Therefore, when Caixia fairy finally stopped laughing, she realized that a powerful force that was strong enough to threaten her was gradually strengthening. When she followed this wave, she had no chance to stop Feng Zhi.


Caixia fairy looked at Feng from afar, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

She was extremely sure that the fluctuation of this power from Feng to her body was absolutely at the level of emperor.

Because of this, Caixia fairy will be so shocked.

It's not common to see a strong emperor. Caixia fairy knows how hard it is to practice to be a heavenly king. Fengzhi, however, was just a big Luo Jinxian who could only play with herself. It was only in a blink of an eye that the waves from her body had reached the level of startling her.


How could it be?

Caixia fairy couldn't believe it was true.

But that's true.

Aware of the powerful power gradually reviving in her body, Feng Zhi understood for a moment where the power came from, and knew that the power was not permanent, and what kind of price would be paid to use it.

Feng to no hesitation.

Don't say just pay some price that she can bear, even if the price is too high for her to bear, as long as she can let her throw the hateful face of Caixia Fairy on the ground, as long as she can make Longyan free from further injury, Fengzhi will never have any hesitation.

She wants strength.

Feng Zhi can't be more firm.

It seems to be sensing the firmness of Fengzhi at the moment, and the recovery of strength in her body suddenly speeds up. It seems that it is just a moment. Fengzhi's body is full of unprecedented powerful forces. Those forces are like rushing floods, filling every muscle and vein in Fengzhi's body, bringing great burden to Fengzhi's muscles and veins, but also bringing color The Xia fairy is applied to Feng Zhi's body, which makes Feng Zhi unable to move easily.

Fengzhi also regained control of her body.

The hands clasped gently.

It's just a simple action. If Fengzhi doesn't care about it at all, now Fengzhi feels that it's too rare to have such an action.

At the first time, she reached out and pointed out several fingers on Longyan's body. Until there was no more blood gushing from Longyan's wound, Fengzhi's expression was slightly relaxed a little, and then she gave Longyan some pills of pills.

After finishing these, Feng Zhi gives Longyan to Fenglai's several hands, and then turns to look at Caixia fairy.


It's time to settle the accounts.

The body shape slightly flickers, the next moment, the Phoenix to already appeared in the colorful city outside the big array, really and Caixia fairy confrontation.

"I want you to die." Fengzhi's voice is so cold that it seems to freeze the air.

Caixia fairy did not feel very good at this time.

From the time she noticed the abnormal situation of Feng Zhi there, her heart beat began to speed up a little bit. At the same time, there was a kind of faint premonition. Feng Zhi, who had not been regarded by her before, might be about to make her fall.

Inexplicably, the Caixia fairy remembered the faint sympathy in the tone when the East emperor and she spoke at that time.

Before that, she had never been able to figure out where the East emperor's sympathy came from. Out of prudence, she also carefully recalled her recent experiences, until she confirmed that she did not encounter any person or thing that could threaten her, and finally she was relieved.

But now, looking at the Phoenix facing each other in the space, I feel my heart beating like a drum beating. A heart of Caixia fairy can't help sinking.

So, did the emperor foresee the situation of today?

Especially hear the cold "I want to let you die" of Feng Zhi, the heart of Caixia fairy is even more crazy.

If she had previously, she would not have paid any attention to Fengzhi's words at all. She would have thought that this was the delusion of Fengzhi. But now, the warning signs in her heart make Caixia fairy dare not to neglect Fengzhi's words any more.

She clearly realized that although she didn't know how Fengzhi did it, now Fengzhi is in the same level as her.

Take a deep breath, Caixia fairy will also be in the eyes of all the banter, with a more serious attitude to face Fengzhi.

"Is it?" Caixia fairy clenched the dust in her hand, "it depends on your ability."

Feng to smell speech sneer.

At the same time, after a big bang, Feng Zhi suddenly had two wings formed by blood red and strange flame. The wings spread out and waved gently. Even though they were separated from the city protection array, the immortals in the colorful city could not help but retreat.

There was a strong smell of burnt paste in the crowd. After looking at each other for a while, the immortals found that the hair of many of them turned into fly ash in this face.The immortal will rebuild the immortal body after becoming an immortal. After the immortal body is achieved, not to mention the flesh and blood. Even every hair has a very strong vitality. If the immortal is not seriously damaged, the hair will not be damaged.

But now

Even though it was weakened by the city protection array, their hair couldn't bear the extremely high temperature from the wings of Fengzhi, which shows how powerful Fengzhi is today.

After all, the high temperature that spread to the colorful city is just a little bit leaked by Feng Zhi unintentionally, which is not aimed at the immortals below.


For a moment, all the immortals couldn't help but take a breath.

It is only a moment from the big Luo Jinxian to the powerful emperor who can confront Caixia fairy. What happened in the end?

No one can find the answer.

Probably, among so many people, only Long Yan has a little understanding of Feng's present situation.

"Phoenix to!" Long Yan held the hand of Feng Lai and called to Feng Zhi in the air.

At the same time, there is also a force in Longyan's body, just like the previous Fengzhi.

It can be imagined that if this force is allowed to recover, Long Yan will also be able to gain the same powerful power as Feng.

Long Yan's eyebrows are firm.

He wants to stand beside Fengzhi and face any storm with Fengzhi.

Therefore, even if he knew the consequences of doing so, Long Yan still completely let go of his mind and let the powerful force rush through his body.

However, the next moment, he was stopped by Feng Zhi.

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