
At this time, all the immortals in the colorful city were confused.

Although they did not dare to look at Caixia fairy, they all could see clearly. The vision of Caixia fairy was clearly aimed at the crowd. Who was she looking at?

There is that bold and curious fairy, so secretly along the Caixia fairy's line of sight to see the past, and finally fell on the Phoenix to the body of the party.

It is not that Caixia fairy did not find that they were looking at them, but she did not have the time to pay attention to them at this time. Instead, she looked straight at Feng Zhi, who was standing in the crowd.

She was able to find it!

Caixia fairy hate teeth itching.

Too many things happened today, from trying to speak for Mingruo and asking people to take Fengzhi and others to the station, then Xiao Xu's sudden appearance, the battle with Xiao Xu, and the appearance of Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao all happened in a very short period of time, which made Caixia fairy feel confused.

Now Xiao Xu has Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao to deal with it. Caixia fairy is finally free, and naturally wants to clean up the culprit in her eyes.

And the culprit in her eyes, of course, is Feng to.

In Caixia fairy's opinion, if Fengzhi and his party didn't hurt Mingruo, she would not want to take the lead for Mingruo because she wanted to please the East emperor. Of course, she would not let her disciples bring Fengzhi and others to the residence of Qicai city. Similarly, she would not see Xiao Xu who followed Feng Zhi out of the crack sky gorge.

Without Xiao Xu, she has always maintained a perfect image, of course, it will not collapse like this overnight.

Therefore, the source of all this is Fengzhi.

How can Caixia fairy not hate it?

It can only be said that, no matter mortals or immortals, most of them are people who never reflect on what they have done and only know to blame others for everything wrong. Caixia fairy is undoubtedly such a person.

Lengleng stares at the Phoenix to, the Caixia fairy's eyes take some ruthlessness.

She hated Feng Zhi to death. If it wasn't for Feng Zhi, she would still be the perfect colorful fairy in everyone's eyes. How could she be seen by all people like this?

"Young generation, today, I want you to die!" Caixia fairy cold tunnel.

Feng Zhi felt puzzled.

Did she ever provoke the fairies?

The answer, of course, is No.

In such a case, Caixia fairy can hate her. What kind of bad luck did she have?

However, after listening to Caixia fairy's saying, Feng Zhi had no fear of being threatened by the emperor. Instead, she raised her head slightly and rolled her eyes at Caixia fairy through the protective array of colorful city: "this drama fairy, although you have known that you don't have any right and wrong views, is it really good for you to be angry with me like this? Today, so many people are looking at it. If you didn't have to let people take us to the residence of colorful city, how could there be so much behind? Caixia fairy, do you know what you are doing today

What's it called?

Many people ask such questions in their hearts.

Phoenix to then put up index finger, toward the direction of the fairy Caixia, and then announced the answer: "do not die, you will not die!"

Can't it be that if you don't die, you won't die. If it wasn't for Caixia fairy, she would have embarrassed Feng to several people, and there would not have been so many things happening in the future.

With such a conclusion, Caixia fairy was half dead.

With a wave of the dust in the hand, it is a colorful light pointing to Phoenix.

Feng had been on guard against Caixia fairy, so as soon as Caixia fairy had any movement, she stepped aside in advance and dodged away the angry blow of Caixia fairy.

Knowing that Caixia fairy must have been so angry that she could not help killing herself, but Fengzhi couldn't help but open her mouth to stimulate Caixia fairy Let's have a look. It's just like getting angry... "

Caixia fairy's beautiful face became a bit ferocious because of her anger, but she didn't find out what she was like now when she only wanted to break the Phoenix into pieces. She waved the dust in her hand and hit Fengzhi again.

Next, Fengzhi dodges right and left under the attack of Caixia fairy. It's very lively.

This is also due to the exquisite body method of Fengzhi. In addition, the strength of Caixia fairy is at the bottom of the sky. Fengzhi can barely survive under the attack of Caixia fairy. If it were a strong person like Xiao Xu

Well, if the change of Xiao Xu such a strong person, Feng to will not be so provocative.

However, no matter how to say, Caixia fairy is also the real king of heaven. After supporting for a period of time, Fengzhi felt that she was not able to do it.

What can I do?

Feng to one side to dodge, while thinking of Countermeasures in mind.

It's not a way to avoid passively all the time. If a person is accidentally hit, with the current level of anger of Caixia fairy, it is estimated that only one attack can make Feng unable to turn over.But what if you don't hide?

Feng Zhi frowned.

It is also because of these in mind, Feng to dodge up also slightly slow so a silk.

If you are fighting with other people, it's nothing to be slow. But now it's the emperor who is strong against Fengzhi. Caixia fairy was secretly angry because of Fengzhi's slippery hands. At this time, she found that Fengzhi was so slow, so she immediately seized the opportunity to point to Fengzhi.

This is what Feng did not expect.

Seeing that finger was about to be separated from Fengzhi's body, she was ready to be injured or even seriously injured. At this moment, there was a sudden push from the side of Fengzhi. Along this thrust, Fengzhi was able to avoid the angry blow of Caixia fairy.

But she didn't have to.

Feng to subconsciously look at the past, just to see the danger in time to push her to the side of the Long Yan, at this time is instead of her by the rainbow fairy that finger.


After such a dull sound, there was a hole in Longyan's chest. The golden blood gushed out along the wound, and his face became as white as paper.

Feng to the heart of a pain.

"Long Yan!"

She came to Long Yan's side a few steps, one hand holding Long Yan's precarious body, while looking at Long Yan's chest.

Seeing clearly the situation of his wound, Feng Zhi's eyes were immediately hot.

She is not a hypocritical person. She has never shed tears no matter what difficulties she encounters, but now she can't help it.

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