Before seeing the ancient style, Fengzhi thought that if he saw him again, he would be very angry. After all, the experience of being chased by the powerful Immortal King under him was still deeply remembered by Feng Zhi.

But really see this person, Feng to but not at all angry.

Yes, it's just clear.

Sure enough

There will be no love or hatred for no reason in this world. For example, Mingruo, a woman who has been sought after by all, will not suddenly have to fight with Feng Zhi and long without any reason. Behind all this, there is an ancient custom.

Fengzhi looked up and down the ancient style, shook his head and said, "speaking of it, I really don't understand your idea very much. After such a big circle, I just want to see that Longyan and I don't get along well. Even if you really achieve your goal, what's the benefit for you?"

It's typical to do harm to others but not to yourself.

"As long as I am willing to do so," he said

That's true.

As for Feng, she didn't say anything more. Anyway, they were destined to stand on the opposite side of each other. She just needed to know that Gu Feng didn't have any good ideas for her party. There was no need to investigate why he was so.

Whatever the reason, he has done something against himself and others, hasn't he?

Thinking of this, looking at the ancient style and Ming Ruo who have come together and stood side by side, Feng Zhi held out his hand to them and said, "if so, we don't need to say so much nonsense. This will solve the problem of such a long time of bullshit."

At the same time, Long Yan's face is also more alert.

From the previous dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang, Fengzhi and Longyan suddenly developed a double sword skill.

The two of them have the same strength and incomparable tacit understanding. When they join hands to trigger the vision of dragon and Phoenix, their attack can also get a bonus, which makes it much easier to fight the enemy than if they fight on their own.

The strength of Gufeng and Mingruo are also within the scope of Daluo Jinxian. If they fight normally, Fengzhi and Longyan will never advise. Now the only worry is that Gufeng and Mingruo still have things like emperor blood in their hands.

A drop of emperor's blood has already pressed down Fengzhi and Longyan. If there is one more

Then there is no need to fight this war.

Fortunately, at this time, I saw a drop of emperor's blood in the palm of his hand. Suddenly, his face turned white, and there was a wisp of blood slowly overflowing from the corner of his lips. However, the drop of emperor's blood, which had been watching her command very much, flashed a few times at the same time, and gradually disappeared.


Feng Zhi and Long Yan looked at each other and were relieved in their hearts.

It seems that this is Mingruo's strength is not enough to support her to continue to use the emperor's blood.

This is also right, if the Ming Dynasty is only the strength of the big Luo Jinxian, how can you use the emperor's blood without any scruples?

If so, she would not have to look at the people under the celestial king. In fact, this is obviously impossible.

If you have a drop of emperor's blood in your hand, it will be amazing enough. You can't think of another treasure of the same level. Now you are hurt by the blood of the emperor. It will be too simple to deal with her. As for the ancient style

Feng to the heart is still some uncertain.

Even though they have already stood opposite to Fengzhi and others, the ancient style has never shown its real strength. According to Fengzhi's estimation, his strength, like that of himself and Long Yan, should also be in Daluo Jinxian.

However, this is only Fengzhi's prediction after all. As for whether it is accurate, it may be uncertain.

In short, in Fengzhi's heart, the ancient style is that variable.

Hearing this, Gu Feng sighed, "Fengzhi, you may not believe it. When I was with you, I really took you as a companion. I didn't expect that we would come to this stage..."

Feng Zhi sneered.

It's better to speak than to sing.

If this is the case, there will not be a trip to the Chatian gorge, and there will be no such thing as his immortal King chasing himself and others desperately.

"Things have come to this point. What else do you say these things have not been done?" Feng to cold voice way, "as for whether you take us as a companion, this point is probably only you can understand, more said useless, to start it quickly."

So the old style doesn't say much.

He looked at Mingruo around him, and they both nodded together.

This is clearly the way to go.

Fengzhi and Longyan certainly didn't let Gu Feng and Mingruo seize the opportunity. They didn't say a word, but they attacked the past with another move.

Just as before, two virtual shadows of a dragon and a phoenix flew out from the two men's attacking hands. The dragon and Phoenix hovered in the air, and the chanting of the dragon and the sound of the Phoenix resounded through the colorful city again. At the same time, the attack of Fengzhi and Longyan got a bonus, and they roared towards Mingruo and the ancient wind with an incomparable power.Their strength is almost no match in the same rank. Now they are joining hands to attack, and the offensive has also gained a bonus. If Gu Feng and Ming Ruo are really hit by this move, it can be imagined that they will never be able to get rid of it.

Of course, Gu Feng and Ming Ruo couldn't stand where they were and let Fengzhi and Longyan fight. They probably cooperated before. Even if they didn't have the tacit understanding like Fengzhi and Longyan, they were not bad at all. One left and one right retreated to both sides, and then Mingruo had a colorful silk ribbon in his hand. Every time he waved it, it seemed that there was a rainbow in the air.

In the hand of the ancient wind, there is a very elegant folding fan. Every time the fan looks fragile, it can bring out a shrill roar.

These two people are not so easy to deal with.

Fengzhi and Longyan had long predicted this.

One blow did not work, and the two men did not have any depression. One punch, one palm, and then attacked again.

At the same time, a black light flashed across Feng Zhi's waist. The black soft sword she used as her belt suddenly straightened and gave a "clang" sound, and then cut it like a spirit snake towards the ancient wind and two people.

Soft sword is a rare weapon no matter where it is. If the ancient style and Ming Dynasty were caught off guard for a moment, the rhythm was disrupted. If it wasn't quick reaction, it would have been hurt by the attack of Fengzhi and Longyan.

There is a big war between the four.

At first, Fengzhi and Longyan couldn't do their best because both of them were secretly guarding against the powerful Xianjun who appeared next to Gufeng last time. But after fighting, they didn't see the powerful Xianjun, and they began to let go.

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