Although Xiao Xu suffered a great loss because he believed too much in Caixia fairy, he also knew something about Caixia fairy. At this time, only seeing the appearance of Caixia fairy, we could see that she had something to rely on.

At this time, who can Caixia fairy rely on?

Xiao xulue pondered for a while, "it's all now. If you have any cards, you may as well take them out. What's the meaning of hiding them?"

It is.

Caixia fairy then sneered, "since you said so, then I'll make you!"

After saying that, Caixia fairy turned to look at a certain direction, light way: "things have come to this step, you do not show up?"


Xiao Xu's eyes light slightly deep.

He probably guessed what Caixia fairy's card was.

Just as Xiao Xu thought about it like this, Caixia fairy looked at the direction of the past, and suddenly two figures appeared in the empty sky.

The fairies in the colorful city followed the sight of Xiaoxu and Caixia fairies, and their necks were stretched out one by one. After seeing the two people's faces clearly, a series of exhausting sounds were heard in the crowd.

It was

"Zhou Bufan, Wu Zhengdao!" These two names came out of Xiao Xu's mouth.

From Xiao Xu, many immortals can't help but cover their mouths.

In the fairyland, the strong emperor is the most powerful person that ordinary immortals can meet. However, the strong emperor will not be idle to wander around. Therefore, in addition to some specific occasions, such as the Centennial ceremony of the colorful city, it is also very difficult for ordinary immortals to see the powerful one.

But what day is it today? They just stayed in the colorful city for a period of time. They even saw four powerful emperors in one day!

Yes, Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao are two powerful emperors.

Moreover, these two people were the two heavenly kings who entered the Chatian gorge with Xiao Xu and Caixia fairy.

Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao were seriously injured after they came out of the cleft sky gorge. In order to conceal what happened in the Chatian gorge, Caixia fairy promised Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao a lot of benefits. Because of this, when Caixia fairy spoke about the Shatian gorge, Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao did not say a word of "no" from beginning to end.

But for the silence of Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao, Caixia fairy could not have lied for tens of thousands of years.

In this respect, Caixia fairy, Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao are grasshoppers tied to the same rope.


That's why they're here today.

After calling out the names of the two, Xiao Xu narrowed her eyes slightly and said in a light way: -- Long time no see... "

It's been a long time.

When Xiao Xu looks at him like this, Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao subconsciously dodge. However, after seeing the colorful fairy, their eyes are fixed again.

Anyway, things have come to this point, and they are here, so there is nothing to say.

Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao thought in this way, and then came to the side of Caixia fairy and stood side by side with her, obviously to stand together with Caixia fairy against Xiao Xu.

When Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao were standing by their side, Caixia fairy was relieved. At the same time, she turned her head and looked at Xiao Xu with some pride. "Look, even if you win, what can I do? Even if you're better than tens of thousands of years ago, but three on one, do you think you can still win? "

Caixia fairy is really broken now. Anyway, her real face has been seen by so many people, so why does she have to wear that perfect mask to live?

And what Caixia fairy said is true.

Xiao Xu's strength is really strong now. He can easily defeat Caixia fairy, but this does not mean that he can defeat three with one.

All of us are heavenly kings. It is unrealistic to oppose three with one.

But now the situation is, Xiao Xu has only one person, but there are three Caixia fairies on the opposite side. How can Xiao Xu still maintain her own advantages under such an unequal situation?

After making a general assessment of the strength of the two sides and confirming that it is impossible for her to lose, Caixia fairy was really elated. She raised her eyebrows towards Xiao Xu and said with pride: "Xiao Xu, the battle between us is just beginning now, and the victory or defeat is still uncertain!"

Xiao Xu looks cold.

It has to be said that the appearance of Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao is indeed beyond Xiao Xu's expectation and brings uncertainty to the confrontation between him and Caixia fairy. But even so, looking at the three enemies of the same rank, Xiao Xu still has no fear in his eyes.

After spending tens of thousands of years in the rift valley, he gradually regained the power of the emperor from scratch. For Xiao Xu, his heart has become extremely powerful in this process. How can he be moved by the strength of the enemy?As a result, Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao are enemies. Xiao Xu is too lazy to say a word more. He points his sword to the three men in the opposite direction. He says in a very simple way: "if you want to fight, fight!"

Then did not wait for the opposite three people to have a reaction, has first one step attack in the past.

Under such circumstances, we still want to take the lead, which shows how confident Xiao Xu is.

Caixia fairy three people look at one eye, also fly to meet up.

In this way, the four will fight together.

Xiao Xu is really powerful. Even if he turns to ghost cultivation, his strength can be ranked in the front of all the heavenly kings in the fairyland with his present strength. However, his opponents are three heavenly kings of the same rank. So it was not long before the battle began that Xiao Xu could not hold on to it.

Look at this situation, it won't take long for Xiao Xu to be defeated.

In the eyes of Caixia, this is the case.

She thought about it for a moment, and suddenly put away the dust in her hand. With a flash of her body, she left Zhou Bufan to fight with Wu Zhengdao and Xiao Xu.

As for herself

Standing next to her, she made sure she didn't have herself. Although Xiao Xu's pressure was not so great, it was only a matter of time before she lost. Caixia fairy then cast her eyes to the colorful city below.

It is different from the gentle performance that was deliberately performed before. At this time, the real face of Caixia fairy was fully opened, and the cold light in his eyes made people look at her a little, and then a chill came out from the bottom of my heart.

Yes, how can Caixia fairies say that they are also the strong one of the heavenly monarchs. As the strong one of the heavenly kings, where can there be real gentleness?

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