Speaking of this, Feng Zhi really turned around and waved to his companion, turning to leave here.


They just turned around, and behind them came the voice of Caixia fairy.

Caixia fairy is really angry.

She has lived for nearly 100000 years. She not only has irresistible beauty, but also has the strength of the emperor. No matter whether it depends on her beauty or strength, she has always been pursued with great care wherever she goes. When has she met such a person who does not give her face?

Feng Zhi's feet slightly stopped, then she looked back and laughed at Caixia fairy. "Caixia fairy, do you become addicted to acting in ordinary times, from a fox spirit to a playwright? Otherwise, how can you still pretend to be so gentle and kind? If you don't know what your purpose is, then we are going to leave... "

Caixia fairy is a burst of depression.

However, in the face of such a half did not see her charm in the eyes of Feng to, she did not have a way.


Since we can't achieve our goal by what we said, we can only rely on our strength.

Caixia fairy then face a cold, "Phoenix to it, you really dare not small, in front of this seat also dare to be so presumptuous!"

Feng to Yang eyebrows did not speak, she waited for the next colorful fairy.

Caixia fairy also did not vague, "since you already know the purpose of this seat, then this seat will not beat around the bush with you. If you are injured, and it is still hurt in your hands, this matter can not be so settled. I will definitely ask you for her suffering on behalf of Ming."

He looks like a good master of the fairyland who cares about his disciples.

Feng Zhi raised her eyebrows again, and then said with a smile: "I've heard that the leader of the seven color city has always been most considerate of the disciples in the clan. Now it seems that it is true. Even if the disciples are not as skilled as others and are injured, they still have to run to find a place. Let me think about it, caixiaxianzi, you haven't appeared outside for tens of thousands of years. Is Chengdu busy with these things? ”

I don't know why. When I heard Feng Zhi talk about her failure to show up for tens of thousands of years, Caixia fairy's subconscious is a sudden change.

It's like

Something she didn't want to see was about to happen.

What is it?

Caixia fairy can only have such a premonition, but how can I feel it.

The intuition of a strong emperor can never be ignored. Therefore, when the Caixia fairy looks at the Phoenix, her eyes will be more alert.

She felt that

It seems that it is not proper to keep Fengzhi and several other people, and to seek justice for Mingruo from Fengzhi here, so as to please the East emperor.

Don't know why, Caixia fairy thought of the light sympathy in the tone when the East emperor talked to her at that time.

From the emperor's sympathy, and for what?

For a moment, several questions lingered in Caixia fairy's heart, and her heart sank as straight as a boulder.

Under such circumstances, and this is her own territory, Caixia fairy finally has no mood to continue to pretend. She slowly stands up and takes a cold look at Feng Since you are also a wise man, I will not gossip with you. If you hurt her, it is absolutely impossible to forget it. How can you hurt her, what price should you pay? "

This can't be more resolute.

Obviously, Caixia fairy must take the place of Mingruo.

Feng Zhi looks at Caixia fairy with a slant of her head. She doesn't feel afraid because of her words. Instead, she laughs.

Caixia fairy is a little angry.

She didn't know what Fengzhi was laughing at, but it was obviously related to her, just like what a ridiculous person she was. How could the Caixia fairy, who always regarded herself highly, bear it?

Previously, in order to avoid the collapse of human devices, Caixia fairy, although she has the strength of the emperor, has never used force against Fengzhi. But now that Feng Zhi is so disrespectful, why should she talk to her?

Two long white hands clenched into fists, and the fairy gave a cold hum.


The sound reverberates in this white jade palace with its own empty and bright effect.

This sound is like a heavy hammer general, straight toward the Phoenix to several people's heart to hit.

For a while, Feng to several people have issued a stuffy hum, it is obvious that under the Caixia fairy's cold hum, he suffered some injuries.

Caixia fairy coldly looked at Fengzhi and said slowly, "Fengzhi, you should know that this is the fairyland. Strength is the only reason. Now, you should understand that if you hurt Mingruo, you must pay the price?"

Feng to smell speech smile.

Caixia fairy is a powerful emperor. Her strength is also true that Fengzhi can't catch up with her. However, Fengzhi has just experienced the emperor's pressure. Now Caixia fairy's cold hum under the emperor's pressure, of course, is nothing. At most, it can bring some inconvenience to Fengzhi.Other

It's really not.

Facing the cold sight of Caixia fairy, Feng Zhi said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I really don't understand. You also said that the strength in the fairyland is the only reason. In this case, if I was injured in my hand, she deserved it. What justice do you want for her?"

Caixia fairy was angry smile.

She couldn't believe it. At this time, facing her obvious threat, Feng Zhi could still be so tough.

Is it difficult for Fengzhi to become an immortal from a dead duck?

Before waiting for Caixia fairy to say anything more, Fengzhi said again: "what happened in the colorful city before? Since you always pay attention to Caixia fairy, you must not be unaware of it. As I have already said, since I have agreed to come to your residence in Qicai City, I still have enough in my hand to ensure that we are not threatened by any threat. In other words, Caixia fairy, you think I am What he said was that he had cards in his hand, but he only said that he wanted to play? "

Caixia fairy really thinks so.

She was so confident.

As a strong monarch, Caixia fairy really doesn't believe that a little big Luo Jinxian can have any way to keep herself from being threatened in her hands?

If we really want to achieve this, the only thing we can rely on is strength.


With the strength of Phoenix to this big Luo Jinxian?

Caixia fairy then sneered.

Feng Zhi laughed again, laughing wantonly. "Caixia fairy, you probably don't know me. What I dislike most is bragging. Since I said that I had cards, I certainly had cards in my hand that made you dare not act rashly. What fatal weakness do you have

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