The mood in the eyes of Caixia fairy is in the eye. Feng doesn't speak. She just picks her lips if there is nothing.

Maybe in Caixia fairy's view, her admirers are all over the fairyland, and a large number of admirers will challenge Xiao Xu in order to save her, but Fengzhi's view is just the opposite.

As for their opinions, who is right and who is wrong

I'll see you soon.

Feng to then put away the town demon tower.

All of these were dealt with, a relaxed mood, Feng to just feel the whole body up and down that kind of bone seems to be crushed the intense pain, she can not help but "hiss" out of breath.

Long Yan heard the sound and looked at Feng Zhi, holding her hand while caring for the tunnel: "does it hurt?"

In other people's eyes, Fengzhi's temperament has always been tough. Listening to Long Yan's question, everyone thought that Fengzhi would definitely give a negative answer, but the fact surprised everyone.

Blinking at the Dragon Yan, Feng to tears immediately, coupled with her now this full face of grievances, can not mention how much pity.

"It hurts!" The voice of Fengzhi is delicate and soft.

The first time I heard Feng Zhi speak with such a voice, Fengming could not help shaking off the goose bumps on the ground.

However, in Long Yan's eyes, Fengzhi at this time undoubtedly needs his care. At the same time, all the people in the colorful city are looking at them. They even forget that their legs can't be used at all. As soon as long Yan earns his strength, he will get up and hold Fengzhi in his arms.

The results are conceivable.

The soft and painful leg almost made Longyan fall to the ground. It was Fengzhi who helped him in time. However, Feng was so weak that he didn't hold him. As a result, they almost rolled together.

Feng Lai and Xian bao'er nearby quickly reached out to help Feng Zhi and Longyan.

After getting along with Feng Zhi for so many years, it was the first time for them to see Fengzhi and Longyan so helpless.

Feng Lai frowned.

Looking at Fengzhi's great power, he always had worries. He suddenly got such powerful power. It can be imagined that Fengzhi will pay a great price. But now it seems that Fengzhi will pay more than he imagined.

"Fengzhi, are you ok?" Feng Lai's voice was full of worries.

Feng to smell speech rolled a white eye, "I certainly have something to do!"

While talking, Feng to one side took out the pill and put a few pills into his mouth.

She was hurt too much now. She couldn't have been healed with a few pills of pills, but it had some effect. After a while, Feng Zhi's pale face finally improved a little.

Seeing this, Feng Ming, who was also worried, was relieved.

"If you talk to Long Yan, you can be as delicate and soft as a soft girl. If you talk to us, you'll be like a woman. It's really extroverted!" Feng Ming couldn't help murmuring to herself.

If it was not for Feng's weakness, she would surely appreciate Fengming's iron sand palm.

Looking at the Phoenix to several people so interactive, Xiao Xu's eyes are with a faint smile.

After laughing, Fengming frowned and looked at Feng Zhi, whose face was still not so good-looking. She asked the question that everyone wanted to know: "Fengzhi, what kind of price do you want to pay for borrowing that power before?"

So they all looked at Feng Zhi and waited for her answer.

Feng Zhi looked around first.

Shocked by Yu Fengzhi's previous efforts to suppress Caixia fairies, he brought the powerful man back to his original form and locked him in the demon tower of the small town. Although there are many people in the colorful city, they are silent at this time. All the immortals are looking at Fengzhi and others, just as they are looking at some rare things.

Feng Ming's voice was not deliberately lowered, so many people heard this sentence, and more people wanted to hear the answer.

It would be too bad if we didn't have to pay for such a powerful force.

That's why people are curious.

However, Feng Zhi has no obligation to solve the puzzles of these unrelated people.

She said, "this is not a place to talk. Let's find another place to talk."

Phoenix to a few people looked around, found that really like the Phoenix to say, they all nodded.

Then, the party wants to leave here.

At this time, many colorful city disciples came out. Seeing the appearance of the disciples, the immortals who stood in front of them involuntarily stepped back to both sides to make way for the disciples of Qicai city to reach Fengzhi directly.

After a while, the group of colorful city disciples in colorful clothes stopped up in front of Feng Zhi and others.

Wearing colorful clothes is the most symbolic feature of the disciples of the colorful city. Once upon a time, the colorful clothes were the pride of the disciples of the colorful city. This means that they are the disciples of the colorful city, and they have a very detached position no matter where they go.But now

Their patriarchs were beaten back to their original form and locked up. It is said that they are going to hold exhibitions around the fairyland to collect immortal stones. How can these disciples of colorful city be proud.

Even, because of the capture of Caixia fairy, the disciples of Qicai city are now in a state of panic.

The colorful city originally had such a detached status because of the Caixia fairy. But now that Caixia fairy, the patriarch, has been captured, how can their disciples not be frightened?

Therefore, a group of colorful city disciples will be blocked in front of Feng Zhi and others at this time.

Although blocked over, but these colorful city disciples are not dare to be presumptuous at all.

Not to mention that there is a real emperor in this group of people, that is, Fengzhi, who is able to capture all Caixia fairies when it breaks out, it is enough to make them feel scared.

Under such circumstances, how dare they offend Feng Zhi and others?

However, he did not dare to be presumptuous, but his patriarch was in the hands of Fengzhi, and the disciples of Qicai city could not let Fengzhi and others go like this.

As a result, the two sides thus face to face confrontation.

Feng Zhi leans lazily on the shoulder of practicing Hongyu. Now she is all over pain and tired. Her eyes are almost unable to open. Of course, she will not appear at this time. She just looks at Xiao Xu with her head on her side.

Xiao Xu is speechless.

He is a strong emperor, and he can defeat the two emperors. Other people dare not even say a word in front of him. Maybe only Fengzhi can ask him to do things without hesitation.


Xiao Xu thinks, this kind of feeling, seem to be quite good really.

Laughing at himself in his heart, Xiao Xuwei squinted at the disciples of the colorful city and said, "get out of the way."

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