Si Hao smell speech to the Phoenix to blink eyes, "because I think you are very interesting."

His temperament and this kind of lovely action does not match at all, but the combination does not seem to give people a sudden feeling.

But looking at Si Hao like this, Feng Zhi only feels that kind of familiar feeling is even more.

Now Feng Zhi can be sure that she must have contacted this si Hao. As for why she can't remember when she contacted him, she thought it was because when she contacted them, she didn't use her present identity.


Who is it?

It is at this time, Si Hao to Feng to this side of the smile, while laughing, his right thumb and index finger also gently rub rub.

Phoenix to the eyes of a coagulation.

Now she finally knows who the Secretary Hao is.

Bite teeth, Feng to spit out two words: "ancient style!"

The reason why there is such a conclusion is that Phoenix has discovered the ancient style and has such small movements.

If it's just such a little habit, Fengzhi can't be sure that Si Hao is ancient style, but Si Hao makes her feel familiar with it. With this little habit, it's not strange to guess.

Fengzhi's eyes immediately appeared after the death of the ancient wind.

At that time, Fengzhi had already guessed that the ancient style might be just a puppet, but unexpectedly, he was the puppet of Si Hao.

In this way

That in front of this si Hao, absolutely not as simple as his performance outside.

Everyone in the fairyland knows that Si Hao, the only son of Nantian, the southern emperor, is a waste material that has not been the father's wind for a long time. As the son of the emperor, he is just a big Luo Jinxian after practicing for so many years. He can't even walk through the road of Xianjun. It's true that he is a waste material.

But now, Fengzhi finds that Sihao has the ability to make a puppet that is completely similar to a real person.

You know, if you want to make this kind of puppet, there are strict conditions. What's more, you need to separate your divine consciousness and put it into a suitable body. You even need to input some of your own immortal Qi. In this way, the puppet can have the effect of being fake and confusing the real.

But it can't be done.

So, Si Hao, he has been playing pig eating tiger?

He's hiding deep enough.

Feng Zhiwei narrowed her eyes.

The other people were very surprised to hear Fengzhi say the word "ancient style". When they realized the meaning of Fengzhi, they all looked at Si Hao in unison.

As for Si Hao himself, he was quite surprised to raise his eyebrows, a face of inexplicable and innocent: "Fengzhi, what are you talking about, what ancient style, how can I not understand?"

Feng Zhi looks up and down Si Hao. If he is not confident in his own judgment, he will never be associated with the ancient style if he only looks at his expression.

But now that Feng Zhi has seen the essence through the appearance, of course he won't be confused by him because of his innocent appearance.

Feng to Si Hao a "ha ha", and then said: "OK, your vest has dropped, you don't have to go down."

Lost your vest?

Si Hao's face is confused.

However, although he could not understand the words "the vest has been lost", Si Hao still understood the general meaning of Fengzhi. Only by looking at Fengzhi's determined appearance, he knew that he was afraid that he could not fool Fengzhi any more.

So, Si Hao tiny a meal, he will face all the innocent count under, looked at Feng for a good while, just like sigh, like doubt way: "you How was it discovered? "

In fact, Si Hao really wants to know how Feng Zhi knows his vest.

You know, Si Hao has been camouflaged for too long, and his disguise is indeed very successful. He has cheated almost everyone in the past. Even the person closest to him has not found any clue for tens of thousands of years.

In such a case, and he only saw two sides of the Phoenix to, but so easy to recognize him, let Si Hao how can not feel confused?

Feng to smell speech to raise eyebrows, "so, you this is to admit?"

Speaking of later, Feng to have some gnashing teeth.

What's wrong with this man? His party would not have any intersection with him. However, he approached them intentionally by virtue of the ancient style, and then tried his best to lead them to the crack sky canyon. To be honest, he just wanted to see what kind of choice Fengzhi would make in Xiaoxu. Fengzhi didn't believe it.

But beyond that

There seems to be no other explanation.

It can only be said that whether it is ancient style or Si Hao, it is a snake essence disease.

Since have been recognized, Si Hao of course did not have to hide the need to go down, so very simply nodded to admit: "yes, the ancient style is also me."

Think of with the identity of the ancient style with the Phoenix in the middle of those years of experience, Si Hao's eyes even flash a few joy.Feng to face a sink, "since this is the case, then we have nothing to say, are you smart to leave yourself, or we have another fight?"

Even if Feng's situation is not so good, she said this without hesitation.

Not only Fengzhi, but also Long Yan stood by Feng Zhi's side with a supportive attitude. Several people from Fenglai also took precautions. Seeing what they looked like, as long as Fengzhi gave an order, he would not hesitate to attack Si Hao.

This should be the original Feng to that sentence, regardless of his father is who, beat again.

As for whether you can beat

Isn't Xiao Xu still here?

If Xiao Xu knew that Feng had been calculating him here, he would not have jumped.

Si Hao saw Feng to several people's reaction, on the face showed a look at again joyful smile, he was about to say something, words to the mouth but suddenly a meal, and then the expression also became ugly.

After pressing down what he wanted to say, Si Hao looked at Feng Zhi and his party again and said, "a few friends, I have something to do today, so I won't tell you more. We will have a chance to see you again in the future, so we'll see you later..."

After saying that, Si Hao's body shape slightly shakes, then disappears from the Phoenix to several people's eyes.

Until Si Hao left, xianbao'er said, "well, in this case, Si Hao's strength is not only the big Luo Jinxian as we all know. He has been playing the role of pig and eating tiger."

Feng Zhi rolled her eyes towards xianbao'er, and she knew it.

Xianbao'er really knows.

Because of her experience on Yinshen Island, xianbao'er has never had a good impression on Si Hao. She used to know that Si Hao was a waste material, and she secretly gloated, but now it seems that she is a little too early to gloat.

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