Feng Zhi, who was mistakenly thought to have a very hard backstage, laughs again after hearing the Caixia fairy's words.

She felt that the colorful fairy was really too heavy an idol's burden. In other words, she wanted to face life and suffer.

According to the basic rules of fairyland, under such a situation, Caixia fairies can not say a word with Fengzhi and others, but capture Fengzhi several people directly with their own strength. Even if there are so many people watching, no one will blame her.

After all, the strength is not as good as the people, and there should have been bad luck consciousness.

However, after wearing the mask for a long time, she regarded the mask as her real face. She refused to destroy her beauty and kindness, and didn't want people to see her fierce side.

This is not, ask for trouble?

Thinking in this way, Fengzhi would not be polite to Caixia fairy, so she interrupted Caixia fairy again. "Just now I found that the disciples of qicaicheng have problems with their ears. I can't imagine that Caixia fairy also has such problems. It's really..."

There was a puff in the crowd.

Feng Zhi's words and deeds had been very bold before. Now she even pointed out that Caixia fairy's ears had something wrong. This, too ignorant of life and death?

However, Caixia fairy is beautiful and kind-hearted. It is probably because of this that the little girl dares to be so presumptuous.

For a while, all the immortals are in the heart for the Caixia fairy.

As Fengzhi's wish, Caixia fairy was so angry that she couldn't say a word for a long time. She even broke two pieces of her beautiful nails that she had left for many years. It was too late to love her nails. The fairy took a breath and said coldly for a long time: "we treat each other with courtesy. Since several of you are so impolite, we will arrest you directly. I think so No one can say anything... "

And it is.

And Feng to, the eye sees the rosy clouds fairy to excite quickly to turn over a face, and then the way: -- In this case, let's go to the residence of colorful city and have a good look. "

However, she held back the cruel words that Caixia fairy was about to release.

That kind of full swing a fist, but finally hit on the cotton feeling, can not mention how uncomfortable.

And all the immortals around, listening to Feng Zhi's words, also couldn't help rolling their eyes.

They thought that Fengzhi and Caixia fairy were just going to the end when they heard Fengzhi talking with Caixia fairy. How could they think that the cruel words of Caixia fairy had not been released, and Fengzhi recognized and counselled?

You know?

The Phoenix laughs and says nothing.

Seeing several disciples of Qicai City headed by the fairy in blue, under the command of Caixia fairy, they reached out to them and made a "please" action. Feng didn't rush to walk, but turned to make a wink at Fengming.

"Get up quickly. Are you addicted to rolling on the ground?" Fengzhi has nothing to say.

Previously, he was still rolling on the ground, and could not resist the howling of the Phoenix. Hearing the words, he stood up from the ground, patting the dust on his body, and raising a piece of dust around his body. While he was extremely proud, he winked at Fengzhi and said, "how, Fengzhi, my performance is still qualified?"

It is estimated that Sichuan Opera can't match the speed of face changing.

The people around were stunned.

Feng Ming's earlier splashing is enough to surprise people. How can you think that he can be more shameless by analogy?

It's good to ask him whether his performance is qualified or not. He is really an actor!

Feng to smell speech to smile in Fengming's shoulder patted, thumbs up praise: "can't be qualified again, full score 100, I give you 99, the remaining one point is not to be afraid of your pride."

Feng Ming then laughed very proud.

It's not easy to be praised by Feng Zhi.

And other immortals, at this time has been a little numb.

They should have the awareness that they can confront Caixia fairies like this. How can this group of people be normal?

Feng Zhi didn't pay attention to what these people thought. He took Long Yan and asked Feng to follow him. The party left the gate under the guidance of the female immortals in blue.

All the onlookers still have some ideas. If possible, they still want to go to the residence of colorful city to have a good look at the follow-up.

Is it possible?

The answer, of course, is No.

Feng Zhi, who had already left, was having a conversation at this time.

"Sister Feng Zhi, how can you so easily agree to go to the residence of colorful city?" Xianbao'er was particularly worried, "the colorful city is their territory, not to mention the residence. If we really want to go there, aren't we meat buns beating dogs?"

When talking, xianbao'er didn't lower the volume at all, so the fairy in blue and others listened to her words, and then they all glared at xianbao'er.

Meat buns beat dogs?

Is this to compare themselves to meat buns, to the people of colorful city to dogs?The fairy in blue wants to cover the mouth of Feng to several people. How can none of these people speak well?

However, think of the Caixia fairy's orders, even if how angry in the heart, the blue fairy and others can only swallow the gas into the stomach.

Seeing Feng Zhi covering her mouth and smiling, xianbao'er was worried, "sister Fengzhi, don't laugh. I'm not talking to you about playing. Although the Caixia fairy has spread all over the fairyland, my father and my mother said that it's not an oil-saving lamp. If I meet people in the colorful city, they are far away from me!"

If it had not been for Feng to go to the residence of Qicai city without saying a word, xianbao'er would not have told such a big truth.

The fairy in blue and others are more angry.

They thought that only Fengzhi and Fengming were so annoying, but now it seems that xianbao'er is brave enough to speak ill of their patriarch in front of them. Can't they think they won't do it?

In fact, if there is no colorful fairy, the blue fairy and others really dare not do it.

Feng Zhi glanced at the female fairy in blue with a smile, then turned her head and looked at xianbao'er. She said mysteriously: "baby, you should know that I will not fight a battle without preparation. Since I dare to take you to the residence of Qicai City, I am sure that we will be OK, I am..."

At the end of the day, Feng Zhi's voice became lower and lower, as if she was saying something terrible in secret.

Not only xianbao'er, but also a few Fairies in blue, couldn't help stretching their necks and pricking up their ears to hear what kind of assurance Feng Zhi had.

“…… Me, but there are cards. As for what cards are... " Speaking of this, Feng Zhi suddenly turned her head toward the itch in her heart. She was anxious to know that the following lady in blue blinked, "I won't tell you!"

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