The meaning of her complacency is probably similar to "what's the use if you beat me? Finally, I have to rub it on the ground.".

Many people see that.

At the same time, some doubts arose in the minds of the people.

Now the fact is in front of us. The battle with Xiao Xu is that Caixia fairy lost, and Caixia fairy is the only emperor in Qicai city. Even if all the disciples of Qicai city all flock to Xiaoxu, it is absolutely impossible to cause any trouble to Xiao Xu.

So, where did Caixia fairy's determination and self-confidence come from?

Xiao raised his eyebrows.

He also thought, Caixia fairy this time what cards?

Even though they had been husband and wife with Caixia fairy for thousands of years, they had not seen each other for tens of thousands of years. Xiao Xu couldn't think of a reason for that.

And colorful city, Phoenix to several people are also talking about this matter.

Since Xiao Xu appeared, Caixia fairy left the station and appeared above the colorful city. Feng Zhi and his party also followed him back to the colorful city.

As a matter of fact, when they wanted to leave, the disciples of Qicai City, that is, the fairy in blue, thought about stopping Fengzhi and even moving their hands before they thought of Caixia fairy. In the end, naturally, Fengzhi won.

For the battle between Xiao Xu and Caixia fairy, Feng Zhi several people also see from the beginning to the end.

At this time, seeing Caixia fairies clearly lost, but also a little fearless look, Phoenix to several people also quite confused.

However, for Fengming several people, what they are most concerned about is not what cards Caixia fairies have in their hands, but what Feng has been hiding from them.

Fengming frowned and looked at Fengzhi. "Fengzhi, your mouth is really tight. You've been hiding from us for such a long time. If it hadn't been for the colorful city, master Xiao Xu showed up on his own initiative. I'm afraid that we could never have imagined it. Such a strong man at the level of emperor should have followed you all the time!"

In addition to Long Yan, who is vaguely aware of this incident, the others all look at Feng Zhi with condemnation on their faces.

Previously, Xiao Xu appeared from Feng Zhi's eyebrows, but they were all shocked.

Feng to smell speech can't help but roll a white eye.

She spread out her hands toward Feng Lai and several other people. "This is not my pot. In fact, I didn't know it until I came to the colorful city, OK?"

Feng did not lie.

When she was in the Chatian gorge, she entered the space created by Xiao Xu. When she finally left, Xiao Xu said that she would give her a farewell gift.

Later, when he fell out with Gufeng and was beaten by the Immortal King under Gufeng's hand, he fled in confusion. The border crossing from Xiao Xu saved Fengzhi's life, and Fengzhi thought it was Xiao Xu's farewell gift.

Where can you think that, after coming to the colorful city, Fengzhi even realized that there was something strange in her sea of knowledge.

When she found the opportunity to explore her own sea of knowledge, she found that in her knowledge of the sea is leisurely sitting on her knees, is not Xiao Xu?

This makes Feng Zhi very speechless.

She did not expect that such a powerful monarch could only see her once.

If you change someone else, you can't be happy if you follow a strong emperor. After all, when the emperor doesn't come out, the emperor is the top fighting force in the fairyland. If you have a strong emperor around, it's like they have a talisman, isn't it?

But in Feng Zhi's opinion, this uninvited Xiao Xu only means two words.


But no matter how troublesome, Feng to also can only hold the nose to recognize.

Don't say that she can't beat Xiao Xu, and she can't drive Xiao Xu out of the sea of her knowledge. Just saying that Xiao Xu also saved her life and other people's lives, she can't give Xiao Xu a cold eye.

Therefore, we can only acquiesce that Xiao Xu lives in her sea of knowledge.

As for how Xiao Xu got rid of the bondage of the place where he raised his soul and came to his own sea of knowledge, this is what Fengzhi didn't know.

It is also because of knowing Xiao Xu's existence that the Caixia fairy not only let people stop them, but also wanted to take them back to qicaicheng station. When they arrived at the residence, Fengzhi said that she had a card in her hand.

Her card, of course, is Xiao Xu's trump card.

And after playing this trump card, the effect is really satisfying to Feng.

After explaining these people to Feng again, Feng Zhi was also helpless Who knows that after a trip from the Chatian gorge, there will be a more powerful emperor between us when we come back? "

Fenglai several people looked at each other, also followed some helpless.

If the ruler and the strong want not to be known of their existence, then they can never know.

From this point of view, they really can not blame Feng Zhi.

After exposing the topic, Fengming looked at Feng Zhi again, "that Fengzhi, you say, what kind of colorful fairy, she obviously lost, why can she be so confident? "This kind of self-confidence, pour and Feng to say before "I am the person that has bottom card" very similar.

Is it true that Caixia fairies still hold what is enough to suppress Xiao Xu?

Such a situation, of course, is not what Fengming and others want to see.

After all, Xiao Xu came to Qicai city only after Feng arrived. They and Xiao Xu of course became people on the boat. If they were overturned by the fairy of Caixia, could she tolerate her party?

It's impossible to think about it.

Feng to smell speech shook his head, she did not know the answer to this question.

But when she wants to come, Caixia fairy is not a fool. She can be so confident when she knows that her strength is not as good as others. This shows that she really thinks that the card she holds is enough to deal with Xiao Xu.


What is it?

Feng Zhiwei narrowed her eyes and thought of the original trip to the cleft sky gorge. In addition to Xiao Xu and Caixia fairies, who were admired by many people, there were two other heavenly kings.

After coming out of the Chatian gorge, the Caixia fairy released Xiao Xu's statement that she had fallen in order to save her. However, the two emperors who were seriously injured in the Chatian gorge did not say a word from the beginning to the end.

If there is no problem in it, Fengzhi will not believe it.

If so, is the card in the hands of Caixia fairy have something to do with the two emperors?

Based on the known situation, Fengzhi can only make such a conjecture. As for the accuracy of her conjecture, it depends on the development of the following things.

When Feng Zhi thinks like this, Xiao Xu also slightly squints his eyes.

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