Caixia fairy looked at Fengzhi suspiciously.

She doesn't really know Fengzhi, but in her opinion, she doesn't need to know. She has strength. If Fengzhi doesn't agree with her, she can be subdued by a single palm.

In such a case, she still need to understand what the younger generation who is doomed to be unable to turn over the storm has any idea?


Think of Feng Zhi's expression when she said that she had a card, and her now firm, plus the faint uneasiness in her heart, Caixia fairy was really a little worried.

If Feng Zhi is bluffing, it's OK. If she has any cards in her hand

Caixia fairy thought, that must not be what she wanted to see.

Just think like this, Caixia fairy felt frightened.

The strong man's intuition has always been extremely accurate. Of course, Caixia fairy did not ignore her warning intuition. She even made a quick decision, preferring to give up the original intention of flattering the East emperor, but also to send Feng Zhi and his party out early.


There is a saying that inviting God is easy to send God.

For the present Caixia fairy, this is the case.

Feng to he qiminrui's person, Caixia fairy had such a decision in mind. Fengzhi had already seen a general idea. She blinked at Caixia fairy. She looked lovely, but in Caixia fairy's eyes, she clearly had infinite malice.

"Caixia fairy, you were not so hospitable before. Did you have to invite us here? I still want to stay here for a long time. Why do you want to drive us out? In this way, it's not a way to treat guests... " Feng Zhi stretched the word "Oh" long.

Caixia fairy's heart beat faster and faster.

Hearing Feng Zhi's words, she was more angry.

What kind of hospitality, is it difficult to put this plague God to harm yourself?

Fengzhi can't bear to say anything more. The fairy waved her sleeve at Fengzhi. Her long water sleeve made a beautiful curve in the air. She said in a hurry: "a few friends, I still have something important to deal with. As for tomorrow, Fengzhi is right. I'm not as good at it as I am. What can I do for justice? In this case, I won't leave a few more in this seat …”

Then he opened his mouth to see the guests off.

Feng Zhi's smile deepened. She stretched out her index finger and gently moved in the direction of Caixia fairy. She said in a soft voice, "Shhh It's too late... "

Caixia fairy a Leng, and then suddenly face big change.

The next moment, see from the Feng to the eyebrow, suddenly fly out a bright light.

The light rushed towards the place where the fairy was. When it came near, it circled around the fairy, and then flew away without stopping.

The speed of this light is very fast, but in the blink of an eye, it has disappeared from the public's sight.

Caixia fairy was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but then her face became more ugly.

As for why

Soon, everyone knew, and it was all the people in the colorful city at this moment.


Over the colorful city, everyone heard such a sigh full of infinite complex emotions.

Caixia fairy was shocked.

She first looked at the Phoenix in disbelief, and then looked at the voice, looking like a ghost in the daytime.

"How could..." She murmured a few words first, then suddenly yelled out, "how can it be?"

She looked like she was going to faint in shock every minute.

Xu is to see the fairies for a long time did not respond, the previous voice sounded again, the same is transmitted into the ears of everyone in the colorful city.

"Caixia, I haven't seen you for tens of thousands of years. Don't you show up to see me when I'm back as a husband?"

This sentence is like a huge stone smashed into the surface of a calm lake, which has a surprising effect in people's hearts.

The husband of Caixia fairy

Isn't that Xiao Xu?

However, Xiao Xu had already fallen when he went to the Chatian gorge for the first time tens of thousands of years ago. Why did he suddenly come out at this time?

What makes people want to study deeply is that Xiao Xu's tone is obviously not the tone of reunion with his lover after a long separation. Where can you hear the joy of meeting again?

What's more, listening to what he said, "I'm back as a husband, don't you even show up to see it?" it makes people feel that Xiao Xu fell in the Chatian gorge at the beginning. I'm afraid it's something else.

When the four heavenly kings entered the Chatian gorge together, only three were left when they came out. Besides, Caixia fairy was not injured, the other two were seriously injured.

What was the fairy tale?

Well, Xiao Xu fell down to protect her when she met danger in the Chatian gorge.

In the following tens of thousands of years, Caixia fairy was very sad because she lost her beloved husband. She lived a simple life, and only recently did she show her face at the Centennial ceremony of colorful city for the first time.In these tens of thousands of years, every time we talk about Caixia fairy, who can't boast of love and righteousness?

But now

Listening to Xiao Xu's tone, I'm afraid that what happened in the Chatian gorge was not so simple.

So, is Caixia fairy really the affectionate and righteous Caixia fairy in people's impression?

The people were all in their minds.

But the Caixia fairy who was still in the white jade palace was not only pale, but also had a faint fear in her big beautiful eyes.

Yes, fear.

As a strong ruler, there are quite a few of them in the fairyland. It is said that even if you encounter a terrible enemy, you will always have the strength to fight. You should not be afraid to be like this before you have a formal fight, but Caixia fairy is not like this.

For Caixia fairy, what she valued most was not her power.

As a matter of fact, it is not only her talent and hard work that make Caixia fairy have the power of the emperor, but also some foreign objects, such as the extremely precious natural materials, earth treasures and pills.

Of course, although this is the case, but the power of Caixia fairy is also true, but her strength can only be regarded as the bottom among the emperor.

Relying on external things, we are always stronger than ourselves.

Maybe the strength comes a little easier, so Caixia fairy didn't treasure it much. Instead, she valued her beauty and her reputation for tens of thousands of years.

These are the most important things in Caixia fairy's heart.

After what happened in the Chatian gorge, Caixia fairy lived in seclusion for tens of thousands of years. Not only did her reputation not diminish, but also became the synonym of affection and righteousness in the eyes of fairyland fairies, which also made the original admirers of Caixia fairy admire her even more.

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