There was another puff in the crowd.

Everyone thought that Fengzhi's courage was too much. Caixia fairy took the initiative to invite her, but she didn't want to directly refuse it. After all, Fengzhi is a woman, and it's normal not to be confused by the charm of Caixia fairy. But now, listening to her words, she wants Caixia Fairy to come to see her on her own initiative?

What a face?

A fairy can't help but want to satirize Feng Zhi, but think about the previous words of Feng Zhi. When the sarcastic words come to the mouth, they are swallowed back.

After all, Fengzhi didn't say anything wrong. The fairies didn't say a word. If they jumped out like this, what would happen? They had to swallow the bitter fruit?

So, you can watch the excitement, but save the rest.

It has to be said that Fengzhi makes many immortals have the consciousness that they can not easily come out for the sake of Caixia fairy.

Caixia fairy must have been so angry at this time that the means she had been used to for so many years suddenly had no effect. Maybe it would have been useless in the future. It would be strange if she was not angry.

In fact, Caixia fairy was also sulking at this time.

It has been tens of thousands of years since the event happened in the Chatian gorge. Even if the immortal has a heart that is not afraid of loneliness, the Caixia fairy can't help it.

It was estimated that Xiao Xu could not be alive, and no one would know what had happened. Caixia fairy decided to take the opportunity of the Centennial ceremony to show up.

She thought that her first appearance after tens of thousands of years would make a great stir in the fairyland.

It's true.

At that time, on the occasion of the Centennial ceremony, when the Caixia fairy appeared, those fairies were so intoxicated that they still made Caixia fairy proud.

Look, even if it hasn't appeared for tens of thousands of years, her charm is still no less than it was then.

Such a good mood has continued until Ming Ruo was sent to her by the East emperor.

Speaking of qimingruo, although she is now a disciple of the colorful city, even Caixia fairy, the leader of the colorful city, dare not neglect her at all.

At the beginning, Mingruo was sent to Qicai city by dongdijun's people. Caixia fairy didn't know the relationship between Mingruo and dongdijun, but since dongdijun could be sent to her in person, the relationship between them could not be far away.

Even if Caixia fairy is a strong emperor, but in front of the emperor, she is still nothing.

Therefore, in order to please the East emperor, the Caixia fairy took Mingruo to Qicai city without saying a word, and gave a lot of preferential treatment to Mingruo, making Mingruo the heaviest person in the colorful city.

And Caixia fairy's heart is also very clear, over the years, the colorful city has been able to maintain this detached position, there is no eye-catching people to provoke, one of the most important reason is that there are East emperor's people secretly watching.


Do you really think that only by virtue of the beauty of Caixia fairies and the disciples of colorful city, can people in the fairyland hold them so much?

This is the fairyland, the fairyland of the jungle!

In the fairyland, if there is beauty but no strength, they will not be welcomed, but become the vassals of the strong.

In the heart again clear this point, however, to the matter of Mingruo, where dare not Caixia fairy?

But this time, Mingruo's incident even startled the East emperor, and if Mingruo was still injured, xiangkong knew that it would not be a trivial matter, and the Caixia fairy did not know whether the East emperor meant anything else, but from her point of view, even if the East emperor had no other ideas, what about Mingru?

Since the East emperor sent Ming Ruo to her here, then she only wanted to let Ming Ruo happy, that also worried about East emperor not happy?

Therefore, Caixia fairy not only takes care of Mingruo in person, but also asks about the cause of Mingruo's injury after she wakes up.

And Mingruo, also do not know what kind of psychology, she not only did not hide the matter, but told everything to the fairy.

In this way, there is the Caixia fairy, and later told the blue fairy and others to stop Feng to a line and take it back.

Seeing Fengzhi and his party not only didn't come to see themselves, but also made such a noise at the gate of the city. Even Fengzhi's words also brought that effect. Caixia fairy's eyes were filled with anger.

If it is possible, she will definitely greet Feng Zhi's face with a slap.

Caixia fairies are the Nine Tailed Fox tribe. They are naturally endowed with irresistible charm, whether male or female. In addition, the skills they cultivate can also strengthen this charm. Therefore, every Jiuwei fox tribe has the ability to fascinate people.

Among them, Caixia fairy is the most.

Caixia fairy has always been complacent because of her charm. Now she meets a person who is not moved by her charm. She also sees Fengming's splashing, and wants to strangle Feng to several people's hearts.However, the present situation is too clear by Feng Zhidian. If she doesn't express at all, she is afraid that after today, the colorful city will lose its former detached status.

Even though the anger in her eyes was almost overflowing, the voice of Caixia fairy was still soft as if she could drip water.

She said, "some of you may have misunderstood our colorful city..."

The words have not finished to be interrupted by Feng Zhi.

"If there is any misunderstanding, you know it, and I know it." Feng Zhi waved to the void in front of her eyes.

All of a sudden, Banxia and the fairies would not want to tell each other except Banxia.

If Ming can let the emperor personally, we can imagine that his identity is not simple.

In this way, Caixia fairy can't think that if Fengzhi cleans up Ming well, she probably wants to take the lead for Mingruo.

In this case, where can Feng be polite to her?

Caixia fairy was blocked up and found her voice after a long time I sincerely invite you to visit the colorful city... "

Anyway, Caixia fairy must take Fengzhi back.

Otherwise, how would she end up boasting at Mingruo?

And Caixia fairy so performance, fall in the ears of other immortals, but also told them to Fengzhi and other people.

Can let the Caixia fairy, who is the emperor of heaven, hold such a low profile, and the strength of Fengzhi is obviously impossible to be higher than that of Caixia fairy. Then, is it that they have any terrible backstage?

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