Under the emperor.

If the Caixia fairy had not been injured, it would have been impossible for Fengzhi to take it into the imitated town demon tower. But now the Caixia fairy has been broken, and the realm has dropped to the level of Xianjun, which is just right.

In the world, there are eighteen immortals in the town, which can be demonized.

However, this kind of treasure, which only exists in the legend, has long been unknown. This treasure imitated by the crane is naturally much weaker than the real demon tower, but it is very suitable for xianbao'er to be used for self-defense.

No, it's coming in handy now.

Although it is only a copy of the Zhenyao tower, because of its characteristics, it can also receive the demons under the emperor into the tower. Once they enter the tower, they will be banned from divine knowledge and immortal Qi.

In other words, once the people under the emperor are received in the demon tower of this town, they will never get away unless they don't want to live and commit suicide in it.

This point, the crane to this refiner can not be more sure.

Feng Zhi held up the demon tower of the small town with the palm of his hand to the height of his eyes. Looking inside, even at this time, he still did not forget to take a pair of fox eyes and stare at his colorful fairy. Feng Zhi said with a smile: "little fox spirit, is your fox tail finally exposed?"


Caixia fairy wants to scold Feng, but in her original form, she can only make such a whimper. Even because she is not as big as ping-pong ball, it is the whimper that makes her look very weak.

In this state, even though Caixia fairy no matter how much she wants to show her ferocity and anger, she still looks a little silly and cute


Feng Zhi felt that his aesthetic view must have been distorted to some extent.

He plucked the ball again and looked at the fox in it. Feng Zhi said, "look, you have become such a small one now, and I can only do what I want. You are a famous colorful fairy in the world. Although you have a bad reputation now, but the fairyland is so big, I always want to see you People... "

Speaking of this, Feng Zhi winked at the colorful fairy You say, if I take you to hold an exhibition every place I go, will there be a large number of fairies holding fairy stones to see you


A series of jets were heard in the crowd.

Caixia fairy is the strong one!

Now, according to the meaning of Fengzhi, she is going to show Caixia fairies everywhere to earn immortal stones?

In the past 50000 years, such a thing has never happened.

In the past, no one dared to have such an idea with the majesty of the emperor. Even if the Caixia fairy had been broken, the immortals still thought that Fengzhi would have such an idea is a particularly ridiculous thing.

That is, xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu are all confused.

"Sister Feng Zhi..." Xianbao'er murmured, "you're not serious, are you?"

Feng to a face of inexplicable, "of course I am serious!"

What's the reason that makes people think she's joking?

Listening to Feng Zhi's saying, and then feeling her seriousness, xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu don't know what they can say for a moment.

Don't mention the two of them. Xiao Xu, who admitted to having seen all kinds of storms, was also surprised at this time.


Only Longyan and Fenglai Fengming are not surprised.

After all, when Feng Zhi was in Xuanwu and xulingjing, Fengzhi did not do less.

Feng Zhi then went on to say: You are too fussy, but you just took this little fox to exhibition to earn immortal stone. I did it well in the lower bound. Don't worry. There is nothing wrong with the designation. "

They all rolled their eyes.

They're not worried about something going wrong, OK?

Xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu have been together with Fengzhi for so many years. They are used to Fengzhi's style. So they are surprised to see that Fengzhi is really serious

That's how it was accepted.

It has to be said that Feng Zhiben is a person with strong appeal.

Even Xiao Xu, after listening to Feng Zhi's words, felt that, um, it was really nothing special?

Well, they were brainwashed by Feng Zhi.

So it was settled. The only objection was probably the Caixia fairy who had been locked up in the demon tower of the small town. She was jumping up and down in the light ball crazily, making a continuous whimper.

It's just that no one paid attention to her opinion.

After setting down this matter, Feng Zhi smiles at Xiao Xu again, "master, this colorful fairy has many admirers. No one knows if there will be her admirers to rob people. Then you will have to rely on you."Xiao Xu only found it hard to say.

Fengzhi wanted to hold an exhibition with Caixia fairies to earn immortal stones, but also let his ex husband come to see the show. She could not tell!


Think of such a scene, Xiao Xu felt, as if also very strong?

He then nodded his head with great cheerfulness.

Feng Zhi smiles with satisfaction.

There is Xiao Xu, even if there is a strong emperor among the admirers of Caixia fairy, it is not afraid that someone will take back Caixia fairy.

Then she plucked the ball and looked at the colorful fairy who was staring out of her eyes. Feng Zhi suddenly picked up her eyebrows and said with a bit of malice: "didn't you feel proud of admirers all over the fairyland before? If not, in the future, as long as any one of your admirers is willing to challenge master Xiao Xu for your sake, I will release you. In this way, are you still satisfied? "

Hear the Phoenix to say so, Caixia fairy's eyes immediately more light.

Of course she was satisfied.

After living for 100000 years, Caixia fairy valued her face most, and her most proud admirers were all over the fairyland. Even if she chose Xiao Xu as the immortal partner, there were still many people waiting for her to turn back.

Those people, which one is not willing to give their all for her?

Therefore, the condition of Fengzhi in the eyes of Caixia fairy is nothing.

She has so many admirers. As long as she knows the news, why worry that no one will rescue her from Fengzhi?

When she went out, she would practice the ninth tail and return to the realm of emperor. After that, she would let Feng Zhi know what kind of end she would have if she was angry.

At that time, she won't keep her hands.

Caixia fairy thought like this, only felt that the road ahead was bright.

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