Since Caixia fairy began to emerge in the fairyland, she has been living in a variety of admiring eyes, for a long time, these admiration has become a dazzling halo, which is regarded as an indispensable thing by Caixia fairy.

In the eyes of fairyland fairies, Caixia fairies are not only gorgeous in appearance and gentle in temperament, but also have feelings and meanings. It is this kind of aggregation that makes Caixia fairies so popular with fairies.

After all, in the fairyland, it is too difficult to find such beautiful, gentle and warlike fairies as Caixia fairy.

The business of such a set up, by so many people admire and pursue, Caixia fairy has long been used to such a life, she is most afraid of, is to let others find her true face.

At that time, how should those who originally admired her look after her?

Even if the Caixia fairy has a unique appearance, I'm afraid that the fairies in the fairyland will never regard her as a goddess as before after realizing that she has been cheated by such a person with different appearances.

This is fairyland.

For the immortal, they can pursue a female immortal, but at the same time, they may give up at any time when they find that the person they are after is just a painting skin.

This is what Caixia fairy is afraid of most.

If there is no other people's admiration, what is the meaning of her living?

Listening to the voice of Xiao Xu coming from outside, thinking about what would happen when all that happened in the Chatian gorge was uncovered, the Caixia fairy even retreated in fear. How could she look like a strong ruler?

Feng Zhi was speechless.

She had never thought that there could be such a wonderful flower in the fairyland. What she valued most was not the strength of her own survival, but the face and the admiration of others.

However, it's better to deal with such weak points, isn't it?

Of course, now Xiao Xu comes to deal with Caixia fairy, but she can't reach Fengzhi.

Seeing that Caixia fairy still has no response, Xiao Xu sighs again, "Caixia, for tens of thousands of years, I've been thinking about you all the time. Now that we've finally been reunited, are you so happy that you're at a loss?"

Now, all the people who heard the sound can be sure that there must be something wrong with the things in the Chatian gorge.

So, what happened at that time?

What's the matter between Caixia fairy and Xiao Xu?

Everyone followed with curiosity.

I guess they're going to have to think about it.

Caixia fairy still did not respond.

Under the gaze of Fengzhi, Caixia fairy's face turns pale and retreats again and again. If it's not for a moment that she can't figure out where she's hiding and can't be found by Xiao Xu, I'm afraid she'll hide.

Caixia fairy doesn't talk, but Xiao Xu doesn't intend to let her be a turtle.

Xiao Xu is a person who loves and dislikes clearly. When he was suffering from Caixia fairy, he could protect her with all his strength, even if he was seriously injured or even fell down.

However, when he saw the true face of Caixia fairy clearly, in those tens of thousands of years in the cleft sky gorge, he recovered his strength and even went further with great perseverance. At the same time, he was able to dig out a cancer in his heart and give up Caixia fairy from the bottom of his heart.

For Xiao Xu now, he will find Caixia fairy, but he just wants to get justice from her.

As for whether this process will expose the true face of Caixia fairy, whether such a result is acceptable to Caixia fairy, it is not Xiao Xu can consider.

This is the answer to that sentence.

When I love you, you are treasure. I don't love you. Who cares what you are?

Now Xiao Xu is like this.

As a result, under everyone's gaze, a faint figure began to appear in the sky of the colorful city. At first, the figure was almost transparent, and then it began to solidify. Finally, it looked like ordinary people.

However, all the immortals can realize that the man who suddenly appears is not a normal immortal, but a wisp of immortal soul.

Immortal soul?

Seeing this, all the immortals realized that no matter what happened in the original Chatian gorge, at least one thing can be confirmed, that is, Xiao Xu did fall.


People are even more shocked that Xiao Xu has fallen for tens of thousands of years, and now he can still survive in the state of immortal spirit.

Everyone knows that after the fall of the immortal, if the immortal soul still exists, it can be converted to ghost cultivation, and it can also have extraordinary strength. However, nowadays, ghost cultivation in the fairyland is even more down-to-earth than that of Buddhism. No one has even seen ghost cultivation for tens of thousands of years, and the skills of ghost cultivation are also gradually lost. Under such circumstances, it is not easy for Xiao Xu to survive 。

In fact, it is.

If it wasn't for Xiao Xu's falling place that had the effect of cultivating soul, he had collected a ghost cultivation skill by chance in his early years. Even if there was one difference between these two conditions, his trace in the world would have disappeared completely.But it is also a place to nourish souls, and a place to nourish souls when defeated.

Xiao Xu, relying on the place where he raised his soul, was able to quickly expand his immortal soul. Therefore, he recovered his original strength, even stronger than before his fall. However, he was also trapped in the land for tens of thousands of years.

If it wasn't for the ancient wind, he took Fengzhi and his party to the gorge, and let Xiao Xu find a chance to leave there. I'm afraid he would have to stay in the canyon for a long time.

It can only be said that every drink and peck has its own destiny.

After the body is completely solidified, Xiao xuyao looks at the direction of the colorful city.

He had been husband and wife with Caixia fairy for so long. He was also very clear about the situation of the colorful city, let alone the location of the residence.

Xiao Xu continued: "Caixia, thinking that we have been husband and wife for thousands of years, I am waiting for you to show up. If you are not satisfied, then Don't blame me for ignoring my feelings. "

In the station, the fairy was pale.

She wants to hide, but also know that now that she has made this step, she can't solve it by hiding. Of course, she can't find a place where Xiao Xu can't find.

Xiao Xia can only take a deep breath.

Otherwise, she would not be sure what Xiao Xu would have done based on what happened in the Chatian gorge.

Even so, Caixia fairy subconsciously adjusted her appearance, and then her figure slightly swayed. The next moment, her people had already appeared in the sky above the colorful city, opposite Xiao xuyao.

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