Almost at the moment when Caixia fairy showed her original shape, her snow-white fur was swept by the billowing fire tongue, and her beautiful fur became scorched and black in a moment. Where is there any other beautiful appearance before?

Caixia fairy is a love beauty can not be more, if in ordinary times, she now refers to how much pain their fur, but now, in such a critical moment of life and death, where does she have time to manage beauty?

In the shrill scream, there was also the intermittent voice of the colorful fairy.

"Fengzu Immortal fire... "

The immortal fire of Feng nationality.

Feng to smell speech with a very arrogant posture gently nodded, "you said right, it is really the Phoenix family immortal fire."

Immortal fire, which is the most powerful flame of Feng nationality, even claims to burn everything.

Part of the reason why the immortals in the fairyland are so afraid of the dragon and the Phoenix is that the Phoenix people have this immortal fire, and no one dares to push the two races to the extreme. Otherwise, if the Phoenix people want to fight for a net, it will be enough for all the immortals to drink a pot.


Even if she is suffering extreme pain now, even if she is showing her original shape, the incredible in the eyes of Caixia fairy is really too hard to ignore.

How could that be possible?

This is what Fengzhi saw in the eyes of Caixia fairy.

Feng Zhi can understand why Caixia fairy is so shocked.

It's just because the Phoenix people do have the immortal fire. It's said that at the time of fengmiao's generation, fengmiao cultivated the immortal fire and even had the strength comparable to the emperor.

From this, we can see how overbearing the immortal fire of Feng nationality is.

However, while the immortal fire is powerful, it is also extremely difficult to cultivate. Even in the Feng family, not every generation can cultivate immortal fire. As far as Caixia fairy knows, there is only one person in this generation of Phoenix family who has cultivated immortal fire, and that person's immortal fire is not yet ready.

Of course, that person can't be Feng Zhi.


What's going on now?

Not to mention how the immortal fire which can't be cultivated by foreigners appeared on Fengzhi. It's a great achievement to say that the immortal fire on Fengzhi's body is placed on any Fengzu. In such a case, let alone Caixia fairy, who is the bottom of the heavenly monarch, is recognized as the first divine arrow of the heavenly king, and the heavenly king's arrow is roaring, which is easy I dare not provoke her.

But how could that be possible?

Caixia fairy couldn't understand why.

Of course, Fengzhi can't help Caixia fairy to solve her puzzles. Just like Caixia fairy thinks, she can't last such a long time. In fact, every second of such a state is a great burden to Fengzhi. If she can't make a quick decision, Caixia fairy doesn't need to do anything. Fengzhi will kill herself first.

So Feng didn't waste a second.

No matter how unbelievable Caixia fairy is now, Fengzhi's hand slightly raised, the flame that had already burned Caixia fairy beyond recognition roared to the outside again, and the suddenly rising high temperature made Caixia fairy cry again.

Listening to such a howl, all the immortals in the colorful city below shivered.

They all look up, looking at the flame wrapped, but the cold look of the Phoenix to, all the immortals are a little lost voice.

The powerful emperor such as Caixia fairy fell under the hand of Fengzhi, and there was no possibility of reversion, which was really unexpected before the battle began.

For a moment, there were more emotions in people's hearts, such as admiration.

Fengzhi, who was admired by many people, was on the verge of collapse at this time. She had only the strength of Daluo Jinxian, but she was born because of the hidden power in her body. The power flowed in her muscles and veins, which not only brought great strength to Fengzhi, but also caused great damage to the muscles and blood in Fengzhi's body 。

Although Feng looks beautiful on the surface now, in fact, her body has already changed beyond recognition.

Know what situation is now, Feng to dare not have a little delay.

Seeing that the Caixia fairy became listless under the burning of immortal fire, she seemed to have to swallow her last breath at any time. Feng didn't have any hands left. She raised her hand and gently moved towards the fairy. Then she had a little immortal fire flying out of her fingertips and turned into a little Phoenix, which went straight into Caixia fairy's body.


The Nine Tailed Fox people raised their hair and let out a shrill scream, and their bodies rolled wildly in the air, because the damage was so serious that even one of the tails behind her broke with a "crack".

Broken tail!

The immortals were surprised again.

If it had not been fatally threatened, the Nine Tailed Fox tribe would not have broken its tail, and Caixia fairy would have been able to tell people what kind of heavy damage she had suffered.For the Nine Tailed Tian Hu clan, breaking a tail does not only mean physical damage, but also means that their strength will regress.

Every time a tail grows out of the Nine Tailed Tianhu, its strength will be greatly promoted. Similarly, if one tail is lost, its strength will naturally regress.

Caixia fairy is now cut off. Although the threat of immortal fire to her life has been offset, her strength has also been retrogressed. Even if she becomes human again, at most, she can only have the strength of Xianjun.

Xianjun in the fairyland can be regarded as the upper level of combat power, but compared with the emperor, it can be very different.

I don't know how much time it will take to practice again.

In short, Caixia fairy lost a lot this time.

At this time, Fengzhi was relieved.

Although the Caixia fairy with a broken tail still has the power of Xianjun, the strength of Xianjun level is not enough to bring much threat to Fengzhi.

Therefore, Feng Zhi took back her hand and wrapped the immortal fire which was beating endlessly in her mind. She began to take it back to her body a little bit, as if they had never appeared before.

At the same time, those forces surging in Fengzhi's body began to hide in the depths of Fengzhi's body as they had come.

When the immortal fire and those forces were completely disappeared, Feng Zhi made a careful exploration. In addition to being able to detect the scars in her muscles, she didn't realize that there was such a terrible force in her body at all.

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