For Fengzhi's ruthlessness, the deepest feeling is Caixia fairy this party.

If at the beginning, Caixia fairy only regarded Fengzhi's sentence "I want you to die" as an insignificant cruel word, now she knows how true Fengzhi's words are.

The most important thing is, Feng Zhi is not only serious, now she really has the strength to do this.

This, no doubt, is terrible.

Even at the thought of this, the colorful fairy can't help but feel shivering from the bottom of her heart.

She always felt that if she went on like this, she might have to be planted in the hands of the little mole ants that she had not seen before.

So, what to do?

At the same time tired of running away, Caixia fairy thought about the countermeasures.

For a long time, her eyes suddenly brightened.

By the way!

Caixia fairy can see clearly that Fengzhi's own strength is just the early stage of daruo Jinxian. Compared with the power of emperor level she is playing now, it is really insignificant.

A big Luo Jinxian, no matter what method she used to have such strength, it is conceivable that the powerful power will certainly bring her great burden. Under such circumstances, Fengzhi can never maintain her current strength for a long time.

Then, as long as we stick to the word "drag", when Fengzhi's body can't afford the power of emperor Tianjun, and is beaten back to its original form again, all this will be easily solved.

After thinking about this point clearly, Caixia fairy could not help but snort coldly.

Although in front of Fengzhi, such a younger generation, still have to use such a method to protect themselves, which makes Caixia fairy feel very shameless, but in the face of the threat of life, face is nothing?

Therefore, Caixia fairy immediately changed her strategy. She did not want to confront Fengzhi, but did not touch Fengzhi's body at all. No matter what kind of attack Fengzhi launched, she just hid.

Caixia fairy was the real king of heaven. When she only wanted to dodge, it was impossible even if Feng Zhi could make more than her strength and wanted to do her any harm.

Feng Zhi soon saw this.

Suddenly, Feng Zhi looked at Caixia fairy coldly. "You've learned to be smart, but since I said I'm going to let you die, do you think you can get away with just a" drag "

Caixia fairy returned with a cold hum.

She has made up her mind that she will not say a word with Feng Zhi at most before she is beaten back to its original form, let alone confront Feng Zhi.

Although this will make her shameless, but as long as Feng Zhi can't afford this powerful force, at that time, Feng Zhi can't just let her clean up at will?

See Caixia fairy did not respond, Feng to hook lip smile: "in this case, we still see the real chapter under the hand."

The voice fell. The black soft sword, which was chasing the colorful fairy, was suddenly summoned back by Fengzhi and wrapped around her waist like a belt.

What is Fengzhi going to do?

Caixia fairy was a little puzzled for a moment.

She did not wait for her to come up with a reason, then saw Feng to suddenly head slightly up, two hands open, make a spread wings to fly posture.

And then


From Fengzhi's mouth, the sound of such a clear and Yue Feng Ming suddenly comes out.

The Phoenix is surrounded by the flame in the past, just like the flame of the Phoenix.

At this moment, the whole colorful city was so silent that no sound could be heard.

It is Caixia fairy, there is such a moment of Leng God.

However, Caixia fairy immediately responded that she was now fighting with Fengzhi in life and death. Under such circumstances, she was still stunned and was just joking about her own life.

At the same time, Caixia fairy suddenly felt a huge crisis.

She was going to step back reflexively, but it was too late.

As soon as the wings of the Phoenix wrapped in the flame vibrated slightly behind her, the whole person turned into a streamer and flew to the Caixia fairy, whose speed was much faster than before. Let alone the immortals below, it was the genuine emperor of Caixia, who could not completely capture the figure of Fengzhi at this moment.

This shows how fast Fengzhi is.

Whether it is strength or speed, as long as it reaches the extreme, it will have terrible lethality.

Caixia fairy just stepped back a little, and the streamer from Fengzhi to Huazuo had already rushed to her. Because the speed of Fengzhi was too fast, Caixia fairy had no chance to dodge and was hit by Fengzhi.

Then, the rising flame climbs to the body of Caixia fairy. The ferocious tongue of fire spreads rapidly towards the body of Caixia fairy as if she has her own consciousness. When the fairy feels the pain and wants to put out the flame on her body, she has become a fireman.And

Phoenix to today's flame, and how can be easily put out by the colorful fairy.

So, all people's ears will be heard that the colorful haze fairy that extremely shrill scream.


Under the gaze of all the immortals, the colorful clothes on Caixia fairy instantly turned to ashes. Her face, which can be called the most beautiful, was twisted because of extreme pain.

Now I can only imagine her suffering.

She was rolling violently and wailing two times. Caixia fairy was not a strong willed person, but she persisted for a little time. People saw the light on her body, and the fire around her body expanded. When all the immortals looked at the past again, there was no Caixia fairy in the fire Shadow, instead of a fox with snow-white fur, especially the nine hairy tails, is extremely eye-catching.

Nine tail sky fox.

It is not a secret in the fairyland that the essence of the Caixia fairy is the Jiuwei fox tribe. However, since she was cultivated into a human form, Caixia fairy has never shown people in her original form. Therefore, it is the first time that her original form has been seen by people in the fairyland.

Although she is a fox, she can also be described by the word "beauty". If you put it in the usual way, the Caixia fairy in such a state will surely get some praise.

But it's not the same now.

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