"Oh, look at your expression. It seems that you are not reconciled to it..." Feng to Yang Sheng Dao.

Some resentment flashed in Caixia fairy's eyes.

Of course she would not.

Before the appearance of Fengzhi, she was a goddess who was pursued by all the immortals in the fairyland. Now, Fengzhi's appearance is born in front of all people. It can be imagined that even if she can live through today, she will never have the same status as before.

How can Caixia fairy be reconciled?

If it wasn't for the fact that she was injured too much, and there was Xiao Xu who had already taken out her hand there, Caixia fairy would not give up with Feng Zhi.

Feng to see the situation, in the spirit of angry people do not pay for their lives, smile at the colorful fairy smile, "but ah, even if you are not reconciled to that, ah, you lose, and I win, is soy sauce purple."

Caixia fairy's eyes were almost full of fire.

"Now I'm going to deal with you, master Xiao." Feng Zhi used a look at the meat on the chopping board and looked up and down at the fairy. "Guess what I'm going to do with you?"

At any time will be the Caixia fairy weight on two sold tone.

Don't mention how ugly the face of Caixia fairy is.

The arrogance of the strong man of heaven made her unable to face down to beg for mercy from Feng Zhi. At the same time, she was also guessing what kind of tactics Feng Zhi could think of to deal with her.

If Feng Zhi is really too much, even if Xiao Xu is pressing the array beside her, she must fight for death!

Even if you can't pull Xiao Xu off the horse, you have to ask Feng to accompany her to hell!

Caixia fairy bit her teeth.

Feng Zhi looked at Caixia fairy and said, "tut..."

However, she also "tut tut" these two voices, and then stopped.

Caixia fairy only felt that her heart had been raised. She was afraid that Feng would come up with some bad idea to deal with her. Now she can see that Feng is full of bad ideas!

Feng Zhi, who was thought to be full of bad ideas, was really thinking of bad ideas at this time.

She turned her eyes, but she waved to xianbao'er. When xianbao'er came to her ear, she lowered her voice. No, she used her divine sense to transmit the sound to xianbao'er.

After hearing Feng Zhi's words, xianbao'er's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Sister Feng Zhi, by coincidence, I have it right here!" She said.

Then, xianbaoer's hand appeared a very exquisite and exquisite tower, handed it to Fengzhi's hand, and then talked with Fengzhi in a low voice.

Feng Zhi nodded after hearing xianbao'er's words, and then ran up to Xiao Xu's side again. First, she took a look at Caixia fairy, and then whispered a few words with Xiao Xu again.

Xiao Xu also nodded.

Seeing the interaction between Fengzhi and xianbao'er and Xiao Xu, Caixia fairy's heart is constantly sinking. She always feels that there is a plot against her. If she can't break the situation earlier, the consequences will not be what she wants to see.

Caixia fairy also had some determination. Since she had such a premonition, she did not have any hesitation, so she would fight with Feng.

At this time, Caixia fairy had been seriously injured, and it was not easy to fight for her death. Her body, which did not see a piece of good skin, moved slightly, and suddenly changed back to its original shape.

The original snow-white nine tail sky fox, now not only broke off one tail, but also the unusually beautiful snow-white fur of the past, which was also black and burnt.


Caixia fairy raised her head and roared, and her eight tails kept waving behind her.

Feng Zhi looks at Xiao Xu and says, "master..."

Xiao Xu nodded.

Then, looking at the Caixia fairy, Xiao Xu reached out and saw a transparent light ball like a bubble. He threw the light towards the fairy

The next moment, this bubble light group will directly cover the Caixia fairy, Caixia fairy call half of a long scream, which was interrupted.

Not only that, there was also the Caixia fairy who mentioned the last spirit, and at this time, like the eggplant that was beaten by frost, there was no more spirit.

There is no doubt that Xiao Xu's understatement cut off the possibility that Caixia fairy would fight with Fengzhi.

If she had to fight again, the result was not that the fish had died and the net had not been broken.

See Xiao Xu deal with so easily, and then think back to the previous control of the power of the monarch level, Feng couldn't help but pursed her lips.

However, after a while, Feng Zhi came back to her mind again.

She looked at the Caixia fairy who was rushing left and right in the bubble light, but couldn't get rid of her difficulties. She said with a smile: "Caixia fairy, don't you want to know what I'm going to do with you, it's time to uncover the mystery..."

After that, the exquisite pagoda that xianbao'er handed over to Fengzhi flew into the air. Under the control of Fengzhi, it grew bigger and bigger. When it became a basin size, a light came from the top of the tower, and the light fell directly on the Caixia fairy.Then, in the eyes of all people, the Caixia fairy turned back to its original shape, and was absorbed into the interior of the exquisite tower by the light.

The small ball is about the size of a small ball in the tower.

There is a fairy with good eyes. You can also see that there is something moving around in the ball.

Take a closer look


That's not a small nine tail, no, it's an eight tail sky fox!

It's Caixia fairy.

Feng Zhi reaches out and flicks on the transparent ball, and the smaller fox is followed by a whirlwind. If in the cartoon, the fox's head will have several more circles to symbolize dizziness.

Looking at the silly appearance of Caixia fairy, Feng couldn't help but smile, and said: "Oh, don't mention, this little fox spirit is really stupid and cute."

Little fox spirit.

Stupid, cute, stupid.

Either one is not a good word.

The Caixia fairy, who was locked into the ball, was flustered and angry, and her eyes staring at Feng Zhi almost fell down.

Of course, Feng Zhi didn't pay attention to her.

She turned her head and looked at xianbao'er, "my dear, you are a very powerful little tower. If you take her in, you will take it in."

But xianbao'er looked at the exquisite Pagoda in Fengzhi's hand and said, "this is a treasure that my father refined for me as long as it is under the emperor of heaven."

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