This is the truth that Caixia fairy has not appeared for tens of thousands of years.

It's not because of Xiao Xu's fall that he is heartbroken, but just that he is not sure whether he will have a chance to survive. Now it has been tens of thousands of years. According to Caixia fairy, if Xiao Xuzhen is still alive, he will not appear for tens of thousands of years. Since he has not appeared for such a long time, he must have died in the rift valley at that time.

In this case, thinking of her absence for tens of thousands of years is to grieve for Xiao Xu for tens of thousands of years in the eyes of outsiders. Even if she reappears at this time, outsiders will not think that she is sentimental, but will only think that she is sentimental.

That's why the fairies of Caixia appear in the Centennial ceremony of colorful city.

As a matter of fact, everything is just as the Caixia fairy expected. She has been living in seclusion for tens of thousands of years, which has made the outsider's brain fill up a beautiful woman with love and intention. After her appearance, she has a higher reputation in the fairyland. Not only are there few admirers of her, but also more people admire her.

Caixia fairy is not only satisfied with this, but also very proud.

Looking at her own side in the mirror, although tens of thousands of years have passed, her face is still as bright as before, and the rosy clouds fairy's red lips are slightly pulled, showing a shallow smile.

The face in the mirror is unique, and the smile is also beautiful. But who knows what the colorful fairy is thinking about with such a skin appearance?

However, the smile on the face of Caixia fairy did not have time to put it away, then she was stiff.

There was no other reason, just because she suddenly felt a pressure that she had no time to resist.

This pressure came too suddenly and was even more powerful. Even if Caixia fairy was the emperor of heaven, she did not have any strength to fight back.

Who is this?

Panic flashed in the eyes of Caixia fairy.

Probably out of a guilty conscience, she thought of Xiao Xu at the first time.

Xiao Xu's strength is much stronger than Caixia fairy. When she was in the rift valley, if it was not for her protection, Xiao Xu would not have been hurt, let alone stay in the Chatian gorge forever.

But later, in order to escape, Caixia fairy did not hesitate to give up Xiao Xu.

In this regard, Caixia fairy is also not guilty, this tens of thousands of years of living in seclusion is also because of this.


Is Xiao Xu not only not dead in the Chatian gorge, but also managed to escape. Now that she finally appears, will she come to revenge her?

Caixia fairy's heart is full of panic.

For Caixia fairy, her appearance and her reputation are her most important things. She can't imagine that she will lose any of these two things one day.

Now that Xiao Xu comes back, the big lie she told at that time will naturally be exposed, and then she, a kind-hearted person, will naturally fall apart.

Caixia fairy couldn't imagine what it would be like.

At this time, the pressure of the Caixia fairy was suddenly light.

Did not wait for the Caixia fairy to react, she was in front of a light door, a purple figure from the light door and out.

It's minruo.

At this time, Mingruo didn't know whether she was asleep or fainted. She was closing her eyes. Under her body, she seemed to have a pair of invisible hands supporting her. Finally, she put her gently on the white jade bed in the room.

Caixia fairy is finally relieved.

Not Xiao Xu. That's good.

By this time, Caixia fairy can finally think normally.

By the way, how could it be Xiao Xu?

She is the strong one of the heavenly kings. Even if her most important thing is her appearance, and her strength can only be regarded as the tail of a crane among the heavenly kings, but she is the emperor after all. She can't breathe with the help of pressure, which is the most powerful arrow in the heavenly king, and the roaring arrow of the heavenly king can't do this.

Then, can do this, also can only be emperor.

It is not easy to become an emperor. Any immortal in the fairyland knows that when he entered the Chatian gorge, Xiao Xu broke through to Tianjun for only a few tens of thousands of years. Let alone whether he could become an emperor, even if it was possible, Xiao Xu was still 18000 miles away from the Emperor at that time.


How can Xiao Xu break through to the emperor after tens of thousands of years of Kung Fu?

Caixia fairy is also out of the heart of the heart, will think of Xiao Xu there.

After seeing Mingruo, Caixia fairy will know who the pressure came from.

She quickly stood up, extremely respectful toward the direction of the light door bent slightly, "Caixia met the East emperor."

East emperor.

If the outsider hears the Caixia fairy, he will be surprised.

Now there are only four remaining emperors in the fairyland, and the four emperors respectively guard the four sides of the fairyland. If they had not met the great events related to the survival of the fairyland, the four emperors would not have appeared in front of people.But now, the East emperor appeared in front of Caixia fairy.

After the Caixia fairy's ceremony, the light door began to disappear. At the same time, there was a dull voice with dignity, "take care of ruoer..."

The fairies of Caixia kept answering.

Mingruo's identity is known to her. Because of this, since Mingruo arrived in Qicai City, Caixia fairy almost confessed her to her. Now Mingruo almost has an accident under her nose. She still knows nothing about it. Caixia fairy is very worried.

The Caixia fairy thought that the East emperor would leave after the command was finished. Unexpectedly, the East emperor said again after a slight pause Those two younger generations... "

Caixia fairy is stunned.

Two younger generations?

She was wondering, but the East emperor suddenly shut up again.

For a long time, before the East emperor's words, the Caixia fairy carefully looked up and looked around. Finally, she was sure that the East emperor was really leaving. She was also one of the pines.


Previously, who did the emperor refer to?

I don't know why. Caixia fairy always thinks that the emperor wants to remind her of this. Even, the emperor's tone still has some


In Caixia fairy doubt, Far East, a man in a simple white dress stood with his hands tied and sighed slightly towards the direction of the colorful city.

However, they are two younger generations, but they are already related to the spirit of the fairyland. To think of it, these are the two descendants who are rumored to be emperors.

It's just that. He is an old fellow who should not interfere in the affairs between the younger generation.

In this way, the man, that is, the East emperor, randomly placed his sleeves and gradually disappeared in the air.

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