If there was a faint hope in Caixia fairy's heart before, she hoped that through her own performance, she could make the immortals believe that she had never done such a vicious thing as pushing Xiao into the fire pit. Now, she is no longer lucky.

How can there be people without brains in the fairyland? Even if the immortals admired Caixia fairy in the past, it doesn't mean that they will be led by the nose by Caixia fairy.

The fact is in front of us, will the immortals still think that Caixia fairy is innocent?

For a moment, the whole colorful city was quiet.

The immortals looked at the still beautiful Caixia fairy. At the same time, they couldn't help but ask themselves, were they blind before? Why do they think that Caixia fairy is so beautiful, weak and kind?

Think of it, this is the fairyland. In addition to the aborigines who were born in the fairyland, the other immortals who came up from the lower world, whether male or female, did not experience thousands of hardships to become today?

Any kind of soft girl, after experiencing so many difficulties and dangers, has become as tough as iron in her heart. How can she be really weak and kind?


Unexpectedly, she was cheated by a painting skin of Caixia fairy.

All the immortals have some bad taste in their hearts.

Being cheated is not a good experience.

Then, also because of the anger of being cheated, they looked at the colorful haze fairy, and their eyes were particularly cold.

This is the fairyland. The most important thing is strength rather than appearance. No matter how beautiful the appearance is, it will eventually become a skeleton. The immortals used to be crazy about Caixia fairy, but it doesn't mean that they are completely brainwashed by Caixia fairy and will be crazy for her.

It can be imagined that since today, Caixia fairy can no longer rely on her face and be sought after.

After all, in the fairyland, there are always many beautiful skins.

But Caixia fairy, after being annoyed because of her inability to hold her breath, saw the sarcastic smile on Xiao Xu's lips, and suddenly woke up and couldn't help but rebuke: "Xiao Xu, you lied to me!"

Xiao Xu shrugged at the fairy.

He did cheat Caixia fairy.

As the Caixia fairy said, what happened in the Chatian gorge was unexpected. The danger was too urgent and totally out of the imagination of Xiao Xu. Under such circumstances, how could Xiao Xu have the time to record the situation with Xuanguang?

Will say so, but is to cheat the Caixia fairy, but Caixia fairy is really hooked.

Xiao Xu's eyes were tinged with coldness when she was criticized by Caixia fairy. Instead of responding to what Caixia fairy said he had lied to her, he sneered and said, "why, now that you don't pretend to be innocent, you don't call me husband anymore?"

Caixia fairy also cold face.

In the past, there were performances because she wanted to save her image, which she had worked hard to maintain for tens of thousands of years. But now that everything has come to this stage, she also knows that it is impossible.

In that case, does she need to do it again?

When she brushed her sleeve in her hand, the fairy said coldly, "Xiaoxu, it's been tens of thousands of years. What's the meaning of your appearance? After all, you really would rather give up your own life for me. What I did was just push that one, which made all your mind think... "

Hearing this, Xiao Xu shook her eyebrows gently.

Even if he had known the true face of Caixia fairy, he could not help but be moved.

This is, after all, the white moon that he once held in his hand!

But for the immortals who are listening to the dialogue between Caixia fairy and Xiao Xu, Caixia fairy's words undoubtedly refresh their cognition. Looking at such a beautiful fairy, how can they be so shameless?

How blind were they in the past that they were so blind?

Of course, this question is doomed to be unresponsive.

Xiao Xu gently shook his head, "well, I should have known that since you would have done that at the beginning, you would not feel guilty and regret. It is meaningless to talk about these things with you. So, today, let's make a good calculation of the old debt tens of thousands of years ago."

After speaking, Xiao Xu did not say much, and with a slight lift of his hand, he directly pointed to the colorful fairy.

It's time for war.

In the past, the most envied couple in the fairyland have come to this stage.

In this regard, many immortals who saw this scene inevitably felt some emotion.

And Caixia fairy collected all the previous uneasiness and anxiety. Now that the artificial equipment has collapsed, the present Caixia fairy has the idea of breaking the jar and tearing off the mask she has been wearing for tens of thousands of years, revealing her most authentic side.

She waved her long sleeve and sneered at Xiao Xu, "Xiao Xu, don't forget that you are no longer Xiao Xu tens of thousands of years ago, but just a wisp of immortal soul. Even if you get some adventure, but in your present state, can you still be my opponent?"That's the truth.

As long as the immortal spirit can be preserved, the immortal can be converted to ghost cultivation, but it also takes time.

It took a long time for Xiao Xu to become the emperor of heaven. Now it's only a few tens of thousands of years. He started from the beginning again. Ghost cultivation is more difficult than ordinary immortal. Let alone whether he can return to the ranks of the heavenly king in these tens of thousands of years. Even if he does, a new emperor will have to How to compare with Caixia Xianzi, who has been in the realm of Tianjun for tens of thousands of years?

It is precisely because of this that Caixia fairy is so fearless.

Xiao Xu chuckled and said, "Caixia, we have been husband and wife. You should be clear about my temperament. If you are not sure, you think I will be here today?"

The fairies of Caixia are smothered.

She knew that Xiao Xu was telling the truth. Xiao Xu was a man who could not be more cautious. Taking this matter as an example, according to the dispute between Caixia fairy and him, if he was not sure, he would probably choose to endure. Until he was sure that he could compete with himself, he would appear in front of himself so openly and honestly.


Is Xiao Xuzhen relying on something?

And his reliance is his strength?

For a moment, Caixia fairies are a little uncertain.

However, she immediately thought of something, and her eyebrows, which had been gently twisted, began to stretch again.

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