Without waiting for Xiao Xu to remorse himself for a while, Feng Zhihua turned to the front of the story: "master, you see I have suffered from your involvement and suffered such a big loss, master, you have to make up for me?"

Xiao Xu takes a look at Feng.

With his eyes, it can be seen that Fengzhi's words are not faked at all. Although she still has spare time to speak, Fengzhi has paid a lot of money this time.

Xiao Xu then nodded: "OK, this time I really implicated you. When things are over here, I still have some collections in my hand. Then you can choose some that you and your friends need to use."

It's compensation.

Feng to this just smile: "then I on behalf of them to thank the elder's generous."

After that, he blinked at Longyan.

After Xiao Xu and Feng Zhi finish talking, they look at Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao again.

Both of them are unbelievable now. They can't believe it. When they join hands, they are not Xiao Xu who has been practicing for tens of thousands of years.

Compared with Xiao Xu, they have been practicing dogs for tens of thousands of years?

What worries Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao is that Xiao Xu appears now. What happened in the Chatian gorge can no longer be covered. The Caixia fairy, who pushed Xiao Xu to foreign fierce beasts, can only end up in disgrace. Although they did not do it themselves, they also stood on the sidelines and made a deal with Caixia fairy afterwards Children can't fall well, so do they.

I'm afraid

After this time, they had to fight in the fairyland.

However, Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao did not worry too much.

This is the fairyland. The most important thing is strength rather than fame. As long as they are powerful, no one dares to talk in front of them.

In this way, as long as we pass the pass of Xiao Xu in front of us, other things seem to have no great influence on them.

They were relieved.

They looked at each other, and then Zhou Bufan said, "brother Xiao..."

Xiao Xu sneered, "but I dare not call you brothers. It's enough to be stabbed in the back once."

Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao were black in the face, but this was their fault, so they could only suppress their anger. Zhou Bufan continued: "Xiao Xu, at the beginning of the Shatian gorge incident, Caixia fairy moved the hand. We had no malice towards you from the beginning to the end. Of course, after leaving the Chatian gorge, let the Caixia fairy cover up the facts and talk nonsense We are willing to make some compensation to you... "

In the eyes of these two people, no matter what the price can be negotiated.

They didn't do anything to Xiao Xu. At most, they didn't help him. After all, no one stipulated that they must sacrifice their lives to save Xiao Xu, did they?

Since this is the case, they have not told the truth that they have received the benefits of Caixia fairy. Now they are willing to make compensation. What is the reason for Xiao Xu to embarrass them?

Both felt that Xiao Xu would not refuse them.

However, to their surprise, Xiao Xu really refused.

With a sneer at Wu Zhengdao and Zhou Bufan, Xiao Xu suddenly laughed: "tens of thousands of years ago, why have you become so naive? Do you think I'll be greedy for your compensation? "

Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao changed their faces.

Listen to the meaning of Xiao Xu's words, he intends not to let them go easily.

Now Xiao Xu is in the upper hand. They are not Xiao Xu's opponents. If Xiao Xu must not give up, even if it is impossible to kill them, they will certainly be able to do so.

Zhou Bufan sank his face, "Xiao Xu, do you want to fight with us

Xiao Xu did not look at these two people with a straight eye, "fish die, net breaks? You two can't do that. "

This is the fruit of contempt!

Although Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao are not as powerful as Xiao Xu, they are also powerful in heaven. They are ridiculed and satirized by Xiao Xu. They can't bear to be angry.


In touch with the cold eyes of Xiao Xu, think of the previous fight when Xiao Xu relaxed, two people in the end or counseling.

"In this case, you may as well draw a line. How can we end our resentment?" Zhou Bufan said.

Xiao Xu laughed again, "how to end it? You don't need to worry about it. You..."

Looking at Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao, Xiao Xu's voice has no ups and downs You just need to suffer. "

Just take it.

This is really overbearing, which clearly does not accept any resistance, but also has the confidence that will not be resisted.

Feng couldn't help blowing a loud whistle.

She always thought she was confident enough, but now it seems that Xiao Xu's self-confidence and arrogance are not inferior to her.Hearing the whistling sound of Feng Zhi, Xiao Xu looks at Feng Zhi and feels helpless in his eyes.

In front of such powerful monarchs as Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao, Xiao Xu can be ruthless, but he always shows his tenderness unconsciously in the face of Fengzhi.


Is it because Fengzhi's original choice has fulfilled Xiao Xu's obsession for tens of thousands of years?

Hearing Xiao Xu say this, Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao first breathe for a while, then their faces become extremely ugly, "Xiao Xu, you..."

But Xiao Xu didn't want to talk to them any more.

During those tens of thousands of years in the cleft sky gorge, he felt the pain of being betrayed by his beloved. Xiao Xu's cultivation from scratch alone supported his going on like this, which was nothing more than that he would be able to break away from the Chatian gorge in the future and end up with Caixia Fairy.

Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao

Although the two men did not do anything to Xiao Xu, Xiao Xu did not believe that they had no malice towards him at that time. Even if there was no malice, it was Xiao Xu who brought them vitality at the beginning.

Step on Xiao Xu's pain and get the chance to survive. Now, how can it be possible to put on an appearance that has nothing to do with them?

Waving his hand at will, Xiao Xu pointed to Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao one after another, so that they could no longer make a sound. Then he said, "you are right. At the beginning, you didn't do it directly to me. How could it be that you didn't die, so I won't kill you..."

In fact, even if Xiao Xu wants the lives of Zhou Bufan and Wu Zhengdao, it is unrealistic.

These two people are the strong monarch. If they really ignore and fight with Xiao Xu, even if Xiao Xu can win, he will pay a lot of price.

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