Hearing this, Feng couldn't help but look at Xiao Xu.

"Master Xiao, if you don't speak, I haven't thought of it yet. It's normal for you to leave the cleft sky gorge with me and give me some rent. I won't be grateful to you just because you want to give me something and Long Yan!" Feng Zhi Dao.

Fengming listened to some curiosity.

"Rent?" Feng Ming said, "what kind of rent?"

"Rent my body, of course!" Fengzhi is right.

"Cough, cough..."

Xiao Xu could not have thought that Fengzhi would say this, immediately sent out a series of coughs, and then looked at Feng Zhi with tears and laughter: "Fengzhi, can you change your view? If you let the uninformed people listen, you may think that there is something unclear between us."

Long Yan looked at Xiao Xu at this time, "no, you don't have a chance."

Xiao Xu

He now understood what it was like for others to see how they were getting along when he and Caixia fairies got along so well.

Can you fill your mouth with dog food when you're caught off guard?

However, Xiao Xu felt that he was also a generous elder. He could not care about these details with his younger generation. Although he was flustered in his heart, he pretended to be magnanimous and waved his hand, "good, good, I don't care about it with you. All these are what I should do, right?"

I don't know if Fengzhi and Longyan are brave enough to say that they are brave.

Feng to but not polite nodded: "this should be so."

Xiao Xu rolled his eyes.

However, Xiao Xu is very grateful to Feng Zhi.

First of all, Fengzhi's choice in the dreamland satisfied Xiao Xu's obsession for tens of thousands of years, which made Xiao Xu's state of mind to a higher level, and his strength also improved.

If not, Xiao Xu could not get rid of the shackles of the soul land.

Moreover, Xiao Xu was able to leave the cleft sky gorge where he had stayed for tens of thousands of years by relying on Fengzhi. If there was no Fengzhi, he would not know how many thousands of years he would continue to stay in the valley.

Only this is enough for Xiao Xu to appreciate Fengzhi, not to mention taking out some of his own collection to Fengzhi, but also taking out more things.

The most important thing is

After that, Xiao Xu must continue to follow Feng to her side!

Strange to say, after Fengzhi satisfied Xiao Xu's obsession, Xiao Xu was able to break away from the shackles of the soul cultivation place in the Shatian gorge, and successfully left the cleft sky gorge with Fengzhi's knowledge of the sea.

But it's easier to get in than out.

Later, Xiao xucai found that although he could get out of the sea of knowledge of Fengzhi, he could not stay away from Fengzhi and could only keep his freedom within a certain range around Fengzhi.

That's what's going on.

Isn't that to say, Xiao Xu has to follow Feng to go?

If you want to be a powerful emperor, you don't even have real freedom. You can only follow Feng to go. It's really sad.

However, it is much better than the solitude that he had been alone for tens of thousands of years in the rift valley, so Xiao Xu can't be dissatisfied.

Knowing this, Feng Zhi couldn't help laughing.

"That is to say, I have an extra grandfather with me?" Feng Zhi Dao.

Think about the time on earth, the creation of the online novel with the flow of the master, the protagonist in the novel, is not it after getting a ring with an old man inside, that he is going straight up all the way?

Xiao Xu's present situation is quite similar to that grandfather.

Hearing Feng Zhi say so, Xiao Xu rolled his eyes again.

He felt that his dignity as a powerful ruler was not left in Fengzhi.

Others are also happy that Xiao Xu will travel with himself and others in the future. After all, there is such a strong emperor. Unless they meet an emperor, they really don't have to worry about safety.

Only Long Yan is not happy at all. He frowns at Xiao Xu, and he can't wait to drive Xiao Xu far away.

Then, Long Yan turned his head and looked at Feng Zhi, even with some grievances in his eyes Feng Zhi, I don't like the multiple light bulbs between us. "

It's a light bulb.

Even if he doesn't exist in the sea, he doesn't exist?

Xiao Xu was enraged by his speech.

Has he been detested?

Obviously, yes.

Fengzhi then went to Longyan and leaned on it: "it doesn't matter. Master Xiao Xu can't be aware of it any more. He certainly won't see what he shouldn't see, and he shouldn't listen to it."

He also looked at Xiao Xu.

Xiao Xu rolled his eyes again.

He is not interested in seeing what Fengzhi and Longyan have done. He doesn't want to be stuffed with dog food all the time, OK?Xiao Xu's going to go with him was settled in this way.

With the emperor of heaven and the strong, just listen to feel very with the feeling, Fenglai several people feel quite strange.

Well, maybe only xianbao'er is not new. As long as she went out, she was surrounded by Xianhe and Chu Xuanji. Naturally, she would not be new because of Xiao Xu.

When the people were chatting like this, Xiao Xu suddenly had a look.

When he got along with Fengzhi and others, Xiao Xu had a good temper. He didn't have a strong emperor at all. But when he lowered his face, everyone could feel the pressure of the strong, and everyone even felt out of breath.

Seeing that Xiao Xu is so abnormal, Feng Zhi and Long Yan look at each other. Both of them release their own divine consciousness, but they don't feel anything.

Feng Zhi thinks about it and reaches out to Longyan.

Long Yan will come over and put Feng Zhi's bag in his palm.

This is a new skill discovered by Fengzhi. At first, when they held a sacrifice in the phoenix nest, Fengzhi and Longyan caused a rare vision of dragon and Phoenix showing auspiciousness. After that, Fengzhi and Longyan not only had a tacit understanding, but also reached a higher level. When they joined hands, their strength was much stronger.

For example, if you can't combine two dragons, you can't find out what you can do with one hand.

Fengzhi's divine consciousness was very strong. Now, with the addition of Longyan's, Fengzhi's divine consciousness immediately spread around and fed back to Fengzhi all the details around him.

Then, Feng couldn't help wringing her eyebrows.

I can't feel anything around her.

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