
Anyway, today's robbery is over.

Previously, she had been fighting nervously, and Feng didn't feel anything else, but now the whole person relaxed, she felt that even a hair was crying in pain.

What a pain!

Feng to the foot of a soft, almost directly fell from the air.

Sure enough, such a powerful force can not be easily controlled by anyone. If it was not for Fengzhi, she would have experienced a baptism of that power. I'm afraid that before she could exert that power, she would have been exploded by this powerful force.

Even if Fengzhi could barely control the power, she would trample down the powerful monarch such as Caixia fairy, but Fengzhi didn't pay the price, not to mention the current situation in her body, but to say that in the future, she could not figure out how long it would take to make up for the deficit this time, so we can see how much her previous burden was.

It seems that we can't use this force until we have to.

In the final analysis, only the real power that belongs to oneself is the most reliable.

Feng Zhi thought this way in her heart, and then she pressed down all these thoughts and looked again at the colorful fairy who had finally recovered her breath because of the disappearance of the immortal fire.

At this point, even if Feng's situation is not good, she almost laughs.

The most famous of the Nine Tailed heavenly foxes is their beauty. Even if they exist in their original form, the Nine Tailed heavenly foxes also have the beauty that people can't move their eyes. But now the Caixia fairies, whose snow-white fur is almost all charred, is emitting a pungent burnt smell. One of the nine tails behind him is still dripping with blood 。

This appearance, where there is half of the beauty to speak of?

But even in the dying state, Caixia fairy can't hide her resentment towards Fengzhi. Her eyes towards Feng Zhi are more like poison. Don't mention how dangerous it is.


If Caixia fairy can move now, she will definitely jump up and bite Feng without hesitation.

Of course, she can't do that now that she's so hurt.

Seeing the fairies like this, Feng finally couldn't help laughing.

This smile can be extremely happy and sad.

At this time, although Fengzhi took down the Caixia fairy, she forced her use of strength beyond her own realm. If she had not stepped on Caixia fairy in time, she might have killed herself. If she had been nervous all the time, it would have been OK for her. But now that she has relaxed, all the injuries to her body are not all Did you give her any feedback.


Feng to mouth a, in the end can not resist spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Phoenix to!"

Seeing this, Long Yan didn't care that he was also hurt all over his body. A flash of his body appeared beside Feng Zhi. The wound on his body was only temporarily controlled. After this move, the wound that had been healed was split again, and the whole person became a bloody man again.

Feng to also don't care about their own injury, quickly holding the hand of Long Yan, "I'm ok, you can rest assured."

It's not until Long Feng's heart is relieved that it doesn't hurt him.

The two of them looked at the Caixia fairy who had just recovered her human form and was lying on the ground.

Don't mention how jealous Caixia fairy Fengzhi and Longyan are at this time. They stand together as if they were golden children and jade maidens. Anyone who saw them would like to praise "a couple born in heaven". But the more this happened, the more unwilling Caixia fairy was.

The same is a woman, with what Feng to be able to hold all the beautiful things in her arms.

The reason why she insisted on making trouble for Fengzhi was that she wanted to stand up for Mingruo at the beginning, and jealousy to Fengzhi was the biggest reason.

Feng Zhi can't help but shake her head when she sees the look of Caixia fairy in her eyes. She can't help but shake her head. With her heart like Caixia fairy, she really doesn't know how she has cultivated to the realm of emperor.

Thinking of these, Feng to slightly hook the lip, Yang Yang chin at the rosy clouds fairy, "how, do you want to bite me now? But it's a pity that you can't move now... "

This look, this tone, don't mention how irritating.

Caixia fairy was seriously injured, and then Feng Zhi was so angry that she vomited out a mouthful of blood on the spot, and her ugly face turned pale again.

If the usual rosy clouds fairy, showing this pair of weak appearance, I don't know how many people have caused pity, but now her face is burned black by the immortal fire, and where is a little bit of the past fragile?

For the Caixia fairy who valued her face the most, it was worse than killing her.

Just as Caixia fairy hated her teeth itching, the contest between Xiao Xu, Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao on the other side was finally determined.

Although Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao can't be named among the powerful emperors, they are also old-fashioned ones. When they join hands, some famous emperors dare not say that they will be able to beat them. But in Xiao Xu's place, they are playing the iron plate.Although it is only a few million years since Xiao Xu turned to ghost cultivation, his strength is not bad at all. In addition, ghost cultivation is different from ordinary immortal. Ghost cultivation without strength is not afraid of ordinary attack means in many cases.

Under such circumstances, even if Zhou Bufan joined hands with Wu Zhengdao, he could not take Xiao Xu as an example. In the end, Xiao Xu seized the opportunity to defeat him.

When fighting with Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao, Xiao Xu actually took the time to see the situation of Fengzhi. However, he was entangled by Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao at that time, so he could only pay attention to it, but he couldn't help Feng Zhi. Now it seems that Fengzhi has beaten Caixia fairy into such a situation. Xiao Xu is relieved at last.

How to say again, the source of the battle between Fengzhi and Caixia fairy lies in Xiaoxu.

"Fengzhi, if you're OK." Xiao Feng appeared beside her.

Feng Zhi Wen Yan couldn't help turning a white eye at Xiao Xu, "elder, which eye do you think I'm ok? I'm not only busy, but I'm seriously injured, OK? If I were not lucky enough, I would be killed by you today. Would your conscience really not hurt? "

Xiao Xu's mouth twitched.

He just said such a word, was Feng to give to tie back.

However, Xiao Xu has to admit that Fengzhi's words are not wrong. If it were not for his involvement, Fengzhi would not have been so seriously injured as he is now.

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