The elixir field is not only the weakness of the immortal, but also the most important place for the immortal baby. If the elixir field is seriously damaged, even if it can be recovered, it must pay a great price.

Therefore, no matter which immortal, when fighting, will subconsciously protect their own Dantian.

Fengzhi's sword was really aimed at the ancient elixir's field, but I wanted to know that Gufeng couldn't stand still and let her fight no, so even Fengzhi didn't think that this sword could hit.

But this sword really hit.

There is a blood hole in the belly of the ancient style because of the sword of Fengzhi. Through this hole, Fengzhi can even see the scene behind the ancient style.

Of course, if it's just a skin wound, it doesn't matter to the immortal. What's more, the sword just now hurt the ancient fairy baby.

Naturally, it is needless to say how important the immortal baby is. If the body is injured, even if the body is completely destroyed, as long as the immortal baby is still there, the immortal can win a chance of survival by virtue of the immortal baby.

But once the fairy baby is damaged, or even destroyed, it is really over.

This can be seen from the ancient customs.

With a face full of disbelief, Gu Feng's round eyes stare at Feng Zhi here. Then, under the gaze of Feng Zhi and Long Yan, he flops to the ground, and there is no sound.

After a long time, the fall of the ancient wind has not moved.

This surprised Fengzhi and Longyan.

"Eh?" Phoenix to light Yi.

The previous sword can accurately hit the ancient wind, but also directly destroyed his immortal baby, cut off the vitality of his body, which is obviously Fengzhi did not expect.

However, although she did not have much intention to kill the ancient style before, she was also the enemy of Fengzhi. Now the enemy is attacked by her own hand. Fengzhi is a little surprised, but it is only here.

Can't let her grieve for an enemy?

What makes Feng Zhi feel surprised is that after the ancient style's body has no vitality, there has been no immortal soul out of the body.

Ordinary mortals have souls, so do fairies.

As long as the spirit of immortals can be preserved, they can also be transformed into ghost cultivation, and they may not be able to make their debut.

But now, Fengzhi and longyanneng confirm that the body of the ancient style has lost its breath, and Xianying is also destroyed by Fengzhi's sword. It is said that his urge should come out of his body at the first time.

Feng had been thinking about it before. If the spirit of the ancient style was separated from the body, should she arrest his spirit or arrest it?

Where can you think of it, she is not even the spirit of ancient style.


It's not normal.

Everyone has his own soul. No matter who is immortal or has no soul, he can only be a walking corpse or a puppet, and the ancient custom, no matter from what aspect, he will never be a walking corpse or a puppet.

So, what's going on?

If you think about it carefully, when Fengzhi took out his sword, Gu Feng originally wanted to hide. But at the moment when he wanted to escape, his whole body suddenly became stiff. Because of this, he could not escape the sword of Fengzhi and ended up like this.

Now his body and the immortal baby are destroyed, but the spirit of the immortal is missing. Does it have anything to do with his earlier strange appearance?

Feng to a time between is also full of brain door son's lawsuit.

She had long thought that the ancient wind was abnormal, but it was only because of the purpose of detecting the ancient wind, rather than what she found in him. Now she suddenly found out that if the ancient wind had been playing, there would have been no immortal soul from the beginning

So, who was the one who was with Feng Zhi and others before?

Feng Zhi and Long Yan don't understand.

Wringing eyebrows, looking at the fall of the ancient wind, Fengzhi and Longyan have been silent for a long time.

They were still interrupted by the appearance of Feng Lai and others.

"Fengzhi, Longyan, what's going on?"

“…… Are you all right? "

"Why, that's ancient style?"

"How could he be here, and how did he become so?"

Fenglai four people are not only concerned about the situation of Fengzhi and Longyan, but also surprised at the appearance and current situation of ancient customs.

Before Ming Ruo appeared, the four people of Fenglai didn't have no feeling. However, Mingruo's strength was stronger than them, and they just had a vague feeling. Later, Mingruo offered a big killing device like the blood of the emperor. Although it was mainly aimed at Fengzhi and Longyan, the emperor's authority was still more or less passed out, which directly led to other people in the whole inn All of them were photographed on the ground by this terrible pressure, and Fenglai was no exception.

In this way, where can they find Fengzhi and Longyan?

It was also when Ming Dynasty was taken away, Fengzhi and Longyan solved the ancient customs, and then they came to Feng to inquire about the situation. How could they expect to see such a scene.Feng Zhi and Long Yan looked at each other, and then did not hide it. They briefly described the appearance of Ming Ruo and the ancient customs, as well as what happened afterwards.


Fenglai four people can't help but take a breath.


Just when they didn't know, an emperor appeared!

Even if the emperor did not really appear in front of people, but just made a voice, but this is extremely rare.

You know, how many immortals can't hear the emperor's voice even though they have been to the end of their lives!

This even called Fenglai four people have a kind of regret that they missed the big event.


Xianbao'er frowned and was puzzled. "Sister Fengzhi, the ancient style had been with us for a period of time. No matter how he looked at him, he was a normal person. Why did he even have no immortal soul?"

Listening to xianbao'er mention this problem, the other several people are also a blank face.

There are immortals who are good at making puppets in the fairyland. There are various kinds of puppets made by these immortals. Among them, there are some puppets which have no difference from ordinary immortals in appearance.

But even so, anyone can distinguish a puppet from a normal immortal at a glance.

The key point is the spirit.

Even if a puppet looks like a human, it is just a body without soul. How can it be like a normal person?

So, here's the question.

There is no spirit in the ancient style. How can he explain his previous performances?

Is it that the spirit of the ancient style had already left the body when Fengzhi and Longyan didn't notice it, or did he really have no immortal soul?

Everyone didn't understand.

At this time, Feng Ming, who had been staring at the body of the ancient wind, suddenly pointed to the fallen ancient wind and said in surprise, "look

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