
This feeling of being peeped at, Feng to always feel very familiar.


Inexplicably, the name flashed out again in Feng Zhi's brain.

Since seeing Si Hao in sheyue Zong, Fengzhi always presses some strange things happened around her on Si Hao's head. It's really strange, but it's a person who doesn't officially see him, but he can leave such a deep impression in Fengzhi's heart.

However, think of the original in shooting month Zong time, by Si Hao secretly peep at the situation, and now really quite similar.

So, is it?

Feng to the eyes flashed some thinking.

At this time, the calm face of Xiao Xu suddenly opened his mouth and said, "come out."

Sure enough, someone!

Feng to the eyes also followed a coagulation.

It can be imagined that the strength of the people who spy on them in the dark must be not low. Fengzhi and others will forget it. Xiao Xu is the best among the heavenly kings. Previously, he was extremely sure that there were no other people around them for thousands of miles, but now there is a new one who is spying on them secretly.

Is this not to say that, to some extent, that person can escape Xiao Xu's exploration?

It's not easy.

Is the man himself not weaker than Xiao Xu's strength, or is there something in his hand that can escape the exploration of a strong man like Xiao Xu?

Feng Zhi is not sure.

But when Feng Zhi thought like this, there was no movement around him. If it was not for confirming Xiao Xu's strength, it was impossible to admit his mistake. Fengzhi several people would think that this was just Xiao Xu's imagination.

After waiting for a long time, there was no response from the man in the dark. Xiao Xu sneered and his sword flashed in his hand If you have to hide it, don't blame Xiao for being rude... "

After that, Xiao Xu wanted to stab in a certain direction.

At this time, there was a sudden wave in the direction pointed by Xiao Xu's sword tip. The air there was like a lake, with layers of ripples. As a figure gradually appeared, a voice also reached the ears of Fengzhi and others.

"Don't move your hands, don't do it, I don't mean it..."

With this voice, people also saw the man who suddenly appeared.

I'm still an acquaintance.


Feng Zhiwei squints at Si Hao's face, which is really said to be Cao Cao. She felt that this feeling of being peeped at was very similar to that of Si Hao who peeped at them secretly last time. This is how Sihao saw.

If Si Hao's words, everything will make sense.

Si Haonai is the only son of the southern emperor. Although his talent is nothing, as the son of the emperor, it is not surprising that he has some special treasures in his hand. Even if he can temporarily avoid Xiao Xu's exploration, it is not impossible.


Feng to slightly twist eyebrows.

She always felt as if there was something else she hadn't thought of.

Xiao Xu also knows Si Hao. After all, Si Hao's identity is too special, and his name of waste materials is really very loud. Xiao Xu was also the most outstanding group among the heavenly kings. It is normal for him to go to Yinshen island and meet the southern emperor and Si Hao.

"It's you..." Xiao Xu narrowed her eyes.

Si Hao saluted Xiao Xu with his fist clasping: "elder Xiao, long time no see."

Only such a sentence, will Xiao Xu's attention to shift away.

It's been a long time, tens of thousands of years.

After greeting Xiao Xu, Si Hao turns to Feng Zhi.

However, also at this time, Long Yan goes directly to Feng Zhi's heel a station, will Si Hao's eyes separate.

Si Hao raised his lips at the sight of the situation. It was obviously just an ordinary action, but because of his evil temperament, it always seemed that people felt evil and evil.

The bad things on Long Yan's face became more and more obvious.

By Long Yan with this look at love enemy's eyes, Si Hao can't help but pick pick eyebrows.

He doesn't pay any attention to Longyan at all. He stands on tiptoe and looks at Fengzhi, who is blocked by Longyan Feng Zhi, let's meet again. "

The tone is very familiar, as if he and Feng have known each other for a long time.

Feng to still slightly squint eyes.

She and Si Hao only once had a face-to-face, although it was said that she had a face-to-face, but in fact, even the face has not been officially seen, and because of this, she should have been unfamiliar with Si Hao.

But now

From the appearance of Si Hao, Feng has been carefully observing every move of Si Hao.

She always feels that there is something she is very familiar with on Si Hao's body, as if this is a person she is very familiar with.

In order to make sure that this is not his illusion, Feng Zhi looks at Longyan and some people from Fenglai and asks, "do you think this person is very familiar?"Several other people did not have such a feeling, but listen to Feng Zhi said, they look at Si Hao again, they always feel familiar, not Si Hao looks like who they know, but a very mysterious feeling.

Feng Ming wrung her eyebrows and looked at Si Hao. After a long time, she said, "I'm sorry Have we met before? "

Although asked this question, Fengming has a negative answer in her heart.

Like Si Hao, such a person with very distinctive personal characteristics, if he has seen it before, he can never forget it. How can he leave a very deep impression.

After listening to Fengming, Si Hao neither affirmed nor denied, but winked at Fengming: "you guess?"

Feng Ming couldn't help shivering.

This si Hao's appearance originally some monstrous, when he blinks at Fengming like this, with his beautiful face, always makes people feel a little ambiguous.

Feng Ming immediately yelled open: "you can't wink at me, young master, I already have a person like, and still a woman!"

This word says suddenly, direct call Si Hao all can't help but Leng a Leng.

Then, realizing the meaning of Fengming's words, Si Hao couldn't help but blacken his face.

He thought that Feng Zhi's reaction would be unexpected, but now it seems that people like Fengming can't guess what kind of shocking words he will have.

See Si Hao that pair by thunder split general appearance, Feng to also can't help but smile.

Immediately, she will be about Si Hao's speculation to one side, as long as this person does not hinder them, Feng Zhi actually has no much interest in him.

As for Si Hao's faint sense of familiarity

Feng Zhi felt that she would have a chance to find out.

Xiao Xu then looked at Si Hao and said, "Si Hao, what do you mean by following us?"

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