It's just a simple sentence. Even Fengzhi and Longyan can hear it. The owner of this voice doesn't mean anything when he speaks.

Even so, when the sound fell in their ears, it also made Fengzhi and Longyan lose their minds for so long.


If the owner of the voice is hostile

They can't even imagine the consequences.

Maybe, at that time, they didn't think about these Kung Fu any more, and they had lost consciousness forever.

Moreover, the voice comes from the blood of the emperor, so the owner of the voice is


The emperor is a real great man who stands on the top of the fairyland. Ordinary immortals can not have any intersection with the emperor even if they are tens of thousands of years old.

Before that, Fengzhi and Longyan had only heard of the emperor's name, but now they have not only seen a drop of the emperor's blood, but also heard the emperor's voice.

Even if Fengzhi and Longyan are not people who will belittle themselves, it is hard to avoid some excitement in their hearts.

In particular, the emperor's voice is clearly to avoid a great trouble for them.

Of course, for Fengzhi and Longyan, the emperor's voice is a good thing, but not necessarily for Mingruo.

When Feng Zhi reveals the scar in her heart, if Ming wants to make Feng Zhi and Long Yan die, it can only be seen that she has to sacrifice the emperor's blood even if she wants to be hurt.

However, she was so cruel that she was interrupted. It would be strange if she could be happy.


In front of the emperor, Mingruo also has no resistance, so even if she is unwilling to do so, she can only be suppressed without resistance after the voice appears.

Can be clear if the heart is still unwilling, only quiet for a moment, then desperately struggle up.

"Oh, you child..."

The voice sighed again.

Then, I saw the drop of emperor's blood as if he had his own breath. The gold light around him expanded first and then suddenly converged.

Only for such a moment, Ming Ruo, who was still struggling, had already fallen to the ground.

At the next moment, there is a light door behind Mingruo. There is white light projected on her body. Her body immediately floats up. Finally, it disappears into the light door and disappears. With it, there is a drop of emperor's blood.

The light gate keeper Mingruo also gradually disappeared after he took it away. Before it completely disappeared, the voice stopped and said: "ruoer's seat will be taken away, as for you..."

At this point, he pondered for a moment, as if thinking about how to speak.

Whether it is phoenix to Longyan, or the side of the ancient style, at this time are a little surprised.

You know, the master of this voice is a real emperor.

Emperor, such characters are just a few people in the whole fairyland. They can be said to be the real powerful ones who can dominate the fairyland. What do such characters want to say and where do they have any scruples?

However, the emperor showed a look of scruples.


And why?

In Feng Zhi's doubt, she heard the voice of the emperor.

“…… You guys, take care of yourself. "

Then, the light completely disappeared, and the sound never sounded again.

Realizing that the unknown emperor really left, Fengzhi and Longyan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

When they heard the emperor's blood, they could not feel much from the emperor's blood pressure.

Although Fengzhi and Longyan couldn't move when they were controlled by the emperor's blood pressure, they still had the consciousness of seizing the opportunity to fight against it. However, when they heard the emperor speak before, they only felt that all the spirits were following the emperor's every word. They could not have their own consciousness, let alone resist.

There is no way. The gap between the two sides is so big that no matter what method can be used to make up for it, how can we resist?


Fengzhi and Longyan have only these two words in their hearts.

Fengzhi and Longyan don't know much about the fairyland. However, they have heard of the names of the four remaining emperors in the fairyland.

There are only four emperors left in the fairyland today. In addition to the southern emperor, Siman Tian, Si Hao's father, who met once before, there are also the Eastern Emperor, the Eastern Emperor, the Western emperor, the western gate emperor, and the northern emperor, the northern emperor.

These four emperors respectively guarded the four sides of the fairyland, which can be said to be the existence of the pillars of the fairyland.

Any immortal in the fairyland, when mentioning these four emperors, absolutely dare not have any disrespect.At the level of emperors, even if they just recite their names, they may be sensed by them. No one in the fairyland has the courage to ignore the majesty of the emperor.


Which of the four emperors was the emperor who just came forward to take Mingruo away?

But if ming could let the emperor take her away in person, Feng Zhi had to sigh that her backstage was so big. In the whole fairyland, I'm afraid that no one's backstage could be harder than her.

There is such a backstage, but also can easily take out the emperor's blood such things, it is no wonder if Ming would act so foolishly.

Inexplicable, Feng to think of once again had seen Si Hao.

Si Hao's father is also an emperor.

The southern emperor was the emperor of Nantian.

Shaking his head, will be disorderly into the Si Hao thrown out of the head, Feng to the eyes and fell on the body of the ancient style.

She always thought that this ancient style should have some connection with Si Hao, and the ancient style was so familiar with Ming Ruo. He was only a little surprised when the emperor suddenly appeared. Obviously, he knew the situation of Mingruo very well.

Although he was the enemy, Feng Zhi was also a little curious, so he asked Who is that just now, Southeast and northwest? "

The old style is a little speechless.

He did not follow the rhythm of Fengzhi.

They are now the enemy of big fight, OK? How can Fengzhi ask him questions like this?

Although I think so, the ancient style did not ignore the Phoenix, but pointed to the East.

The Eastern Emperor and the eastern Ming Dynasty.

Feng to in the heart secretly said.

However, she soon pressed the matter to the bottom of her heart. She and Long Yan were in a different state from the emperor. The appearance of the emperor was not a good thing for them.

If so, why think about it?

When they have reached their level, they will naturally come into contact with such strong people.

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