A group of colorful city disciples looked at each other.

Their patriarch is in Fengzhi's hands. According to the rules, they should ignore everything. They must take Caixia fairy back from Fengzhi and others, but

Not to mention whether they have the ability to snatch people from Fengzhi's hand, but to say that Xiao Xu's "get out of the way" makes them feel scared subconsciously.

Without the colorful fairies, the colorful city is not what it used to be. The disciples of the colorful city have no qualification to be proud. In front of a strong person like Xiao Xu, even if a person is unwilling, his feet seem to have their own consciousness and retreat to both sides.

Feng to see the form of a sneer.

Caixia fairy was a man who was greedy for life and was afraid of death, and could give up everything for his life. Now it seems that there is no kind of patriarchal master who has disciples. The disciples of colorful city also have no integrity, and even have no sense of resistance under the power.

Colorful city

After today, it's going to plummet.

However, these have nothing to do with Fengzhi.

Along the passage that the disciple of the colorful city let out, Feng to several people left the colorful city in full view of the public.

Out of the colorful city, Phoenix to see to Xiao Xu: "master, you look to find a suitable place to talk, we can also have a good talk."

Xiao Xu nodded.

Then, with a wave of his long sleeve, he rolled up the Phoenix to several people, turned into a streamer and fled to the distance. Finally, he stopped in a secluded valley.

"There is no one else within a thousand miles to talk to." Xiao Xudao.

Feng Zhifeng nodded.

Later, Fengming asked the question again: "Fengzhi, you haven't said, what kind of price do you have to pay for borrowing such power before?"

Others also looked at Xiang Feng.

Feng Zhi took a deep breath and gave a bitter smile The price is high. "

The reason why Fengzhi was able to play the power equivalent to the emperor of heaven was that she had accepted the inheritance of fengmiao. Fengmiao was the leader of that generation of fengmiao. As the inheritor of fengmiao, Fengzhi inherited almost all the power of fengmiao at its peak.

However, Fengzhi's body simply can't bear such a powerful force. In addition to absorbing some of the strength that can be absorbed at the beginning, most of the remaining strength is hidden in Fengzhi's body, waiting for her next breakthrough to absorb.

This should be a step-by-step process, at least until Fengzhi breaks through to Xianjun, then it is possible to completely turn that inherited power into its own.

But the previous situation, Xiao Xu simply can't take a hand to deal with the Caixia fairy, and there is no one on his side who can match the strength of Caixia fairy. There is no way, Fengzhi can only be tough.

In addition, seeing Long Yan being teased by the colorful fairies, the anger in his heart directly inspired the power of Feng Zhi in the depths of his body, so that Fengzhi could play the power of the emperor for a short time.

However, compared with Fengzhi's strength now, that kind of power is too strong to bear.


Feng Zhi spread out his hand to the crowd: "now my muscles and veins are broken by 70% or 70%. Even if there are those that are not broken, they are all falling, and they may break at any time. Not only that, the elixir field has also been greatly damaged, and even the immortal babies have been hurt a lot..."

The crowd took a breath.

It can be said that the most important tendons, Elixir fields and Xianying were seriously injured when they arrived at Fengzhi.

If these places are seriously damaged, they are very likely to be damaged.

"Well..." Feng came and opened her mouth.

Feng Zhi knew what he wanted to ask, and gently shook his head: "it's not so serious. As long as you take good care of it, you can do it, but..."

Conservatively, it will take at least a hundred years to recuperate, and a lot of natural materials and local treasures are needed during this period.

What's more, during the past 100 years, Fengzhi can't use force easily, and can't be promoted in strength.

A hundred years' time may be just a time for other immortals to close down, but since Feng's cultivation, no realm has ever been able to trap her for more than a hundred years.

Therefore, this injury is really dragging Phoenix to the hind legs.

At such a thought, everyone could not help but sigh.

After finishing her own situation, Feng Zhi looked at Long Yan and said, "Long Yan, you've been impulsive in your actions. If you've stimulated the power in your body before, I won't be the only one who has suffered such a heavy blow..."

Like Fengzhi, Longyan is also the inheritor of longzu.

When Feng Zhi inspired Yu fengmiao's power before, Long Yan also wanted to stand with Feng Zhi. If he had not been persuaded by Feng Zhi, he would have been seriously injured now, let alone Long Yan himself.Long Yan shook his head gently.

In fact, he is not feeling very well now.

As a husband, when facing danger, he not only did not protect Feng Zhi behind him, but also asked Feng Zhi to protect him. This frustrated Long Yan.

Feng Zhi of course can see what Longyan is thinking. She shook his hand and said, "Long Yan, don't think about it. If you hadn't protected me before, I would have never known what it would have been like under the fox spirit."

Long Yan pursed his lips.

Feng to the pace is too fast, fast he can only follow her step.


Maybe this is better. There is a person walking side by side with him from the beginning to the end. Why is this not a good thing?

In this way, Long Yan was comforted by Feng Zhi.

In fact, it is not only Fengzhi who has suffered such a serious injury, but also Long Yan's injury is not light. Not to mention that the bones of his legs were broken by himself. It only takes a long time for the Caixia fairy to greet him.


Fengzhi and Longyan need to recuperate together this time.

Several other people thought of the injuries that Fengzhi and Longyan had suffered this time, and they were somewhat depressed because they had not helped from the beginning to the end of the matter. For a moment, the atmosphere became dignified.

Later, Xiao Xu broke the silence.

"Well, take a look at you one by one. If other people look at it, they will think that Fengzhi and Longyan have suffered some kind of life-threatening injury!" Xiao Xu was a little funny. "It's just that I have something good for their injuries. It's cheap for you."

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