For the immortal, it is not easy to become an immortal, so in the immortal's heart, of course, the most important thing is himself, not anyone else. Just because of this, Xiao Xu's practice of sacrificing himself for the sake of his beloved was not recognized by most of the immortals, but it was also highly praised by the fairies at that time.

Especially in the female immortal's heart, Xiao Xu's practice of giving up his own life for the sake of receiving has been greatly affirmed.

As a woman, even a fairyland woman, but if possible, who would not want to have such a lover?

It is the male immortals who agree with Xiao Xu's deeds.

After all, the Caixia fairies at that time did not know how many admirers. It was enough for them to be grateful to Xiao Xu for their goddess's safe return.

After that, Caixia fairy became a hermit because of the loss of her lover, and it continued for tens of thousands of years, which also gave Caixia fairy a more affectionate and righteous reputation.

It's just

Who can imagine how many secrets are hidden in the so-called "facts" that everyone knows?

It turns out that what happened in the Chatian gorge was not like what Caixia fairy and the other two heavenly kings who escaped from the heaven said. Xiao Xu did not voluntarily sacrifice himself for love. On the contrary, he was pushed by Caixia fairy and the other two heavenly kings to a fierce beast from a foreign land after he was injured to protect Caixia fairy.

Although the results are the same, one is voluntary and the other is forced. Naturally, there are great differences between them.

And Caixia fairy, admired by all the immortals

All the immortals raised their heads and looked at the Caixia fairy, who was pale, but did not hide her demeanor. For a moment, they all felt that their mood was quite complicated.

Who could have thought that the seemingly soft and kind-hearted Caixia fairy could do something to push Xiao Xu, who was seriously injured for her, to the fierce beast when facing the threat of life?

People feel that in their hearts, the image of Caixia fairy is rapidly collapsing.

They also suddenly found that the person they have been pursuing is not so perfect and different from them.


Because of what Caixia fairy did to Xiao Xu, some fairies felt that the beautiful and outstanding face of Caixia fairy seemed to be unbearable.

Aware of these, Caixia fairy is even more pale as paper.

She closed her lips tightly, knowing that she was completely broken this time.

This makes Caixia fairy's heart pour out a huge panic. What she cares about most is her own face and her image in the hearts of fairyland immortals. Now Xiao Xu's appearance destroys half of her most important things. How can she not feel heartache?

However, in this matter, Caixia fairy can not say a word of "no".

However, even at this time, Caixia fairy still wants to save her image.

For a long time, Caixia fairy's body seemed to shake gently, a weak appearance that could not withstand the blow.

She looked at Xiao Xu, her eyes seemed to contain tears, and there was some shock under the tears, "brother Xu, you How can you misunderstand me so much? At the beginning, you hurt yourself in order to save me in the rift valley. I can't thank you more. How could I do anything harmful to you? Sugo, do you have any misunderstanding about me

At the same time, her eyes still have infinite affection.

Being looked at by such a pair of eyes, if it was not for Xiao Xu's memory of the original thing is too deep, I'm afraid he would think that he was making trouble without reason.

After tens of thousands of years of being alone in one place, she almost became a psychologically twisted pervert. How could Xiao Xu be cheated by her again because she was so weak?

At the same time, the Caixia fairy's response also makes Xiao Xu feel cold.

If Caixia fairy did not quibble, but directly apologized to him, this at least also shows that Caixia fairy is really regretful.

But now

Xiao Xu can only see that Caixia fairy is trying to save her image.


With a sneer in his heart, Xiao Xu's eyes became colder.

Things have come to this stage. Caixia fairy not only has no regrets, but also thinks about how to save her image. Since she cares about her image in other people's hearts, then

How could he disappoint her?

It can be said that how Xiao Xu regarded the Caixia fairy as a treasure at the beginning, but now when he looks at the Caixia fairy's affectionate and unrepentant appearance, he has much nausea and vomiting.

Was he blind before?

Otherwise, how could he only see the surface of Caixia fairy and not see her heart at all?

Xiao Xu did not come to a conclusion.It can only be said that the tears flowing now are the water in his mind at the beginning.

She took a deep look at Caixia fairy with cold eyes. Xiao Xu suddenly laughed and said, "Caixia, I haven't found out until now, if you play a play, you are really decent..."

The fairies of Caixia are smothered.

Since Xiao Xu had been in front of her in such a way that she could not have been easily expected.

However, she did not think that Xiao Xu, who was deeply in love with her at the beginning and was willing to save her with his own life, would not care about her at all.

Some can't accept this fact, Caixia fairy couldn't help grinding her teeth.

She was about to say something more when Xiao Xu simply interrupted her.

"Well, I don't want to see your hypocritical performance today, so you don't have to say anything more. As for what happened in the Chatian gorge, I have the xuanguangshu that I left behind here, which records the events at that time clearly. Do you want to see xuanguangshu before you die?"

Caixia fairy's face changed greatly.

"No way!" She lost her voice and said, "when things were so urgent, where could you have free time to use Xuanguang..."

Before she had finished speaking, she realized that she had made a mistake.

Her response is not to implement Xiao Xu's previous statements are facts?

Feeling the incredible sight coming from below, Caixia fairy can't help but slap herself.

She is a person who always wears a mask on her face. Of course, her acting skills are not covered. If it wasn't for Xiao Xu, she would be too surprised. How could she blurt out these words that are unfavorable to her?

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