Caixia fairy could see a pair of eyes and almost burst out fire.

Her purpose is to force Fengzhi and Longyan to turn against each other with their own attacks, trying to prove that the choice they made was not wrong. But now, Fengzhi and Longyan are born in front of her and play an inseparable drama.

It's like a loud slap in the face of Caixia fairy.

Caixia fairy even faintly heard the crisp slap in the face.

At the same time, after noticing the performance of Fengzhi and Longyan, the numerous immortals below looked at Caixia fairy with accusing eyes, which made Caixia fairy feel hot on her face.

But it didn't make Caixia fairy feel wrong.

How could she be wrong?

As an immortal, the most important thing is her own life. She just made the best choice for herself at that time. She just wanted to survive. What's wrong?

Although in the heart so to persuade themselves, but Caixia fairy heart is more angry.

If it was not for Fengzhi and Longyan, how could she have been looked at by so many people with critical and accusing eyes?

In this way, Caixia fairy's eyes are even colder. If we said that she had deliberately let down her strength because she wanted to see Feng make a fool of herself, then now she will really have to fight hard.

As soon as the dust blows, under the anger of the colorful fairy, another colorful light shoots towards Fengzhi and Longyan.

Different from the previous, this time, Caixia fairy did not leave any more hands.


Another dull sound, Feng to the other side of the shoulder again out of a blood hole.

It's so fast that Feng can't even hide.

Feng to the heart and a surge of weakness.

The power gap between the two realms is just like a natural moat. No matter how hard she tries, she can't cross it.


Really can only be in the Caixia fairy such a joke under the injury again and again?

Feng Zhi asked herself in her heart.

Later, the strong unwilling to rush to the heart of Feng again.

Not reconciled, really not reconciled!

When Feng Zhi's heart is unwilling, Caixia fairy suddenly smiles.

Previously, when Longyan was injured, Fengzhi was more painful than he was injured. Now, Fengzhi has been injured twice, and Longyan's expression is the same as that of Fengzhi.

Both of them put each other on the cusp of their hearts.

Because of this, Caixia fairy has found a way to attack Fengzhi.

The next moment, Caixia fairy put away the dust, stretched out a forefinger, toward the direction of the Phoenix to a distance.

"Definitely!" She said.

While Caixia fairy talks, Fengzhi suddenly feels stiff all over. She wants to move her body, but she finds that her body is like a puppet, totally out of her control.

After being hurt twice before, Feng Zhi thought about how to avoid the next attack except unwilling.

But at this time, Caixia fairy this unexpected action, but let the heart of Feng to produce a bad premonition, and even her heart are faint more panic.

As if aware of Fengzhi's mood, Caixia fairy smiles at Fengzhi in a very good mood and says, "Fengzhi, Fengzhi, you are indeed an excellent younger generation. You are definitely not as good as you when you were about the same age as you. I can see that even if you take your body apart, I'm afraid you won't accept it If you lose, you won't have any fear, but... "

Caixia fairy turned to Longyan and narrowed her eyes with a smile, "but if these injuries fall on your little lover, in this way, will you know what is heartache? Well? "

At the same time, Caixia fairy also realized that she and Fengzhi were really different people.

For her own situation in Feng to now, someone to protect, her heart will only be happy, absolutely not because of this moved to want to protect another person.

What about Fengzhi?

Caixia fairy didn't keep her hands on the two attacks just now. Although Feng Zhi seems to have two more blood holes on her shoulders, in fact, her injury is more serious than that of Long Yan. I don't know how much.

Under such circumstances, Fengzhi did not even move her eyebrows, nor did she want to push Longyan to the front to protect herself.

It is also because of this, Caixia fairy heart is more angry.

This makes her want to make Feng feel pain.

If you hurt Feng to the point that you can't let Caixia fairy achieve your goal, then you can certainly achieve it if you hurt Longyan.

Looking at Feng Zhi, who can't move, Caixia fairy sneered again, "next, you can enjoy it..."

After saying that, the fairy of Caixia pops up a wisp of finger wind towards Longyan.Long Yanzheng is worried because of Fengzhi's sudden rigidity, and his mind is not put on avoiding the attack of Caixia fairy, so the wind of Caixia Fairy Falls on him without any accident.

Now, even if Caixia was hurt, he didn't want to hurt himself.

Phoenix to stare big a pair of beautiful eyes.

As Caixia fairy said, when the injury fell on Longyan's body, looking at the blood seeping out of Longyan's wound, Fengzhi felt the unspeakable pain.

This is Feng to own injury did not have.

Confirmed her own guess, Caixia fairy did not embarrass the younger generation at all, but she was very proud in her heart.

From the beginning, she was very dissatisfied with Fengzhi's younger generation, especially Fengzhi, who was like an iron man, so that she couldn't find her weakness. Now she finally found a way to make Fengzhi feel pain. How can she not be proud?

Looking at the heartache on Feng Zhi's face, Caixia fairy's lips slightly pulled back. Then she took a kind of appreciative expression to look at Feng Zhi, and then popped out the second finger again.

Now, she's the cat that plays with mice. She can't easily find some fun, but she has to play more.

Out of this consideration, each finger that pops up behind Caixia fairy is not heavy, and has been controlled at a level that can cause damage to Longyan, but not fatal.

And looking at the Phoenix to the face that more and more can not hide the heartache and anger, Caixia fairy fell to the bottom of the valley mood also a little bit began to become flying up.

Seeing Feng Zhi like this, she felt happy in her heart!

"Look, do you know what heartache is now?" Caixia fairy said with malice.

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