"Long Yan..." Feng Zhi's eyes were extremely accurate through the crowd and fell on Long Yan's body, "you have a good rest, see how I deal with this fox spirit."

Feng Zhi's tone is full of confidence.

It's like, the fox spirit in her mouth is not a strong ruler, but really just a small fox that she can reach out to catch.

Long Yan heard the speech and gave a little pause.

He and Feng Zhi looked at each other. From Feng Zhi's eyes, he saw Feng Zhi's concern for himself and his confidence that could not be mistaken.

Long Yan knew that Fengzhi was more worried about his current situation than cleaning up the Caixia fairy. If he didn't care about Fengzhi's worries and insisted on standing with Fengzhi, Fengzhi would not feel happy, but would be angry.

How can long Yan give up to make Feng angry?

He clenched his fist slightly.

At the next moment, the forces that originally ran rampant in Longyan's body returned to the depths of his body after being suppressed consciously by Long Yan.

Since Feng Zhi insists, then

It's up to her.

Long Yan nods to Feng Zhi. Even though his face is hurt, when he smiles at Feng Zhi, the demeanor of that moment is irresistible.

"Good." He whispered.

Get Long Yan's response, Feng Zhi smiles.

Even if she turned her head and looked at the fairy, the smile on her face turned to a sneer.

Caixia fairy's breath was bitter.

Even if she can feel the strong threat from Feng Zhi's body now, she can't help but be angry when she hears that Fengzhi even describes herself as a fox spirit.

She is one of the most famous Nine Tailed heavenly foxes in the fairyland, OK?

It is intolerable to confuse the Nine Tailed sky fox with the ordinary fox spirit!

However, no matter how can't bear it, in the case of Feng Zhi, who doesn't care what Caixia fairy thinks, she can only swallow this tone.

Of course, this is not because Caixia fairy has a good temper, but because she has a vague premonition. Now Fengzhi is not something she can afford to provoke.

Caixia fairy's forbearance, Phoenix to the original can see.

In this regard, Feng to no move.

As early as in order to stimulate her, Caixia fairy shot at Longyan again and again, making Longyan scarred. There was absolutely no possibility of reconciliation between Fengzhi and Caixia fairy.

She wants to kill Caixia fairy, and this idea has never changed.

"You're happy just now, aren't you?" Feng to light way, "now, it's my turn."

After saying that, she did not wait for Caixia fairy to respond. As soon as she lifted her black soft sword, she had already attacked Caixia fairy first. The black soft sword did not straighten, but swam towards Caixia fairy like a black snake, carrying a terrible momentum.

Caixia fairy's face changed.

Experts know if there is one.

The fairyland is more powerful than the fairies.

However, no matter how, the present situation can not tolerate the Caixia fairy to admit.

As soon as she bit her teeth, she swept the dust in her hand and met the black soft sword.

Although she knows that Fengzhi is not easy to be provoked, Caixia fairy thinks that even if Fengzhi has the strength comparable to that of the emperor, the strength is strange. In short, it will not be from Fengzhi's own cultivation. At most, it can only be equivalent to borrowing. Under such circumstances, it is a problem that Fengzhi can give full play to its great strength.

She thought that she could not lose to Feng Zhi, who was like a child with a sharp blade.

However, this self-confidence of Caixia fairy was soon defeated by Feng Zhi.

Although the black soft sword looks soft, when the brush in Caixia fairy's hand contacts with Fengzhi's soft sword, the huge force from it almost makes her unable to hold it. Even if she holds the whisk dangerously and dangerously, the numbness and pain from the tiger's mouth clearly tells Caixia fairy that she's doing something for is a joke.


Caixia fairy couldn't believe it.

Feng Zhi sneered.

She needs to pay a price for her current strength. Therefore, it would be a pity if she could not win the Caixia fairy who broke through to the realm of the heavenly king only by external force.

Without giving Caixia fairy a chance to breathe, Feng Zhi lifted her finger slightly, and under her traction, the black soft sword swam towards Caixia fairy again like a snake.

With the previous fight, Caixia fairy no longer dare to be careless, the hands of the dust to meet the past.

A brush of dust, a soft sword, so they fight together.

At the same time, Fengzhi did not rest, and flew directly towards the fairy. With a slight lift of her hand, a huge hand appeared in the air, and she directly grasped the fairy.Caixia fairy was surprised.

The strength that Feng Zhi can play out is stronger than her, and it seems that Feng Zhi can completely control the power borrowed from this place.

In contrast, Caixia fairy herself spent most of her time and energy before today on how to make herself more beautiful and how to make more people admire her. Part of her strength is her own cultivation, the other part is through external force.

After breaking through to the realm of the emperor, Caixia fairy also knew that with her own qualifications, it was absolutely impossible for her to further become an emperor. In this case, of course, she did not need to practice hard.

Therefore, although there is the realm of the emperor, but the strength that Caixia fairy can play out is really limited.

Originally, this was not a malpractice. After all, with the reputation of Caixia fairy in the fairyland, it is unlikely that there will be a strong emperor who will not give her face and must be the enemy of her. But now in front of her is Fengzhi. How can Fengzhi get used to her?

Now it's the opposite of what it used to be.

It was Fengzhi who was forced to flee from place to place by Caixia fairy as if she were playing cat and mouse. Now the person who ran around was changed into Caixia fairy. However, after a while, Caixia fairy was no longer as calm as before. Don't mention how embarrassed she is.

However, Fengzhi has no mood to play with Caixia fairy.

What she wants now is to kill Caixia fairy directly.

Therefore, cold eyed at Caixia fairy running around under his own attack, Feng Zhi's face not only does not have any complacency and smile, but also more ruthless than each time, and can hardly hope to beat Caixia fairy to death with one slap.

That fierce appearance, let no less than before only Phoenix to that sentence "I want to let you die" as a joke of the immortal all realize the seriousness of Feng to.

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