If other people know that Fengzhi is immobile and want to reach the same level as the emperor in the future, I don't know how to be ridiculed.

After all, there are too few emperors in the fairyland.

The fairyland is extremely vast, and the number of immortals is more than hundreds of millions. Among so many immortals, there are only four emperors now, which shows how difficult it is to become an emperor.

Even if it is the divine arrow that may become the emperor in recent years, even if the arrow roars, he dare not say that he can break through the final barrier before he is shut down. In case of emergency, he left his inheritance early, not to mention the big Luo Jinxian like Fengzhi.

Da Luo Jinxian to Emperor

Well, it's no different from the man immortal who just ascended to the emperor.

Feng Zhi collected her floating mind.

"Well, since Mingruo has already left, you are the only one left. We should have a good balance between us..." Feng to lenglengleng looks at the ancient wind road.

Gu Feng, the snake spirit disease, because of him, Feng to several people don't know how much trouble, now that he appears again, where can Feng not do a good account with him?

Ancient style

He really wanted to ask Feng Zhi, she changed face like turning a book, really good?

A moment ago, I was still asking myself a question. After I answered it, I immediately turned my face and didn't recognize people. There is a unique skill called face changing that doesn't come as fast as she does, OK?

The ancient custom inexplicably has the kind to be pulled out, that what merciless sadness.

Feng Zhi doesn't care what kind of mood the ancient style is now. Since she is the enemy, of course, she can't let go. If there is no way for her, she can't let go of the remaining ancient style.

Therefore, she and Long Yan had a tacit understanding and raised their hands, and then they attacked the ancient style again.

Gu Feng felt that he was very forced.

In the past, he and Mingruo joined hands, but they were still defeated by Fengzhi and Longyan. Now Mingruo has left, relying on him alone, I can see what kind of result it is.

Sure enough, under the pursuit of Fengzhi and Longyan, the ancient style flickers left and right and hides in a mess.

Looking at him like this, Feng Zhi finally felt relaxed.

Holding a soft sword in his hand, the soft body of the sword becomes straight and sharp under the influence of Fengzhi's immortal spirit. Fengzhi is like holding a firestick in his hand and stabbing it directly towards the ancient wind.

Poke, poke, poke

As she poked it, she muttered: "hum, I make you crazy, let you have a strong immortal, let you find ways to separate me and Long Yan..."

Under the action of Feng Zhi, the ancient style kept jumping around like stepping on a nail under his feet. Don't mention how funny this scene is.

Of course, the ancient style will never find it funny.

"Fengzhi, stop it. You've gone too far, too much..."

The old style dances and shouts, just like singing a big play.

Fengzhi and Longyan, on the other hand, have a good time to watch the good play. They almost don't catch the melon seeds.

The old wind is about to cry.

In fact, Fengzhi and Longyan were in a bad mood.

Although the ancient style is on the opposite side of them, but carefully think about it, in addition to inexplicably want to see Feng Zhi abandon Long Yan, it really did not do anything harmful to Fengzhi and others.

It is also because of this, even if the ancient customs started, Fengzhi did not really like to deal with the dead enemy that never die.

In fact, the current situation is more like playing games.

The ancient wind over there doesn't feel that Feng Zhi is playing with himself.

God knows that the soft sword in Fengzhi's hand is not so soft and prone as usual. When it comes to the body, it is not ambiguous at all. The ancient style has no doubt. If he dodges in time, he must be stabbed by Fengzhi.

This jump to jump around, for a long time, the ancient wind has to doubt whether he is a monkey.

Realizing that Feng Zhi is deliberately cleaning him up, the old wind is angry Fengzhi, stop it, or I'll say something unpleasant. You and Longyan... "

Words have not really said the export, will Feng to the annoyance.

The most unbearable thing about Fengzhi is that he tried his best to separate himself from Longyan. Now that the ancient style has been beaten like this, he still wants to say such words.

How can Fengzhi endure?

She snorted coldly, "I don't think you can see the coffin without tears..."

After saying that, the black light of the soft sword, which had been used as a stick by Fengzhi, appeared. The cold light of the sword drew a cold arc in the air and roared towards the ancient wind.

The old wind gave a strange cry.

He could see that Feng Zhi was really annoyed by him. He didn't show any mercy on this sword. If he was hit by this sword, Gu Feng felt that he would have to kill half his life if he didn't die.

What can he do?Of course, we have to hide.

With a slight jump on the ground, the ancient style body inclines to the left, and the posture should be hidden.

It was at this time that sudden changes took place.

I don't know why, Gu Feng's body suddenly became stiff at this time. You should know that he is now in the middle of a battle, and he is about to avoid the sword light of Fengzhi. As a result, his sudden rigidity is particularly lethal.


After a dull hum, the ancient style which was still alive and disorderly was immediately withered to the ground. Feng Zhi's all-out blow was not a joke. Only in such a moment, the ancient style that was hit has become a bloody man.

Feng Zhi was very surprised.

To tell you the truth, although she did not show mercy in this sword, she did not expect that her sword would make contributions so quickly.

From the hiding before the ancient wind, Fengzhi knew that the ancient style must have practiced a very excellent body method. Otherwise, even if he and Long Yan did not really regard him as a deadly enemy, he would not have been able to keep intact for such a long time in the siege of himself and Longyan.

Feng Zhi thought that his angry sword, even if he could hit the ancient wind, would rub his body and bring him some small injuries.

But now

Fengzhi has a feeling that the world is changing too fast.

What makes Fengzhi feel even more incredible is that this sword not only hit the ancient style, but also hit the ancient wind's elixir field with great accuracy. It must be as if Gu Feng deliberately took his own life gate to gather on Fengzhi's sword.

Of course, it's impossible for the ancient custom to make fun of his own life.


Feng Zhi has some doubts.

The immortal body of the immortal is really very strong. Even if the treatment is timely, as long as the breath can be saved, but the immortal body of the immortal also has weaknesses.

Dantian is one of them.

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