See the Phoenix to boast themselves, Fengming is very proud of raising eyebrows.

The result of the distraction was that Fengming was very smooth, and suddenly stopped for a moment. He almost found out the clue. So he quickly made up a few more noises, and then went on to say: -- And the fairies of the colorful city... "

Many of the immortals who watched could not help but prick up their ears.

Previously heard the Internet bar said "colorful city, a city can not walk away" when, after all the immortals can not help laughing, they think this is how to listen to some classic it.

Therefore, at this time to listen to Fengming to say to the female fairy of the colorful city, people can't help but want to hear what Fengming can say.

The fairy in blue glared at Feng with hatred.

If it had not been for so many people watching, direct action would have destroyed the image of the colorful city and the female immortals in the eyes of all the immortals. She was afraid that she would have asked people to attack Feng Zhi and his party.

Now, though, it's no use not to do it.

If you don't start, who knows what Fengming will say?

The fairy in blue doesn't want to be related to those inexplicable adjectives.

She then looked back at several colorful city disciples behind her, and her other hand was pressed on her waist. She saw that she was about to draw out her sword.

Just then, everyone heard a faint sigh.


The crowd one Zheng, is Feng Ming's dry howl also can't help but stop.

There is no other meaning in the sigh, as if it is just casual. However, listening to it in people's ears makes everyone feel embarrassed by the sigh, and makes people subconsciously not want to be embarrassed by the owner of the voice.

This is

Caixia fairy!

All the immortals were excited.

This is the ordinary fairy never have a chance to see, set beauty and kindness for a body of Caixia fairy ah!

However, the next moment, the immortals will realize that all this happened in front of Caixia fairy heart is not happy.

Such a peerless beauty as Caixia fairy, let alone unhappy, even if she just frowns, will make people reluctant to give up. Although Caixia fairy has not appeared, but just imagine her frown slightly, many immortals have already been in a turmoil.

Therefore, at the next moment, without the help of the fairy in blue, there will be many immortals who can't sit still.

"Shut up!"

After two words with one voice, a large number of immortals came out of the crowd and looked at Fengming indignantly, "where are you from? How dare you ruin the reputation of Qicai city and its fairies here? I think you are impatient to live!"

"That is, Caixia fairy wants to see you. It's a good thing that you can't even ask for. You dare to take Joe. Why should some fairies be polite to them

"If some fairies don't feel good about it, I'm willing to do it for you!"

"Yes, yes, yes..."

The five immortals were fascinated by the five immortals.

Feng Zhi sneered.

At the Centennial ceremony, she had seen the charm of Caixia fairy, but at that time, after all, it was on top of the celebration of colorful city, and Caixia fairy just showed up a little, without deliberately showing her charm.

But now, she hasn't appeared yet, just uttered such a sigh, unexpectedly can ask so many immortals to take the initiative to do her puppet.

This fox spirit is really powerful.

Feng Zhi thought so in her heart.

Of course, Feng didn't fall down on her mouth, and said: "I'm sorry Caixia fairies are really charming. They have made so many immortals willing to work hard without showing up. However, if you start to fight, you will lose your lives for the sake of the colorful city. I don't know whether it is worthwhile to row. After all, the Caixia fairy didn't ask you to do it, did you? "

After hearing the voice of Caixia fairy, those immortals who jumped out of their own initiative forgot to think about other things because of the blood gushing from their hearts. They only felt that in order not to let the fairy sigh like this again, they were burying their own lives.

But at this time, Fengzhi's voice is like pouring a ladle of cold water on their already boiling heart, which makes them wake up immediately.

Some of them were even more frightened.

They were clearly standing on the side of Fengzhi. Why did they just hear a sigh from the fairy of Caixia, so they changed their original intention and almost rushed to fight with Fengzhi?

Although Feng to several people have not yet made a move, but figured out that if they do not have some skills, how dare they not sell the face of the disciples of the colorful city?

If you really start, just like Fengzhi said, even if they were killed, what's the relationship between the colorful city and Caixia fairy?

After all, Caixia fairy didn't let them.Perhaps, they will have to be satirized, who told them not to weigh their own strength to be strong?

Thinking of these, all the immortals were afraid and stepped back a big step.

Feng to see the shape can not help but hook hook the lip corner.

She felt that the fairy must have been so angry that she wanted to scream a few times.

For people like Caixia fairies, their beauty is the weapon they hold in their hands. Over time, they naturally think that their beauty can make them achieve all their goals. They even think that all the opposite sex should yield to their beauty, even if they are killed for it.

Now, seeing the fear in the eyes of those immortals, I realize that these immortals may not want to fight for her. It's strange that Caixia fairy will be happy.

Caixia fairy is the strong one of the heavenly kings. Even if her strength is not strong among the heavenly kings, she is also the real emperor.

With Feng's strength, if the enemy is Xianjun, she and Long Yan can barely fight with each other, but if they meet the Emperor

There is absolutely no chance.

If Caixia fairies get angry because of this, they will not even have the chance to escape.


Phoenix is not afraid of fairies at all.

Because she still has cards in her hand.

As long as she holds this card, she will never be empty in front of Caixia fairy.

The reason why Fengzhi didn't give Caixia fairy the face in the colorful city was because she held the card in her hand.

Therefore, at this time, she did not even think about whether the Caixia fairy would be angry, but continued: "since the Caixia fairy has come, why don't you show up?"

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