken from the emperor's body, which naturally contains some emperor's will. Because of this, the emperor's blood can be used by Mingruo, but it is absolutely impossible to recognize her as the main one, so it is impossible to take the initiative to protect Ming from harm.

Feng Zhi and Long Yan's long-time plan is the most powerful force they can play at this stage.

The strength of the two men was originally equal to their ability. If Mingruo was just a big Luo Jinxian with the same strength as them, if they were really hit by this blow, they would have to take away half of their lives even if they did not die.

By that time

It's time for Fengzhi and Longyan to get revenge.

Feng to see is about to be hit, the face still has the color of inconceivable if, in the eye does not have any complacency.

She's waiting.

Wait and see, or, who else will jump out at this time?

As expected.

Seeing that the shadow of dragon and phoenix is about to hit Mingruo, a large golden hand suddenly appears behind the slanting rear of Feng to he Longyan. The big hand directly grabs the shadow and catches it.

Then, the empty shadow of dragon and Phoenix sends out a burst of sound of dragon and Phoenix chanting. Although the shadow of dragon and phoenix is not a real body, it is also affected by the impact of Ming Ruo, who has come back to God and gently put a little bit on the emperor's blood Stagnation, if you want to attack Ming Ruo again, where can it work?Seeing such a result, Feng Zhi and Long Yan are not disappointed.

They at least fished out a big fish with minnow, didn't they?

As for who the big fish is

Besides the old acquaintances, who else?

I saw that after the golden hand gradually turned into gold and disappeared, there was a sharp distortion of the air and a figure gradually appeared in the empty place where the giant hand appeared.

The ancient style, which seems to have no change with that time, appears in the sight of Fengzhi and Longyan.

Feng to see a sneer.

Sure enough, the ancient style still did not give up.

Before Mingruo's obviously unusual attention, Fengzhi felt a little suspicious. Later, when she saw the same way of doing things as the ancient style, she believed her guess more.

Mingruo, it must have something to do with ancient customs.

Even the style and purpose of these two people are similar. However, the ancient custom used to separate Fengzhi and Longyan from each other. Now, if the emperor's blood is taken out in order to force Long Yan to go to his own place, people have to guess that they are both stimulated by something, so when they see a loving couple, they want to do something about it The law wants to break up people in order to satisfy their own dark purpose.

Feng to feel, even if he did not fully guess right, the total is not bad where to go.

Holding Long Yan's arm and using her own body as his support, Feng Zhi looked at the ancient wind coming slowly and said hello to him without any anger, "long time no see..."

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