The taste of heartache, Feng to really feel.

At the same time, there was an impulse to kill.

Coming to the fairyland these years, this is the first time, Feng to have a strong feeling of trying to kill a person.

Caixia fairy!

Feng to bite teeth, mercilessly stare at Caixia fairy.

Although Feng Zhi glared at her, Caixia fairy was not unhappy, but very proud, because even if Feng Zhi hated her, she had no way to do it.

What makes people feel more happy than making people who hate themselves feel helpless?

This is how Caixia fairy feels now.

"Why, are you angry and hate me?" Caixia fairy picked up her eyebrows and pointed to Longyan as she spoke. She added a wound to Longyan's body, "but you can't do anything about me!"

Feng to a pair of eyes began to quickly congest, only a moment of Kung Fu red seems to be at any time to drop bleeding.

Having lived for more than a thousand years, Caixia fairy will undoubtedly be at the top of the list.

At the same time, Fengzhi never hated his own strength as much as at the moment.


The desire for power is once again filled with Fengzhi's heart.

Caixia fairy looked at the Phoenix to this kind of wish to kill her, but she had no way to take the appearance of her, laugh very wantonly.

She felt that she had been so angry with Feng Zhi that she was just having a hard time with herself. Now, she just popped out a few fingers, which could make Feng Zhi, who had made her hate itchy, feel miserable.

Ha ha

Although Feng Zhi is only a younger generation, but to see her appearance, Caixia fairy heart can not mention how happy.

Next, in order to make Feng Zhi more heartache, Caixia fairy slowed down her action again and again, pointing to Longyan.

Long Yan had been severely injured twice. Although the Caixia fairy deliberately put light on his strength, this wound after wound not only made Longyan black and blue, but also made his face more and more pale.

Anyone can see that Long Yan's situation is not very good now.

If you can't get timely treatment, even if you won't lose your life, it's easy to hurt the root.

For such talented and potential people as long Yan, it is an unacceptable thing to hurt the root.

However, in order not to let Feng Zhi worry more about himself, even if the pain was numb, Long Yan always bit his teeth tightly, and did not make any sound from the beginning to the end.

As the wounds on Long Yan's body gradually increased, the faces of many immortals watching in the colorful city also gradually showed their impatience.

They didn't expect that Caixia fairy was always the most gentle and kind-hearted, but when she opened the mask she had worn for tens of thousands of years, her real face was so terrible.

The so-called killing does not go too far. In the fairyland, the strength is not as good as that of human beings. Even if the Caixia fairy directly killed Fengzhi and Longyan, the immortals may feel that there are two more potential descendants in the fairyland, but that's all.

However, in order to make Feng Zhi miserable, Caixia fairy deliberately played with Feng Zhi and Long Yan. Such behavior undoubtedly makes people feel excessive.

If in the past, in order to maintain her own mask, how could Caixia fairy do such a thing, but now, anyway, her true face can no longer be hidden and tucked in, then, naturally how happy how to come.

Now, playing with Fengzhi and Longyan, and looking at the painful color on Feng Zhi's face, is the most enjoyable thing for Caixia fairy.

Very leisurely after a while, she pops a finger at Longyan, and Caixia fairy is actually happy.

At this time, Long Yan, who had been trying to endure the pain, had a new wound on his body. He could no longer bear the pain on his body and let out a dull hum.

The muffled sound is actually very small, so small that even if Fengzhi is close to Longyan, he needs to hold his breath to hear it. However, such a weak voice, falling in Fengzhi's ears, is undoubtedly like a hammer, which makes Fengzhi feel dizzy in an instant.

Long Yan.

Her eyes were fixed on Long Yan's face. Although she couldn't move, the blue veins in her forehead beat endlessly.

Seeing the unbearable appearance of Fengzhi, Caixia fairy was happy. She also wanted to add another material to Fengzhi's pain. So, Caixia fairy stretched out her index finger and gently drew it. A slender finger wind left a ferocious bloodstain on Longyan's face.

Long Yan's appearance can be said to be perfect, and it is because of this that when there is such a ferocious bloodstain on his face, it is even more shocking.

While appreciating Fengzhi's face, Caixia fairy stimulated her and said, "Fengzhi, your little lover is also a tough guy. In order not to worry you, she has endured for so long without calling out. It's really sentimental and meaningful..."“…… However, can only helplessly watch your little lover be tortured by this seat, do you feel very uncomfortable? "

"Do you hate me so much that you want to kill me?"

"It's a pity that you can't do it, so you can only watch your little lover get hurt, or even be killed by me at any time..."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

Caixia fairy looks up and laughs. It makes people feel crazy.

She is too confident. She believes that when Xiao Xu is entangled by Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao, it is absolutely impossible for Xiao Xu to cause any damage to her only by virtue of Fengzhi and Longyan.

Therefore, the colorful fairy in the laughter did not notice at all that Fengzhi's eyes, which were red with blood because of hyperemia, seemed to drip blood at any time. When the bright red deepened a little bit, the red color finally had a kind of faint and strange feeling. If you look more carefully, you can also see from Fengzhi's eyes that there seems to be a demon The red flame is beating.

Every time the flame beats, there is a thrilling feeling.

If Caixia fairy noticed, she would never look at Feng Zhi as before.

However, she did not notice.

Because of this, Feng Zhi's body gradually recovers because of her extreme desire for strength. Under the negligence of Caixia fairy, she becomes stronger and stronger.

Until, strong than the strong as the emperor of Caixia fairies weak, even, but also over a head.

And these, Caixia fairy did not find out in advance.

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