People heard the sound along the direction of Fengming to see the past.

Then we can see that the flesh body of the ancient style, which has been discussed by them before, just in such a moment, actually began to be like the snow in the sun.

Yes, it is!

It was clearly a body that could be touched, or a corpse. But now, inexplicably, the ancient corpse is melting like this. Starting from his head, it turns into nothingness bit by bit.

Such a scene, it always seems inexplicable to make people feel some terrible.

Just under the shock of Feng Zhi's several people, but a few breathing Kung Fu, the body of the ancient wind that had fallen on the ground had completely disappeared.

The place where he had fallen from the ground has become so clean that no trace can be seen.

It's like, there's nothing there.

If it wasn't for the Phoenix to several people who had seen the ancient wind on the ground, I'm afraid they would have thought that they were dazzled.

Of course, they can't be dazzled at the same time.

Then, it can only be explained that there is something strange about the ancient style, and it is strange that Feng even a few people don't understand.

After a long time, Feng to just slightly frown.

She always felt that what she saw in front of her eyes gave her a faint sense of familiarity.

It's like

Where she had heard of similar things.

Where is it?

Feng Zhi twisted her eyebrows and tried to think back.

It was also a pity that not long ago, Fengzhi recalled the time when she came to the fairyland, so she still had a deep impression of what had happened before. When she looked back again, it didn't take long for her to remember.

At the beginning, Fengzhi received the inheritance of fengmiao, and fengmiao, as the most powerful person of the Feng family, also had the strength of the emperor, and his strength was one of the best among the emperors.

With such strength, and lived a long time, Feng Miao's insight is not ordinary immortal can match.

No problem. The longer you live, the more you can see, isn't it?

When Fengzhi received the inheritance of fengmiao, he also received some experience of fengmiao cultivation and some memories mixed in it.

This is one of those memories.

If you really care about it, for the immortal, the immortal soul is undoubtedly more important than the immortal baby. The immortal baby means the strength of the immortal. If the immortal baby is lost, even if the immortal baby can survive again, he can only practice again.

And the immortal soul

Without the spirit of immortals, immortals are not even alive.

From this, we can imagine the importance of immortal soul.

Because of the importance of the immortal spirit, no matter how bold the immortal is, he will never joke about his own immortal soul. During the long years that fengmiao has gone through, he once heard of a bold and foolish man who separated part of his immortal soul and part of his divine consciousness from his body and injected it into a puppet, thus making the puppet almost alive Life.

Of course, it's not even true.

After all, the spirit of the immortal is very important. Few people dare to take their own spirit for granted. What's more, if you want to separate part of the immortal soul from the part of the divine consciousness, just think about it and know what kind of pain it will bear. Will any immortal do such a thing?

It is also because of this thing a little strange, will leave such a place in Feng Miao's huge memory, let Feng to receive.

Thinking of these, Feng Zhi's eyes fall on the place where the ancient wind fell to the ground.

There is nothing there now, that is, the blood from the ancient style has disappeared quietly, as if there had never been a battle before.


Will it be, the existence of the ancient style, is the Phoenix to know from the memory of Feng Miao so things?

Feng Zhi couldn't get an answer.

At the same time, when Fengzhi was confused by the strange disappearance of the ancient style, something was happening in another part of the colorful city.

Although the name of colorful city is city, it is actually a clan gate.

This is well known.

As a clan, there will naturally be a residence.

As far as the gate of the city is concerned, the gate of the city is not the gate of the city.

Since it can be used as the residence of the ancestral gate of the colorful city, it will not be easy to go there. It is not only full of aura, but also the most important thing is that it is very beautiful. Even if there are plants, trees, bricks and tiles, it is more exquisite than other places.

I think so. All the people in the colorful city are women, and they are beautiful women. If everything in this cave is not completely in line with the beauty of these female immortals in the colorful city, it's really not easy to stay here.As usual, the disciples of the colorful city in the cave either practice or do their own things.

Because Caixia fairy reappeared, the Centennial ceremony was so grand that the disciples of Qicai city were still a little excited and excited, especially those new to Qicai City, who opened their eyes and looked at everything around them.

The whole cave is full of vitality.

Caixia fairy looked at everything in the cave, and her eyes flashed with satisfaction.

As the patriarch of the colorful city, Caixia fairy is of course happy to see her clan maintain such upward momentum.

Since tens of thousands of years ago, after the Chatian gorge incident, Caixia fairy has been staying in the cave and has never appeared outside.

In the eyes of those outsiders, Caixia fairy was deeply sad because of Xiao Xu's fall, so she chose to shrink in the corner and lick the wound alone. But only Caixia fairy and the two emperors who came out of the Chatian gorge with her knew what was going on at the beginning.

Caixia fairy has a unique posture, and has a large number of supporters in the fairyland, which is not false at all, but she also knows that if she left Xiao Xu to escape alone at a critical moment, she would never live as brightly as she is now.

In order to cover this matter, when she came out of the Chatian gorge, Caixia fairy had no less bleeding, which made the other two escape together promise to keep silent.

However, although the Caixia fairy thought that Xiao Xu had no chance to survive, she did not see Xiao Xu fall with her own eyes. Therefore, even if she bought the other two emperors, she did not dare to appear outside for tens of thousands of years.

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