
Si Hao is more powerful than most people think.

Xianbao'er has such consciousness in her heart, and Feng Zhi's nodding makes her confirm her guess.

However, there are also problems.

In the fairyland with strength as the respect, strength is a good thing for anyone, and it's a matter that needs no cover up. It's too late to show off when someone else changes. How can you hide your strength for thousands of years and even bear the name of "waste material"?

Is Si Hao originally a strange person, or is there any secret in it?

Feng Zhi thought for a while and thought that both of them might be.

Just when xianbao'er knows that Sihao has been playing a pig and eating a tiger these years, Fengzhi finds that Xiao Xu, who has been watching with cold eyes since Si Hao appeared, suddenly changes his face.

Think of the situation before Si Hao suddenly changed his face and left. Feng Zhi also followed him and asked, "master, but what happened?"

Xiao Xu is a strong monarch, but also the best among the emperor, and so on idle people and things will never let him have such a reaction, so, now what is this for?

While thinking like this, Feng Zhi and Long Yan once again clasped hands and used their powerful divine sense after they had increased together to explore the past.

Fengzhi's own strength is in the early days of Da Luo Jinxian. Her divine sense is stronger than her strength to a great level, that is to say, in Xianjun period, there is an increase in Longyan. Although she can't touch the threshold of Tianjun, it is not far behind.

Under such circumstances, Feng Zhiyin could feel that there seemed to be something very powerful, and she quickly swept away at the moment when she released her divine consciousness.

Such a feeling is so weak that Yu Fengzhi doubts whether it is just his own illusion.

However, Xiao Xu's serious expression let Feng know that this is not her illusion.

So, what is the powerful existence in the end, and does the departure of Si Hao have anything to do with it?

Feng Zhi only felt that she was a question mark.

At the same time, in order not to let such a strong person be infuriated by his own exploration, Feng Zhi collected the divine consciousness as quickly as possible.

She is very clear about her position. Only by her previous feeling, Fengzhi knows that the strength of the strong one is absolutely not what she can provoke at this stage, even if she can borrow the power left by Feng Miao again.


Looking at Xiao Xu's dignified appearance, Feng Zhi even doubted that the powerful existence might be a stronger one at a higher level than Xiao Xu.

Xiao Xu is already the emperor of heaven. He is even higher than the emperor. Naturally, there is only emperor.

Feng Zhi is not sure.

If the emperor is strong, it will not appear in front of the people if it is not for the great events related to the survival of the fairyland. To a certain extent, the powerful emperor has become the spiritual symbol of the fairyland immortals.

Under such circumstances, how can the emperor appear here?

However, when thinking about the emperor who suddenly appeared to take Mingruo away when he and his party were at war with Mingruo, Fengzhi thought that maybe the emperor was not so cold, nor was he always living in seclusion as many immortals thought.

Think again, Si Hao is still the son of the southern Emperor

Is it possible that the powerful existence is the southern emperor?

Feng can't help but look at Xiao Xu.

Xiao Xu at this time also gradually put away the dignified on the surface, presumably because the strong man had already been far away. Seeing what Feng Zhi wanted to ask, Xiao Xu nodded and pointed to the south.

Feng couldn't help but take a breath.

What a southern emperor!

As soon as the South emperor appeared, Si Hao left ahead of time as he smelled the smell. How could the father and son be like a cat catching a mouse? It's really hard for people to know what to say.

Who can know that even the South emperor, who is so cold in their eyes, will have such a time?

Xiao Xu also breathed a sigh.

There was silence for a long time, until he was sure that the southern emperor had really left, he said quietly: "in fact, this si Hao is also a person with a story..."

Feng Zhi looks at Xiao Xu obliquely.

How can you say that you are also a strong ruler? How can you be so gossipy?

Seeing the meaning in Feng Zhi's eyes, Xiao Xu rolled his eyes. You know, he lived alone in the cleft sky gorge for tens of thousands of years. In those tens of thousands of years, Xiao Xu had no one to talk to. If it had not been for Fengzhi's later arrival in the Rift Valley, Xiao Xu would have doubted whether he would have spoken.

Think about it, how much should we have accumulated for tens of thousands of years?

Xiao Xu just wants to gossip now. It's quite normal, isn't it?

In fact, Fengzhi is also a little bit curious about Si Hao's affairs. From his previous style of work, he must try his best to see what kind of choice Fengzhi will make at a time when life and death are at stake, and it is likely that he is stimulated.What kind of stimulation?

Fengzhi is actually very fond of seeing and hearing.

Therefore, seeing Xiao Xu obviously wanted to say eight trigrams at this time, Feng Zhi was extremely cooperative and said, "Oh? What story? "

Xiao Xuyi's expression of "children can be taught" is obviously very satisfied with Feng Zhi's support. Then he also talked about what he knew about Si Hao.

Perhaps, it can not be said that it is the matter of Si Hao, but between Si Hao and the southern emperor.

Emperor, for the vast majority of people in the fairyland, this is a word that will be revered only after listening to it. Even if the immortal has a very long life, most of the immortal will not have any intersection with the emperor in his life.

Under such circumstances, the eight trigrams about the emperor would not be widely known.

Xiao Xu was a powerful emperor. He had lived in the southern part of the fairyland for a long time. By chance, he had several relationships with the southern emperor. It was not wrong to say that some of his friendship was wrong. Therefore, he would know something about the southern emperor and his only son.

As has been said before, the more powerful the immortal, the more difficult it is to have offspring, because their powerful power will be passed on to their offspring to a certain extent. When the mother does not have the strength to match it and can not provide enough nutrients for the growth of the immortal fetus, it does not have to wait until the child is born. Either it is stillborn, or the mother will be absorbed by the immortal fetus, and then neither the mother nor the child can live Come down.

Because of this, most of the powerful Fairies in the fairyland have few children. They are xianhelai and Chu Xuanji. In order to get a child like xianbao'er, they have to pay a great price, not to mention that even if xianbao'er is born, they have to deal with the catastrophe of life and death.

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